I'd love to hear what players think :)


Jun 27, 2017
Can you be interested in a game today that is based on a story and does not contain sex and decisions?
Yes, I'd like to see that. It's like movies - you will not watch porn or erotic movies all the time, you will also want to watch movies with good storyline and acting. I like how looks your attached render and render in your avatar. Good luck with this!
Oct 15, 2022
Yes, I'd like to see that. It's like movies - you will not watch porn or erotic movies all the time, you will also want to watch movies with good storyline and acting. I like how looks your attached render and render in your avatar. Good luck with this!
Thanks for the compliment; I'm glad you like it. I'm attaching one more... I don't know if anyone will like it, but I'm trying to do my best.

Well... To be honest, I don't have a problem with sex scenes, and I certainly wouldn't mind if my game contained them. I just don't like their design like I've seen in most games. They're all just $10 loops, and that's something I'll never really be interested in, and I don't want to do it that way. I enjoy ambient animations; I also create them (for a better idea, you can find them, for example, in Summer's Gone, which was already mentioned here). If the sex scenes were handled like this, I wouldn't have a problem with them. But I haven't gathered enough knowledge yet to be able to afford to animate something like that. Of course, "something" could be created. But what I hate most is work that is not 100% done. If I'm not happy with something, I won't release it.

Anyway, I'm very glad that you're another person who can appreciate story-based games even without sexual content. Of course, some nudity is probably natural, but making a raw porn game is not my cup of tea.


Jun 27, 2017
Under ambient animations in Summer's Gone you mean cinematics? They are beautiful, but to be honest, I would prefer that devs instead of creating animations, making game faster without them (or with minimal amount of them). Animations aren't important to me, beautiful renders and good story/writing are enough. Summer's Gone have most beautiful renders I've ever seen - work with lighting, those close-ups on eyes...

I like camera angle on s397, but I think both renders are too dark, light source on s413 (it's sunset?) looks too fade. But anyway I like them too.

Recently finished Stephanie's path in Defending Lydia Collier. It have several emotional romantic scenes and I really enjoyed them. Compared to them sex scenes looked so boring. Maybe I'm just getting old and prefer romantic things over sex.
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Oct 15, 2022
Under ambient animations in Summer's Gone you mean cinematics? They are beautiful, but to be honest, I would prefer that devs instead of creating animations, making game faster without them (or with minimal amount of them). Animations aren't important to me, beautiful renders and good story/writing are enough. Summer's Gone have most beautiful renders I've ever seen - work with lighting, those close-ups on eyes...
I think the photos are quite taken out of context; maybe that's why you didn't quite understand the intention, but that's okay. I think it's quite difficult to understand what it's about without the rest of the stuff. The time for these shots is in the evening, when the sun is setting, but these two photos are not the original ones found in the game. In the past, I've rendered a lot of stuff, and a few days later I started seeing problems and had to redo it. So what I do now is rather render a couple of images (I don't think any HDRI was used on these two, just "Dome and Scene") and always come back to them later and make them into the final version. I wanted it to be a little darker and have cool colors for these shots. Through what is discussed in the story during these scenes and what music is playing in the background, it fit quite well for me, and in the end, I was quite satisfied. But, as the saying goes, "100 people, 100 tastes" hehe. And you're right, I think Ocean does a great job, but it's not for everyone. I know many players who don't like the visuals, but luckily I don't belong to that group.

I like camera angle on s397, but I think both renders are too dark, light source on s413 (it's sunset?) looks too fade. But anyway I like them too.
I'm not very good at explaining things, but 99% of my pictures have the sky as the main light source. Of course, such light does not reach everywhere, so then I try to illuminate it with the help of classic "spotlights", if necessary.

emotional romantic scenes
To be honest, I don't really enjoy classic sex scenes anymore. Especially lately, I've found it boring because in every game, it's the same animations made from loops for $10. I didn't even create any for Chapter 1, because I'm not yet experienced enough in animation to allow myself to do something like that, but maybe I'll try something in the future. The main thing for me is that those scenes arise naturally, and if the sex scene doesn't suit me, it won't be there. I don't want to do something I'm not happy with just to satisfy someone's taste.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write me your opinion; I appreciate it!
Mar 3, 2022
From asking this on an adult gaming site, the most obvious answer from the most of us is most likely... No. There is a particular reason we are on here.

