[R>Artist 2D] [R>Programmer] Unpaid Idea I want to share, and get help with


New Member
Jan 11, 2020
Project name: Polluted Realm
Project status: Basicly Idea and few lines of text

Anikynoko (I know it's a lot of names for me, Aniknk, KNK, Anikynoko, but all basicly origin from my two nicks, Aniki, and KyokoNoKoibito)

Looking for:
1. Someone to help with me learning javascript
1. Some artists (2D preferable if it's come to graphic)

Employment Type:
For now, I can't pay you guys, but if we move to patreon eventually...

Preferred method of contact:
Just PM me

it's my first post here, and yet I have some bold Idea. I want to create a hentai game. My inspirations are a lot of game, but which are worth of notice here I'm the most inspired by, Slave Maker 3 (great, and free, and ready pictures based slave making [like you could understand by it's title] game), Jack-o-nine-tails (same as Slave Maker 3, but more complicated game imo), Rance series (specialy Sengoku Rance, which was my first, and best remembered game from serie [Rance VI was great to, but I've played every translated one of serie, also waiting for more of it] with many, great gameplay solutions, with battle system on top), Venus Blood Frontier (which I'm playing these days), and Brothel City (great city building game). What I want to creat is something I call (very creative) turn-base city building, strategy RPG, slave maker, and what I want and need is your help people. I'm working on TyranoBuilder (so it's easy program, which make it simple to creat simple games, but also using javascript, so you could make it hard way [what I exactly need to creat such a game]) I'm new one for javascript and don't know a lot about scripting at all, but I can learn. In my pace. Faster if I have an support.

And here's exactly what I need for my project:
1. Someone to help me with javascript (to understand it, to help me work with it)
2. Some artists for project visual and sound sites as I'm not an artist at all (I can draw almost straight line, and not so roundable circle, so it's not much)

What is most important, I'm noone, and I know it. I know I have no reputation, or excperience on such a field, but I really want to create such a game, and if I have no support, I'll just create some shity-looking one with ready pictures, which won't satisfie me, (also I may have a problems with copyrights) so if you're interested in such a project and my Idea is seems kinda fun for you, post down here, and I'll gladely PM you with my email adress. Also, if you just like Idea, and don't know how to help, post too with some kind words, I'll be happy. Also, if you want to just insult me, please, don't answer to the theard. I just tell it once more, I know I'm noone here, so I don't really expect any answers, but I could achieve here anything, and get some support, it would be great. Also, sorry for my poor English.

Thanks in advance


PS. Some more words what I want to achive: I want to create game, which will base on city building elements at first and evolve to world conquest. All with slave maker parts, like you will be able to train your slave, then, if her obediance, loyality, and fear stats will be high enough, you'll be able to make her your army General. I want game base on like in Sengoku Rance fights, both conquest and dungeons kind. I also want to implement much more, but I need advanced javascript knowladge, which I haven't for now. Well. Need your help guys. Hope you ca effort some.
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Jul 18, 2017
the type of game you want to make is probably best created in Unity. You'll need to learn c# for that. Also, Javascript is probably the wrong language to create a game like this in.

if it's your first game, you're going to want to start with something simpler. way simpler. just some advice from another programmer.
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Dec 2, 2019
I see a lot of posts on here asking for somebody to show them how to program or teach them a language. I don't know if people do this because they are trying to say they can't do any programming and want their hand held, or if they are sugar-coating the fact they're going to do no programming.T

Either way, if you wanna learn to program, then start learning. It's not like a hidden treasure. The internet is scattered with things. It will take time, patience, and trials but you can learn it. Like underthemoon mentioned above, unity is a good platform for your project for couple reasons:
  • It's good at prototyping/pushing out indie level 2D games as described.
  • It's user-friendly, compared to a framework or no engine.
  • It has tons of tutorials on youtube that covers just about anything you need to know.
I'm serious though. There are -soooooo- many resources on learning C#, Unity, and game development in general. Your game is not gonna happen over night, but that doesn't mean I'm saying it can't happen. You have two choices; you either front the money to pay somebody to do it, or learn to do it yourself. Paying revenue share for somebody to teach you is not gonna happen, and if it does, then the person 'teaching' you either has way too much free time or is not who they claim to be. I'm just laying it out how it is. Resources below:

