VN - Others - Completed - I Walk Among Zombies Vol. 1 [Final] [Seacoxx]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The Game contains necrophilia, but the girls (zombies) look normal.

    The Game has good Art (with sound effects and sometimes little animations) and well written Dialogues. It creates a great atmosphere with its sound effects (not only in the Sexscenes).
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Feds Suck This White Cock

    It started pretty good tbh, the MC wasn't so bad and what happened with the girl was realistic (so how she accepts the fact that if she wants the MC to help her and her brothers, she has to give her body to the MC) but this is an H-game, H-scenes must be good and here I gotta say 2 things about them, the 1st thing is they contain few pictures (something like 2 pictures) and second thing is that they have TOO MUCH text, like wtf is even that. Let me explain. The 1st girl the MC fucks, he says SEVERAL times that he is feeling good, that thanks to the lotion her insides are slippery and how tight her pussy is, ALFUCKINGRIGHT we understood man, do you have to repeat the same thing several times? No wonder the H-scenes are boring and bad. I know that a Novel ain't for me when I find myself skipping dialogues and/or H-scenes and in this game I did both.

    After few hours of playing it, I reached the point were an unkown girl talked via radio, I had enough of it. It's a shame because the game, as I already said, started really good and was getting more interesting but for God's sake it's an eroge, if this Novel contains too much text and if the scenes are bad, then why should someone play it without skipping dialogues? Bad, bad and again, bad.

    2 stars just because of how the MC was, at least we finally see a man that doesn't give a crap.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    Dont know what the other reviewers here smoked but man his is such a drag, way too much text in sex scenes with only one or two pictures, way too much text in general to be honest.

    I actually liked the game until the part where we meet the super zombies, i just could not bring myself to read further when this retard MC took the man that killed the brother of the girl right in front of him with them, like are you fucking stupid? This is not his only stupid move, he made so many questionable decisions before, it started to make me think this guy might actually had his brain rotting all this time.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Who put good story in my porn game?
    Played Version : Final
    The Good:
    • Good Story
    • Good Scenes
    The Bad:
    • No choice
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    This is a great linear Visual Novel with some high quality uncensored H scenes, unfortunately no animations. The plot of the story is basically a zombie apocalypse world. But not like the usual stereotypes (dumb zombies). I see similarities with the zombies in the movie "World War Z". The MC is a realistic depiction of a "Human with reason and priorities". Like he's not righteous to the point of sacrificing himself for others, but also not evil to the point of murdering someone / take advantage of someone weakness. He uses his power to his advantage and use it as wager for a reasonable trade. The main girl is very realistic due to the circumstance ( end of the world), And the emotions conveyed felt genuine and not forced (not just a fanservice VN). The story is basic (plot-wise), but the characters and how they develops is the main key point here. I recommend you play it, and make sure to play the other volumes as well.
    Likes: mc247
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    TRDL: Came for the cute girls, stayed for the plot. This is a great linear story with some high quality uncensored H scenes about a somewhat realistic take on the zombie apocalypse genre. The MC is not a good guy but also not an evil person without feelings, so every action he made was for his own benefit, so don't expect a "i want to save everyone in the world" kinda of MC. The main girl not only is super cute but also act very realistic to the MC so her decisions are exactly what I expected in those situations. The story is not the best you'll see but is great and full of mysteries that will make you wanting to play not only the first volume but the others too.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing was a 4/5 for me, the story was believable and the twists in the story were entertaining. I found myself holding down the skip button frequently in some of the areas of the game where it got a bit slow.

    H-scenes 2/5
    Didn't live up to my expectations, some portions the main character would say he's doing something, the heroin would respond to that with her voice, but there would be no art to represent what he's doing. EX: In one part, the main character 'touches' the heroines face, but the art doesn't change to depict the change. This gives the game a very low budget feel.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Visual Novel, No choices.
    MC is Lawfully Evil Inclined. The MC isn't overly perverted and thinks clinical.
    Sex Scene every 15min or so depending on how fast you read.

    Great game, The MC isn't frustrating or repugnant and it doesn't take hours for a sex scene to occur.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I know i know, it is so daamn fine. It's a budget production and well, at first i expected to see some live motions in the game, sadly there isn't any ...

    The voice acting is always a welcome aspect in every game, but it's not a big part of this one sadly, since the protagonist wandering alone most of the time, which is explainable, zombie game... Even when he is with the girl, most of the "conversation" u expect to hear or read is replaced with endless text of his (protagonist) own toughs, or just text given us, describing the situation or future plans. If u manage to get into the game and start the next chapter it really become a problem. At some points u just skip text.

    It's a tough and sad story. The atmosphere is really dark most of the time, and the background music and art really contribute for it. I'm a zombie related fan, endless movies and games and i imagine how the things goes in such a world, but in that matter the protagonist is a bit out of space still for me, i really disliked him. He's made so selfish, indifferent and colorless, despite the fact the zombies are totally uninterested to him and he's just free. U just wished to see more cares, exploration, action ... from him, not just the worried toughs what he gonna eat or so...

    If u are into blackmail and corruption you are on the spot. They just feels like. And yet to repeat myself, you gonna read alot ero text in them. There is some short moaning and sound effects, followed by 2 pages text.

    It definitely felt more than that short lenght for me. It's not for everyone, it can left some grim emotions for some time. I kinda leave 5 start just for the support, but to be fair it don't deserve it, i could've change many things.
    Likes: mc247
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it I have read the novel first before discovering that they have made a game of it, I can say they the story has been followed, the art are spot on also the sex scripts love it, others may not like it because it consist a lot of text and me I like reading so it is a win for me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't seen any zombie horror VNs that are also hentai. This might be the first. A little lacking in content, but hey, this has 2 sequels and a prequel so I'm not really complaining. Protagonist is very cold hearted and somewhat stupid but to me it was okay overall.