But if its just a general question then it all boils down to your writing skills. This sounds more like an everyday novel type story with some cg images thrown in. You could probably get a couple of your stories out there for free, let an audience get a feel for your work, then when you want financial support from this you can take it to something like Patreon.
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Jun 27, 2017
Sorry for my comment about lighting, it's because your renders have great quality and details, after Summer's Gone I got "eyes fetish" and would like to see them in good lighting. :) But only you decide how to make your game.
In my game, the focus is on five characters; each character has their own story, but they all survive together, plus they have one story in common (4 real, 2 fictional).
Your game with male MC? They all just living together or survive after something happened? It's really nice that you creating this story together with your wife.
Oct 15, 2022
Sorry for my comment about lighting, it's because your renders have great quality and details, after Summer's Gone I got "eyes fetish" and would like to see them in good lighting. :) But only you decide how to make your game.
I didn't find your comment mean or offensive; no need to apologize. I'm just glad that you wrote what you think; that's important to me.

What you write about those eyes is true. In my pictures, they look very strange, and sometimes they have a really strange reflection. I sometimes spent long hours lighting to make the eyes stand out as much as possible, but it didn't work, so I concluded that it was most likely a problem with the model rather than the lighting. Currently, I have already bought a new model, which I will use for Chapter 2, and I will gradually remaster Chapter 1 in order to eliminate such shortcomings. But ultimately, it's only been about 5 months since I first discovered DAZ Studio and Blender, so there's still a lot to learn over time. I'm currently trying to save some money and buy at least an RTX 3090 because my GPU can't handle much anymore. I would ideally like an RTX 8000, but I don't know if I can save that much money; it's already extremely expensive for an amateur like me.

Your game with male MC?
Basically, yes, but the player will always see the story through the eyes of another character, so I don't want to say that it's only about the one main character. But at least for Chapters 1 and 2, it can be said that he is male.

PS: Maybe you will like the eyes in this photo. This is a completely different model, and it usually shows up quite well even without some exaggerated light.
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Jun 27, 2017
Ok, just usually I don't like criticize other people's work because I'm not able to do this myself for many reasons, and it feels wrong.

In last render I like color palette (like through tinted glass), this model, definitely light eye colors looks better even without a strong source of light. But why is one of her eyes sharp while the other one is blur, as if out of focus?

Speaking of eyes, I like Maeve's eyes from Unleashed, they have an unusual color and maybe unrealistic in terms of real life, but looks cool.


Jun 27, 2017
These are exactly the mistakes I mentioned above. I personally did not notice it even though I work on a 27" monitor, but thanks for the warning.
It's almost invisible if you're looking at the image at original size, but I liked those eyes and zoomed in to see details and noticed it. But despite this details are great. :)


"Wholesome Violence or Violently Wholesome"
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Hey fella

I was in a similar place when I started writing and rendering what had become my 0.1
I wasn't sure if I was gonna make choices or sex scenes. I long played with the idea of a kinetic vn.

In the end what I ended up making is a story focused vn with choices that impact the story. No relationship points or any of that. Action and consequences kinda choices.
Sex scenes are where they fit into the story. Sex scene lol there's only 1 so far and the 2nd is still a bit off.

Now that I'm in full development my understanding of the media we work in is very different from before my first release. The story and way I tell it has even changed and for the better.
I'm better at coding and add more choices than I ever expected.
It's a wild ride.

In short just do it and see what happens
Best of luck to you


Jun 27, 2017
Oh, forgot to mention that in the last render I also like her cute hairstyle, same one that was used on my favorite characters Josy and Nami.
Oct 15, 2022
Oh, forgot to mention that in the last render I also like her cute hairstyle, same one that was used on my favorite characters Josy and Nami.
I was hoping no one would mention it, haha :ROFLMAO:

But the truth is, when I created her and gave her this hair, I didn't even remember that Summer, Josy, or Nami had it too. My wife pointed this out to me when she first saw it (she's a pretty big SG fan). But I don't mind; I like the hair, so I used it.


