Apr 2, 2021
Looks cool. Any plan for RPG stuff like leveling up your dong, balls, capacity and cum amount or power ups that do the same?


New Member
Oct 24, 2017
really impressive so far! I wish other hentai games had cum mechanics this good, most of them I feel are just blobby and lack the stringy, sticky quality. I also really like the mechanic of jerking off onto things, hoping there are more things for the protagonist to cum on!

a huge bee

May 3, 2022
In a future update there will be vaginal sex.

Will do, sorry, it's hard to tell what's too dark on my PC. Good to hear it runs well.

- Like, a third person camera for when walking? That wouldnt be out of the question.
- I can certainly update the model with more defined nails. Maybe in a later update I can add clothing options. Glad you like her look!
- The problem with that right now is that in scenes where you can't see her face, it's not animated. Forcing first-person POV is, at the moment, a time-saving technique. But I could see about adding that later.
- I wouldnt know how to go about it and it seems like a lot of extra work to make sure all the controls work with a phone touchscreen. If I do make an android version it'll be later when the game is more complete.

Thanks for the compliments!

Well, there's going to be 6 areas in total and as each area is unlocked, the robot will change the sex scene that she performs. I'm thinking cock milking (the one that's already in), handjob, thighjob, blowjob, cowgirl. There will also be additional traps, I wouldnt mind suggestions for those.

Yeah, I'm not really sure how to contextualise it all cause it's all kinda stupid. Basically she wants to fill up the tanks in the station and then escape because...? But if she's caught by a trap too many times, or by the robot once, then they wont let her leave.

How do you feel about a male character with the same body shape, like with the huge ass? It'd be doable if I dont have to change the body shape much.

I don't know what to make of that...
what about some sex stuff involving the robot getting caught in the trap and having a short window of time to have your fun with them? or adding other objects or smaller enemies the try to suck you off? and if there is going to be a version with both sex's then will the male version get to use ALL of his members ;) rather than just the tentacles like a face fuck or anal kinda thing? also a short stack with a fat ass with or without a dick is an automatic win, everyone or at least a huge majority loves short stacks and the game so far runs really well and the movement/ shading is really good and i cant wait to see where this game goes
Last edited:


Jan 3, 2019
Its a bit *too* dark tho, ngl. My screen & gamma settings doesnt help me either im sure, but still.


Dec 13, 2019
Definitely need settings for graphics, like fullscreen vs. (borderless) windowed, brightness/gamma and resolution settings.

Other than that, nice game and interesting ideas already. Maybe add something when you are near a control panel whether you would hit it through masturbation. First time I ran into the trap trying to get closer, second time I just inched closer and closer with each orgasm, trying to figure out how close I have to be to disable a trap.

Lots of potential, keep going!


Super Moderator
Aug 15, 2017
This is actually pretty neat.
I like the "simplistic" art and colorfull details on character (where is counts) Gameplays also rather simplistic but ti does what it should well.

Customisation could be neat, swappable penises for example. Maybe changing colors of the character? cum?? haha.

Man i hope we get to f this bot soon. Dat butt needs it.


Mar 15, 2018
So this is what lies after eclipse 8, mithrix is really into some weird(and fucking hot) things.

God what a beautiful V0.1 super rare for unity type games to be REALLY GOOD at this stage of development. great controls, simple gameplay and good lord the scenes are just *chef's kiss*.

after skimming the replies here, i think the best thing to focus on is to finish those extra rooms and getting some extra obstacles in and more scenes per room of course, we don't want a yandev situation on this almost god-tier game.

My feedbacks for this:
A "struggle" type mechanic might be good, so future enemies/obstacle can be a little bit more menacing and difficult while giving the player more leniency when it comes(heh) to getting the scenes.

The movement speed (and it's upgrades) might need a tiny bit of tweaking because currently without upgrades and with +3 upgrades(my highest) it still feels slightly slow yet youre nigh invulnerable against Mommy octavius.

Masturbation mechanic kind of underwhelming because you can't "edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it (i believe you are supposed to disable it before getting chased. if so, this part is redundant instead :) )

I hope there's no plan for platforming mechanic because usually those become jank and might hinder development.

Some ideas:
A "Red light, Green light" trap mechanic where you can run through a trapped section when its "green light" but if it turns red you get caught.

An enemy that does not squeeze you right then and there, but carrying you to a room to "bed" (dead by daylight gameplay loop. compliments my struggle mechanic feedback).