    Good game. More points because of the uniqueness factor and because I'm a zombie baka. If you are faint-hearted or are only looking to fap, then this is probably not for you. But otherwise, I do recommend this.

    PS: There's necrophilia, as you can tell from the tags, but it's only in the first half of the game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I Walk Among Zombies was pretty crazy, and I'm pissed the series is so short.

    Essentially, the main selling point here is the protagonist, who is pretty damn different from the typical protagonist you find out there. For all the games who tout having a 'villainous protagonist', this game is one of the few that actually pull that off. Instead of being a roaming murderhobo, Yuusukeis a dude that looks at things logically, and doesn't hold much room in his heart for sentimentality. He's so Lawful Neutral is hurts (and makes me think he must also be somewhat autistic).
    Essentially, a gift is given to the protagonist in the form of being able to walk out amongst zombies. This allows him to gather food and resources with next to zero risk.
    However, even before the protagonist learns that humans can be really shitty, he pretty much states right off the bat he doesn't like them and will not go out of his way to help them unless he's given something in return. He keeps his ability hidden because he knows damn well what will happen if he reveals his secret, he will be used.

    Again, this isn't a murderhobo story. Yuusuke is not above killing, but not for no reason. He claims it is a 'severe waste'. Like I said, lawful neutral.

    I Walk Among Zombies highlights humanities struggle with sanity, desperation and morality in a world where the antagonist force, the zombies, are incredibly goddamn dangerous. They aren't like the Walking Dead's zombies, who shamble like they all have broken ankles and have heads that come apart as easy as paper mache. These ones are fast, more durable, and almost impossible to kill without a gun. In a world like that, how far would you go to survive? And how much would a community lean on you if you had the abilities Yuusuke did? As bad as Yuusuke is, he is FAR from the worst thing out there.
    It also has some pretty fucked up surprises that Yuusuke has to deal with exclusively (revealed at the university).

    So, this is the story of an opportunist trawling the zombie laden streets of the nameless town he lives in. Some of the shit he does is bad. A lot of it makes uncomfortable amounts of sense.
    Plus, zombies. I honestly kinda felt like I was that kid again at some points, playing Resident Evil 2, marvelling at the burning cities and hallways choking with walking corpses.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I will comment on this game in its respective parts.

    I will get the thing(s) I didn't like out of the way first since they weren't that big of a deal. On the technical side of things I wish I could have used the space bar to continue the text or at least a way to set a setting to allow me to use the space bar to continue the text.

    At first, I didn't like how much of an ass hole the main character seemed or felt but as the story went on I realized he wasn't a complete ass hole and eventually started to like him as a character.

    The story thus far is absolutely amazing! There is an obvious lack of nudity and lewd scenes but honestly who cares! The story is just amazing and captivating it leaves so many questions that you want to know the answer too and I am excited to play the next step in the series.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely not your stereotypical zombie apocalypse game. The protagonist is an introverted dude just trying to look out for himself. In a way, he's no hero and he's no ruthless villain; he's just a guy with flaws and positive traits like anyone of us. The premise is intriguing: the protagonist is somehow immune from being a zombie and simultaneously is not targeted by them. He goes about his life trying to figure out what has happened to the world. The sex scenes do involve some blackmail but this is one of those games where I came to fap, but stayed for the story.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I love zombie and/or post apocalyptic stories, the mc is both a badass and kind of an asshole, not as basic as he could have been, the girls are cute but not that unique, the art is really good and this cover some good fetish.

    Good voice acting as you'd expect from a japanese vn, would definitely recommand this !
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm usually a fan of kinetic novels but this one just didn't measure up for me personally. A lot of the writing seemed quite drawn out when it didn't really need to be. The story itself was ok, but there were definitely a few plot elements that didn't get explored like I thought they would. Overall, just not my cup of tea I think.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting VN, i would certainly recommend this one.

    Story is great, you can definitely feel what writer actually thought what choices main character should and shouldn't do. Also introduction of new element's is very well paced so game doesn't feel boring.
    Characters, just like story characters are well thought out and interesting.
    Adult parts are good but clearly weren't focus of the game so if you are interested in just porn i would recommend you to search for something else.

    Очень хорошая визуальная новелла, сюжет интересный и продуманный. Новые события происходят на протяжении всей игры, так что скучной игра не чувствуется. Персонажи интересные и как и история проработаны. Очевидно что порнографический контент целью разработчиков не был (сцены хорошие но их мало) так что если хотите порнушки то лучше поискать другую игру.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    You can't change or choose anything, it is a real visual novel, not a pc game. No animations. Repetitive but fitting music. If you strip away its few h-scenes you got a ~4 hour of VERY GOOD short zombie apocalypse novel. Protagonist is also very fitting for the story. Playing reading this one is recommended!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a lot of fun. Good and engaging story, good sex scenes, the morality of the MC aside I really appreciated him not being a sex-crazed idiot but a decently logical person (to some extent).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest going into this and during the first part of it, I was expecting a asshole MC who just wants to fuck every girl and that's that. Don't get me wrong I like sex scenes as much as the next guy but that doesn't make a game special. The characters, the stories, and the build up are what makes a game for me. At first I thought I was gonna hate the MC but they did one hell of a job. Sure he isn't perfect and does things that are wtf on the moral compass here and there. However by the end of volume 1 I saw him as a good character. Sure he's rough around the edges but he's a good guy that actually cares for the heroine and her brothers. Definitely recommend it's one of the good VN out there.