Also, calling it uproar - is a huge exaggeration, some people stated their opinion on upcoming animation, while you make it sound like we gathered a large mob, doxxed Hydra, prepped torches, pitchforks, and are about to go hunting his ass.
Ig I could have used another term but a "uproar" doesn't always mean pitchforks and protesting and attacking lmao. By uproar, it means people are hugely displeased which is 100% true. (Being compared to BulgingS's gay stuff is worse than directly being called dogshit ). Like shit, this single WIP alone had much MUCH more of a discussion than any of the previous Hydrafxx posts lmao. I was suprised when I started from the last page, that's why I was kinda amused by how tame the actual post was.
It may work if you never ever heard about DBH. But, for people who somehow got familiar with this game, maybe even went for deviant ending, sparing every bot - those are living, thinking, sentient beings.
Look I dont want to sound rude but Lad.. this is porn. This is a medium where the most highly anticipated 3d porn video is non-lesbian Judy having sex with a man by Rash Nemain. Hell, I don't even need to go to Cyberpunk, lets go to DBH. Nagoonimation literally made an animation this year of DBH where Kara is treated, not as a caring sentient robot but as essentially a robot sex toy, meant to pleasure Todd... of all people. And it was SO well received and people loved it. Like if I were you, I would be more angry about that, considering the story of DBH...
I don't think anyone cares about the plot of the story of the games. I like the Nagoon animation for what it is, porn. Even in this thread, I am sure more people are disgusted about it being amputee stuff instead of caring about the robots and their stories, like you say. Which I get the disgust, it does look uncanny, I just personally don't think its that wild/bad.