I like the idea of spontaneous orgasms. Running down the hallway while spraying the ground infront of you.
Next update I'll put something up. Putting up a patreon with a v0.1 feels a little lame.
Here's a quick mockup:
View attachment 2784199
I really need to keep the body shape as close as possible or else I'd need to redo a lot of the animations.
Don't actually have a name for either of the characters yet. To me they're just 'alien' and 'robot'.
Yeah, I could probably add third person, something like an over the shoulder view.
Damn, you're absolutley right, it IS a lot like shodan, I didnt even notice that. Even the little portait that pops up is like her.
Did it really T-pos? That's worrying, I haven't noticed that happen and idk why it did.
Yeah, I should probably add something like a struggle mechanic. At this point I'm kinda scared to touch the 'grab' code much again, it's a whole mess of making sure animations line up perfectly and dont get desynced. But I'll keep it in mind.
The game started out as having randomized levels, the code it still there to execute a procedural generation instead of a fixed one. I just got worried that I wouldn't be able to stop the generation from building unfun or unfair layouts, it'd also be easier to impliment a map later on.
Uh, sounds interesting, especially for some kind of fleshlight thing.
Haha, thanks, getting the cum to look right was something that's important to me, I think it could still use some work. I've been looking at HowlSFM's animations and trying to get something like that.
That's a good idea. I could put in an anal scene that way.
yeah sorry, I'll add a brightness setting next update and see if that fixes it for people.
I'm not sure how I'd do swappable anatomy. If there were different penis types, for example, I'd either have to have a visible seam where it connects to the rest of the body, or have a whole new model for each customisation.
Yeah, that's a mistake on my end. What you describe ("edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it) is exactly how it should function, but I kinda forgot. I'll just remove the charge drain completely, no need for it really.
No plans for platforming.
Urgh, yeah, I didnt like unity's default AI movement so I made my own but it's all kinds of janky. I thought I put in enough Time.DeltaTime so it's not tied to the framerate but I guess not.
About the beds, yeah, it's a problem of trying to keep it optimised and not having too many complex hitboxes, but on the other hand, ofcourse, players are going to want to ejaculate on things and see the cum fall on it accurately.
Ah, sorry to disappoint, but for now it's just gonna be the robot (I'm dumb and models are hard to make).
Yes, after a lot of feedback, I've been looking into customisation options. The main thing I'd want to add is multiple outfits which shouldn't be too hard. And yeah, you should be able to unlock them by spending the points you earn in the level.