From the way I see it, this is part of a potential problem. Rules should be enforced by pre-defined interpretation by admin/owner, because interpretations by a second or third party can be basically anything, even more so when a rule is vague.
I've worked in moderation before, and honestly, you can't ever get a situation where every moderator... well moderates with the same interpretation. Every person has their own 'limits' of what they'll put up with, and how far they'll let something go before they step in. By the same token, there's often gray areas with rules, that if you're enforcing the rules to the letter of the rule, you're going to run into trouble with.
For example, with the 200 character limit problem, I've seen a couple reviews that fell just under the limit. Like 194 or so; and the person ended up putting a nonsense word at the end of it to push over the limit. Their review though, was a valid review. Something simple as: "The gameplay is very lackluster, and the developer doesn't care about their community. The game may be worth a revisit later, but unless something changes, It's not worth the trouble right now." That's a decent review, but it's 194 characters long, so a person may add one or two words to the bottom to get it over the limit. Thing is, if you're enforcing the rules as black or white, then that review would have to go. That's where gray areas come into play, and it circles back to every moderator having their own personal interpretations.
I think all that matters is the moderators are consistent in their rulings; as opposed to having the exact same thought or understanding of the rules.