I played Preview2 for a while and figured out some more things.
Game keeps loading more and more resources as you run over map but it does not free any memory. So it takes all RAM, then it keeps taking Swap space. Game does not get any slower which it would if it actually used memory data moved to swap. When you play the game long enough (hour+), it takes entire swap partition and renders computer unresponsive. I know that I could set up unlimited swap file instead so the game could eat disk space much longer but that would just mask cases like this that are obviously wrong.
Sex spot silhouettes now change color tone based on viewing angle related to sun. Unfortunately it makes them almost invisible transparent when not looking in sun, harder to find.
Fast travel home by game reload when in water does not work anymore, you get spawned on nearest shore. You have to run home across long stretch of the map. Not fun.
The bug with reloading game to get upstairs or on roofs doesn't work anymore.
New grass appears a bit dry and less dense to me. Sun and light effects looks definitely better.
Rifle aiming zoom is almost none. It makes sense, that rifle has no optics. But you can't use that as binoculars to examine prey before you decide to catch it.
The only use for inventory I found is that you can decorate prey and yourself by piercing or by Admiral Rock's hat. I haven't found any use for other things I found in chests: dye, bottle, totems. Will see later. So far I found 5 chests, one with bear totem is on the top of the highest mountain. It's almost impossible to get up there with jumps not working on slope.
...and just my opinion, I believe that Sterling's firearm riddle is wrong. That kind of misfire happened to me around 10x so far, (just once in 500 rounds on average). There was a firing pin hit mark on the primer but it didn't fire. It never rendered round unusable. Every single time the round fired when loaded and primer got hit by pin again.
So far I've never got a round that would not fire at all. But I don't buy really cheapo ammo and I'm not that much experienced shooter with just ~5000 rounds fired.