Lockpick type puzzle for the big door (like the elder scrolls oblivion one, not the skyrim/fallout one)

ravioli trueno

New Member
Mar 15, 2020
Well done for the Proof Of Concept this V.1 provide, covering specific fetish ngl. I can't wait to see more ;)

As for optimization and refresh rate, I found out that the higher your frame rate is, the lower the speed of the guardian wandering and poursuit is (only this part seem to be affected to refresh rate, not animation and player speed).
As some examples, forcing to 30fps, even with all boosters and running you can still get outrun by the guardian.
at 60fps, you have to run to flee, over 90fps walking is faster than the guardian when followed.
Also another bug I found out, using "F" close to a wall will allow you to see trough... nice wallhack lol, some hitbox seem very simplified too (second area walls and beds specialy).

Neverless, the implementation feel great, graphism are enough to be playable and don't need polish for the moment, I'm hoping there won't be only one ennemy, or it being able to use some sort of mechanic to be able to get closer from the player when other area will be implemented. The fear I have is space being empty and the game rely on the player saboting traps to "make" the guardian move to it position.


New Member
Jan 8, 2022
In a future update there will be vaginal sex.

Will do, sorry, it's hard to tell what's too dark on my PC. Good to hear it runs well.

- Like, a third person camera for when walking? That wouldnt be out of the question.
- I can certainly update the model with more defined nails. Maybe in a later update I can add clothing options. Glad you like her look!
- The problem with that right now is that in scenes where you can't see her face, it's not animated. Forcing first-person POV is, at the moment, a time-saving technique. But I could see about adding that later.
- I wouldnt know how to go about it and it seems like a lot of extra work to make sure all the controls work with a phone touchscreen. If I do make an android version it'll be later when the game is more complete.

Thanks for the compliments!

Well, there's going to be 6 areas in total and as each area is unlocked, the robot will change the sex scene that she performs. I'm thinking cock milking (the one that's already in), handjob, thighjob, blowjob, cowgirl. There will also be additional traps, I wouldnt mind suggestions for those.

Yeah, I'm not really sure how to contextualise it all cause it's all kinda stupid. Basically she wants to fill up the tanks in the station and then escape because...? But if she's caught by a trap too many times, or by the robot once, then they wont let her leave.

How do you feel about a male character with the same body shape, like with the huge ass? It'd be doable if I dont have to change the body shape much.

I don't know what to make of that...
Customisation would be excellent! Perhaps spending seed on outfits that alter gameplay, or as a reward when you max a trait?


Game Developer
Feb 21, 2020
Or maybe adding automatic orgasm meter build-up causing spontaneous orgasms (As one of many conditions that traps can give the player to handicap them)?
I like the idea of spontaneous orgasms. Running down the hallway while spraying the ground infront of you.

Oh and one more thing, i didn't notice any link to a Patreon or Subscribestar or anything,are you adding that later, or... ? I kinda wanna support your work. :3
Next update I'll put something up. Putting up a patreon with a v0.1 feels a little lame.

How huge an ass we talking?
Haven't seen how huge the current one is to get an idea on how to answer that question.
Here's a quick mockup:
I really need to keep the body shape as close as possible or else I'd need to redo a lot of the animations.

I wanted to share some screenshots I took. I just love this character. Which speaking of, whats her name? owo
Don't actually have a name for either of the characters yet. To me they're just 'alien' and 'robot'.

Looks promising. Waiting for the next year I assume. Note, I'd find it cooler if it was 3rd person in general (so you can maybe add customization) so that the player can view the player character. Maybe the upgrade you do changes the character visually too? And when jerking off the game switches to first person with some help on where the jizz will hit. Idk, wasn't simple getting a feeling where it lands or how close I need to stand.
Yeah, I could probably add third person, something like an over the shoulder view.

PS.: SHODAN meets Doc Ock, showed her dominance on me with the legendary T-Pose. I couldn't resist but run towards her.
Damn, you're absolutley right, it IS a lot like shodan, I didnt even notice that. Even the little portait that pops up is like her.

Did it really T-pos? That's worrying, I haven't noticed that happen and idk why it did.

