Wow... I didn't want to believe that a game could be as hot garbage as some of the people here were saying...
But it's really total hot garbage. One of those 'I pretty much regret downloading this' sort of situations.
Now, while I wouldn't pay money for time-waster shovelware, because I don't like encouraging that sort of business model, I'd still normally call a game an ok time-waster if it was such a thing. However, this game isn't that. The gameplay is just tacked on to waste the player's time, because it has no impact or consequence on anything except the rate at which you can acquire the scenes.
It's literally just a gallery with a bunch of unnecessary extra steps, and there's barely any effort put in said scenes.
Man, if I didn't have a bit of a soft-soft for the art-style, janky though it is, I probably wouldn't be tempted to keep checking out this circle's games... :/