How to Upload a game?

Get Bent

Aug 17, 2017
I've been screwing around with twine for a while and reteaching myself HTML and CSS coding. Anyway I wanna post what I've put together so far. I've been rummaging through forums and I'm aware I need at least 3 of the approved download links, how the post should look when uploaded and a bunch of stuff on tags (most of which i found redundant and pointless). With all the reading I've done I have not seen an actual way to create a post/thread of the game I'm making. If someone actually knows why there aren't explicit instructions on how to upload or create I would appreciate that information as well. But I really would like to share what I have so far and maybe get some feedback. Anyway thanks.

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
The first thing you'll need to do is compress the game into a single file (zip & rar are the most common)
is where you can get WinRAR.
Then, on most upload sites, you should see an upload button quite prominent on the first page (some sites require you to register first, but this is pretty straight forward)
Once you have the links, you can create your game page using the templates you've already looked at.