Cool idea and good potential, I also like the unique models instead of something more generic.
In terms of gameplay, I think in these types of games it's better when it is difficult to avoid getting caught, but you don't insta-lose the game when you do. So it would be common to get caught, but you can escape from or resist a grab with a minigame and maybe stun the enemy briefly and lose some health. But I don't know if many people see that differently perhaps because many games seem to do the insta-lose. In that case most of the gameplay actually has no erotic content and the mechanics have to be balanced to be fairly easy so you don't lose all your progress all the time. If you can get grabbed multiple times in a playthrough the enemies can be faster and more difficult and the balancing can be adjusted more precisely with the damage values for example. It's more common to see the erotic content without having to throw yourself at enemies intentionally, in addition there can be a healing mechanic and others. Even when playing perfectly there will be some unavoidable enemy interaction.
I also like the idea of multiple playthroughs, but in that case I think a game like this would benefit from randomization of the level layout.
Yeah, I should probably add something like a struggle mechanic. At this point I'm kinda scared to touch the 'grab' code much again, it's a whole mess of making sure animations line up perfectly and dont get desynced. But I'll keep it in mind.

The game started out as having randomized levels, the code it still there to execute a procedural generation instead of a fixed one. I just got worried that I wouldn't be able to stop the generation from building unfun or unfair layouts, it'd also be easier to impliment a map later on.

this would do well with lovense /buttplug.io integration...
Uh, sounds interesting, especially for some kind of fleshlight thing.

really impressive so far! I wish other hentai games had cum mechanics this good, most of them I feel are just blobby and lack the stringy, sticky quality. I also really like the mechanic of jerking off onto things, hoping there are more things for the protagonist to cum on!
Haha, thanks, getting the cum to look right was something that's important to me, I think it could still use some work. I've been looking at HowlSFM's animations and trying to get something like that.

what about some sex stuff involving the robot getting caught in the trap and having a short window of time to have your fun with them?
That's a good idea. I could put in an anal scene that way.

Its a bit *too* dark tho, ngl. My screen & gamma settings doesnt help me either im sure, but still.
yeah sorry, I'll add a brightness setting next update and see if that fixes it for people.

This is actually pretty neat.
I like the "simplistic" art and colorfull details on character (where is counts) Gameplays also rather simplistic but ti does what it should well.

Customisation could be neat, swappable penises for example. Maybe changing colors of the character? cum?? haha.

Man i hope we get to f this bot soon. Dat butt needs it.
I'm not sure how I'd do swappable anatomy. If there were different penis types, for example, I'd either have to have a visible seam where it connects to the rest of the body, or have a whole new model for each customisation.

Masturbation mechanic kind of underwhelming because you can't "edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it (i believe you are supposed to disable it before getting chased. if so, this part is redundant instead :) )

I hope there's no plan for platforming mechanic because usually those become jank and might hinder development.
Yeah, that's a mistake on my end. What you describe ("edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it) is exactly how it should function, but I kinda forgot. I'll just remove the charge drain completely, no need for it really.

No plans for platforming.

Well done for the Proof Of Concept this V.1 provide, covering specific fetish ngl. I can't wait to see more ;)

As for optimization and refresh rate, I found out that the higher your frame rate is, the lower the speed of the guardian wandering and poursuit is (only this part seem to be affected to refresh rate, not animation and player speed).
As some examples, forcing to 30fps, even with all boosters and running you can still get outrun by the guardian.
at 60fps, you have to run to flee, over 90fps walking is faster than the guardian when followed.
Also another bug I found out, using "F" close to a wall will allow you to see trough... nice wallhack lol, some hitbox seem very simplified too (second area walls and beds specialy).

Neverless, the implementation feel great, graphism are enough to be playable and don't need polish for the moment, I'm hoping there won't be only one ennemy, or it being able to use some sort of mechanic to be able to get closer from the player when other area will be implemented. The fear I have is space being empty and the game rely on the player saboting traps to "make" the guardian move to it position.
Urgh, yeah, I didnt like unity's default AI movement so I made my own but it's all kinds of janky. I thought I put in enough Time.DeltaTime so it's not tied to the framerate but I guess not.

About the beds, yeah, it's a problem of trying to keep it optimised and not having too many complex hitboxes, but on the other hand, ofcourse, players are going to want to ejaculate on things and see the cum fall on it accurately.

Ah, sorry to dissapoint, but for now it's just gonna be the robot (I'm dumb and models are hard to make).

Customisation would be excellent! Perhaps spending seed on outfits that alter gameplay, or as a reward when you max a trait?
Yes, after a lot of feedback, I've been looking into customisation options. The main thing I'd want to add is multiple outfits which shouldnt be too hard. And yeah, you should be able to unlock them by spending the points you earn in the level.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2020
I like the idea of spontaneous orgasms. Running down the hallway while spraying the ground infront of you.

Next update I'll put something up. Putting up a patreon with a v0.1 feels a little lame.

Here's a quick mockup:
View attachment 2784199
I really need to keep the body shape as close as possible or else I'd need to redo a lot of the animations.