Jun 27, 2017
I was hoping no one would mention it, haha :ROFLMAO:

But the truth is, when I created her and gave her this hair, I didn't even remember that Summer, Josy, or Nami had it too. My wife pointed this out to me when she first saw it (she's a pretty big SG fan). But I don't mind; I like the hair, so I used it.
Oh, sorry. :LOL:

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with using the same models, hair etc in different games. It's like in real life the same actress starred in many movies, but unlike the actress in real life, in DAZ you can easily change model's body for example, and she won't look exactly same.
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Oct 15, 2022
Oh, sorry. :LOL:

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with using the same models, hair etc in different games. It's like in real life the same actress starred in many movies, but unlike the actress in real life, in DAZ you can easily change model's body for example, and she won't look exactly same.
Well, even if someone told me that I was trying to copy something or someone, they wouldn't be very successful, because my first attempts looked disastrous. :ROFLMAO: Just today I was looking at my first render attempts when I started, and I have to admit that it is a huge shift. I'm at a stage where I'm still learning a lot of things, and I've long since understood that time is the most important thing. Over time, a person only improves if he is interested in improving. I will give two photos for comparison. I believe there is a significant difference there.
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Jun 27, 2017
This is definitely big changes! I respect people who can create such games. Under good light I can see that brunette's eyes have a beautiful interesting color. And in general render looks very beautiful. I haven't seen all female characters yet, but the blonde in white is my favorite at this moment. Just wondering, are you doing blurry backgrounds for aesthetic reason or to reduce rendering time?
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Oct 15, 2022
This is definitely big changes! I respect people who can create such games. Under good light I can see that brunette's eyes have a beautiful interesting color. And in general render looks very beautiful. I haven't seen all female characters yet, but the blonde in white is my favorite at this moment. Just wondering, are you doing blurry backgrounds for aesthetic reason or to reduce rendering time?
In the past, I didn't use DOF at all. But over time, I grew to like it, and I think it will improve the look of the image quite a bit. I'm trying to focus on the character or object that the particular picture is about. So, for example, if she is talking in the picture, I don't see much point in showing the background, which can be more expressive in detail and color than the character itself. In addition, I want people to focus on the figure when looking at the picture and not on the background. I probably don't have any other reason for it, but this is generally done in video clips, movies, or other games, even if you might not notice it the first time. At the moment, I consider it a result that I like. Maybe in a few months I'll look at it and see it as a very bad job.

I don't know if DOF will somehow speed up the render, but fortunately, this is not a problem that I would have to worry about. It takes me about 15-20 minutes to render one image, so it's manageable.
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Creating EC:A
Game Developer
Apr 16, 2021
... They're all just $10 loops, and that's something I'll never really be interested in, and I don't want to do it that way.
The quality of your renders doesn't need animations, IMHO. There are those here, and elsewhere, that do like the story and general artistry of the game over the overused animations. There are other avenues you can use to keep sex/intimacy in your story without defaulting to the "bow-chicka-wow-wow" feel of many, many others.

Use your renders to capture the emotion of the moment. The connection and true intimacy. Focus on faces. Eyes. Hands. You said the game is story driven. Use your really good renders to tell the story of sex. The story of intimacy that connects two people in that moment.

But most of all, do what makes you happy. Don't worry about pleasing players. It's futile.
Oct 15, 2022
The quality of your renders doesn't need animations, IMHO. There are those here, and elsewhere, that do like the story and general artistry of the game over the overused animations. There are other avenues you can use to keep sex/intimacy in your story without defaulting to the "bow-chicka-wow-wow" feel of many, many others.

Use your renders to capture the emotion of the moment. The connection and true intimacy. Focus on faces. Eyes. Hands. You said the game is story driven. Use your really good renders to tell the story of sex. The story of intimacy that connects two people in that moment.

But most of all, do what makes you happy. Don't worry about pleasing players. It's futile.
You won't believe me, but you described it exactly as I imagined it, and I really like that. I imagined it in such a way that I would do the sex scenes from such an "artistic point of view." I don't have to create raw porn scenes at all costs, but maybe give it some romantic atmosphere, focus on facial expressions, touches, and many other things that could be created in the process. The only truth is that I saw this as something that no one would accept, and they would look at me as a fool, so I decided not to create those scenes at all.

Do you think that such processing of those moments would be good? Because I personally would be satisfied if I could do it like this. And you're right; you can never impress all the players, and I'm counting on that. Besides, I think that people from the music business, with whom I have some kind of cooperation, would probably not be very happy if their music ended up in a total porn game.