We are very close guys. Very close. Going down the checklist, everything says GREEN GREEN GREEN GO GO GO. We remain on track for release.
Hopefully everyone is getting excited.
Jobeo, I have a question. Will a new thread be made for the release or will you change this thread name to the title of the work?
There will be a brand new thread.
This is why your not part of the staff anymore
I encourage all of my fans to please respect the staff as they could just throw this whole thing off the site.
Haha, Paimon in 3D glory! His red eyes burning almost as his camels erection

You got to include some funny/lewd scenes with him in the credits - too good to be used only in one render
Yes I wish I could say more but I must avoid any spoilers
Well, like Jobeo said, this reveals nothing at all lol. Perhaps it's set in a fantasy atmosphere? I wish you would show more than that lol. Perhaps something to tease a bit or some character reveal?

Hyped up for the new game.
Ok good I didn't want the preview render to spoil anything. I'm glad you are hyped up for the new game I think folks will enjoy it.
No fantasy or sc-fi setting as far as I know it will be similar to the previous titles - more or less current times.
I think this is accurate. However, I want to emphasize that this won't be Bully and it won't be Reparations. It will be its own game, which I think is a good thing. What fun would it be to just make the same identical game again.
There are core concepts in the new game that have never come up in this thread. There will definitely be some surprises.
Hey Jobeo, since you are at the end of the first chapter, can you share if it there will be any meaningful choices to make or any whatsoever that change anything?
I don't want to spoil anything. After playing Chapter 1 if folks come up with ideas on how to fork the story they should definitely suggest them. Even if I don't take any suggestion word for word, it may spark something that leads to an interesting line in the story.