Don't actually have a name for either of the characters yet. To me they're just 'alien' and 'robot'.

Yeah, I could probably add third person, something like an over the shoulder view.

Damn, you're absolutley right, it IS a lot like shodan, I didnt even notice that. Even the little portait that pops up is like her.

Did it really T-pos? That's worrying, I haven't noticed that happen and idk why it did.

Yeah, I should probably add something like a struggle mechanic. At this point I'm kinda scared to touch the 'grab' code much again, it's a whole mess of making sure animations line up perfectly and dont get desynced. But I'll keep it in mind.

The game started out as having randomized levels, the code it still there to execute a procedural generation instead of a fixed one. I just got worried that I wouldn't be able to stop the generation from building unfun or unfair layouts, it'd also be easier to impliment a map later on.

Uh, sounds interesting, especially for some kind of fleshlight thing.

Haha, thanks, getting the cum to look right was something that's important to me, I think it could still use some work. I've been looking at HowlSFM's animations and trying to get something like that.

That's a good idea. I could put in an anal scene that way.

yeah sorry, I'll add a brightness setting next update and see if that fixes it for people.

I'm not sure how I'd do swappable anatomy. If there were different penis types, for example, I'd either have to have a visible seam where it connects to the rest of the body, or have a whole new model for each customisation.

Yeah, that's a mistake on my end. What you describe ("edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it) is exactly how it should function, but I kinda forgot. I'll just remove the charge drain completely, no need for it really.

No plans for platforming.

Urgh, yeah, I didnt like unity's default AI movement so I made my own but it's all kinds of janky. I thought I put in enough Time.DeltaTime so it's not tied to the framerate but I guess not.

About the beds, yeah, it's a problem of trying to keep it optimised and not having too many complex hitboxes, but on the other hand, ofcourse, players are going to want to ejaculate on things and see the cum fall on it accurately.

Ah, sorry to dissapoint, but for now it's just gonna be the robot (I'm dumb and models are hard to make).

Yes, after a lot of feedback, I've been looking into customisation options. The main thing I'd want to add is multiple outfits which shouldnt be too hard. And yeah, you should be able to unlock them by spending the points you earn in the level.
OHMYGOSH love iiiit! <3

Can't wait to see more customization options like makeup for both genders or nails, maybe some skin/hair colors too?

I'm really excited about this game :3


Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
I like the idea of spontaneous orgasms. Running down the hallway while spraying the ground infront of you.

Next update I'll put something up. Putting up a patreon with a v0.1 feels a little lame.

Here's a quick mockup:
View attachment 2784199
I really need to keep the body shape as close as possible or else I'd need to redo a lot of the animations.

Don't actually have a name for either of the characters yet. To me they're just 'alien' and 'robot'.

Yeah, I could probably add third person, something like an over the shoulder view.

Damn, you're absolutley right, it IS a lot like shodan, I didnt even notice that. Even the little portait that pops up is like her.

Did it really T-pos? That's worrying, I haven't noticed that happen and idk why it did.

Yeah, I should probably add something like a struggle mechanic. At this point I'm kinda scared to touch the 'grab' code much again, it's a whole mess of making sure animations line up perfectly and dont get desynced. But I'll keep it in mind.

The game started out as having randomized levels, the code it still there to execute a procedural generation instead of a fixed one. I just got worried that I wouldn't be able to stop the generation from building unfun or unfair layouts, it'd also be easier to impliment a map later on.

Uh, sounds interesting, especially for some kind of fleshlight thing.

Haha, thanks, getting the cum to look right was something that's important to me, I think it could still use some work. I've been looking at HowlSFM's animations and trying to get something like that.

That's a good idea. I could put in an anal scene that way.

yeah sorry, I'll add a brightness setting next update and see if that fixes it for people.

I'm not sure how I'd do swappable anatomy. If there were different penis types, for example, I'd either have to have a visible seam where it connects to the rest of the body, or have a whole new model for each customisation.

Yeah, that's a mistake on my end. What you describe ("edge" yourself and just discharge whenever you need it) is exactly how it should function, but I kinda forgot. I'll just remove the charge drain completely, no need for it really.

No plans for platforming.

Urgh, yeah, I didnt like unity's default AI movement so I made my own but it's all kinds of janky. I thought I put in enough Time.DeltaTime so it's not tied to the framerate but I guess not.

About the beds, yeah, it's a problem of trying to keep it optimised and not having too many complex hitboxes, but on the other hand, ofcourse, players are going to want to ejaculate on things and see the cum fall on it accurately.

Ah, sorry to dissapoint, but for now it's just gonna be the robot (I'm dumb and models are hard to make).

Yes, after a lot of feedback, I've been looking into customisation options. The main thing I'd want to add is multiple outfits which shouldnt be too hard. And yeah, you should be able to unlock them by spending the points you earn in the level.
Better than nothing.
Did make me think of this though
View attachment EMTs accidentally troll live reporter lol.mp4
  • Haha
Reactions: RubyZeronyka


Sep 17, 2019
Incredibly good start. I've been wanting to try to make a fps with similar nsfw mechanics.

Also, I would add the tag "animated". I almost skipped past it thinking it was stills.


Jun 23, 2018
1 - Yeah, I could probably add third person, something like an over the shoulder view.

2 - Damn, you're absolutley right, it IS a lot like shodan, I didnt even notice that. Even the little portait that pops up is like her.

3 - Did it really T-pos? That's worrying, I haven't noticed that happen and idk why it did.

4 - Yes, after a lot of feedback, I've been looking into customisation options. The main thing I'd want to add is multiple outfits which shouldnt be too hard. And yeah, you should be able to unlock them by spending the points you earn in the level.
1 - Obviously I imagine it to be quite an obstacle since the world the player will be in, are enclosed rooms that can become quite tight with the camera pushing around in that space. Another suggestions for this would be mouse scroll - controls the distance between camera and player character. So that the player has the option to zoom in or out for either gameplay, or viewing reasons.

2 - I mean, the way the concept looks, it's basically like System Shock, only that the AI wants something else from the player than their death. And they do it personally. lmao

3 - Yeah it did. T-Posed on me and any animation with the player also didn't play. The player character was in animation while the Robot continued to be in the T-Pose for the entire duration of the gameplay. Wish I could tell you how or why it happens, one idea would be, you ship a debug version and I send you whatever error code you wrote in to show. *shrug* Let me know.

4 - Do remember not to make the upgrading and buying customization too much of a grind. Obviously you won't perfectly hit it on first try since balancing is hard, but yeah, I'd rather not spend 5 hours for one clothing. lol

In anycase whatever you decide on doing, you've got a lot of work to do I'm sure. Good luck and have fun fam. (y)

ravioli trueno

New Member
Mar 15, 2020
Urgh, yeah, I didnt like unity's default AI movement so I made my own but it's all kinds of janky. I thought I put in enough Time.DeltaTime so it's not tied to the framerate but I guess not.

About the beds, yeah, it's a problem of trying to keep it optimised and not having too many complex hitboxes, but on the other hand, ofcourse, players are going to want to ejaculate on things and see the cum fall on it accurately.

Ah, sorry to dissapoint, but for now it's just gonna be the robot (I'm dumb and models are hard to make).
I'm sorry if my comment seem harsh, my native language isn't english and I didn't meant to be, I quite like the concept of this game.
I like to stress test game, because I found this part fun and show how the game is made. A first tip that would help the DeltaTime issue, just cap the framerate to 60fps, and try to stick over 30fps, under the IA start to do weird thing. Adding a frame rate cap will reduce GPU usage when the graphical driver isn't configure properly (no V-Sync active or the framerate of the screen is >60hz).
As for the hitbox issue, yeah I love the particule effect, I did try to max out the number of it but it seem to work flawlessly with no visible impact on performance. The only issue I have is hitbox when the robot is stuck and try to "shoot" it, it go trough... I don't see the complexity of having moving object hitbox reacting with particules but if it's possible it would be fun to play tag with the robot lol (well perhaps it would do some weird string the further the robot will be, I don't know the implementation).

Again, I love the concept, don't thing too hard about my finding in this version, I'm pretty sure you will update and upgrade it in the near future :D


Aug 28, 2019
This project unbelievable! On the one hand it's horror,on the other hand it's femdom hgame with POV and big potential. Need more femdom H-activities, more "Mistresses", and more locations!!! And this game'll be GOTY! XD


New Member
Jan 22, 2023
Really like the game! Maybe for a future update you can make it so you can sneak up to the robot and stun her in some way. I tried sneaking up to her from the back (for no particulare reason) but i couldn't do anything and got caught.. Definitly looking forward to future updates :)


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
I don't know if it's been mentioned elsewhere in the thread but one issue I keep getting is that every time I start the game again the sound becomes way too loud. I have the sound sliders at around 70% but every time I start the game it just doubles the volume.
4.40 star(s) 15 Votes