(unity camp)​
Hopefully those resources can help you out. Don't take this post as me discouraging you. Just trying to be real with you. In any effort, I personally love slave trainer games like all the ones you mentioned and your idea sounds like it would be great. However, actions speak louder than words and hopefully you can show us that and give us an awesome game in the future! Good luck!
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Akai Oni

Jan 28, 2018
From your idea and the list of games that basically inspired you, you are trying to combine aspects from games such as Sengoku Rance and Venus Blood Frontier and combining it with aspects from games like Anno 1800 and visual novel as well as a slave mechanic which i would think to be similar to games such (only in terms of mechanics) as Insult Order, which is similar to Japanese company Illusion games.

At least that's the scale that i got from your message, you're trying to make something that is different, thorough, and is high quality.

What I want to creat is something I call (very creative) turn-base city building, strategy RPG, slave maker
At the very least, i got this idea because the games you mentioned have a very good aspect to it that is of very high quality, whether it is graphics, music, story, or mechanics in general. Examples are Sengoku Rance and Venus Blood Frontier are not a game that you could just scoff at. If you took away the hentai aspects away from these 2 games, these games are made well enough to stand against games from giant corporation such as Nintendo during their initial time of release. Sure, they have hentai in them, but that makes them one of the best hentai games that were made in their genre, period. They nailed the art, the story, have personal professionally created assets whether it is pictures or music, and a great UI. It is not a game that could be made unless a lot of people with talent gather around and dedicate months or years to it. And then there is other aspects of games that needs to be considered too.

Let's take Slave Maker 3 for example. It's a pretty basically a pretty bad game when we talk about the use of pictures that are not personal assets which break the immersions, non-existent ost or sound effects, a very low class UI that meets the bare minimum. But one thing that this game done right is the content and the number bars. There is a more refined game with similar content called Brothel King that you probably enjoy, but basically they still have difficulties mainly in the assets part. But the amount of training and the variation that it has is what makes people keep coming back to these 2 games.

Then there's Brothel City. Might not be the prettiest of the bunch, but it tackles one of the more complicated parts of games, which is free reign building. You build this and that and it increases your money or exp or the event that can happen, etc. A lot of people thought that it was just putting down an asset that has been made in a field, and then program it so that if asset exist in field, money or something similar increases every turn like what Venus Blood Frontier kinda play around with. Problem is hooooooo boy, there's a reason why making games has it's own university degree. It's fookin computer science at this point, and learning Unity commands can easily take years.

Brothel City is impressive at this aspect, because while not as complicated as Anno 1800 (duh), the game is not something that anyone could just make on their spare time like RPG Maker.

You are trying to put in several great aspects from games and put it in as your own new game. That is fine and all, and if you succeed somehow, this game would probably become one of the best hentai games period. The thing is, what you're also doing, as a man with no one in his group, basically impossible. But then you hit me with TyranoBuilder. You can't make this kind of game with TyranoBuilder. Your best bet is to use Unity.

Right now you need
- Someone to teach you to use Unity
- Some artist who could make a 2D art with style like Rance series or Venus Blood Frontier

And since you want to make a one of a kind, high quality game (you even worried about copyrights and all), in the future you will need
- Personal Asset artist for every single character and background
- Music and sound effect composer
- Other programmers and team manager because hell naw you will be able to finish this game alone
- A script writer

And a load of other shiet that has correlation with payment and cost that i won't mention.

I really want to create such a game, and if I have no support, I'll just create some shity-looking one with ready pictures, which won't satisfie me, (also I may have a problems with copyrights)
I'm just wording it out so that you could understand fully the scale that you are trying to make here. You said so yourself that you are trying to make something that is of high quality and does comply with copyrights material and law of personal property. I would suggest using free to use assets, but both pictures and music are out because you want to make something that is yours. Which means you or your team have to make these yourself. Same goes with RPG Maker because you want something that is not ready made, which means something that is brand new and not common.

What underthemoon said is basically everything that you need to know and he worded it very shortly on what his thoughts on the matter and got it perfectly right.

the type of game you want to make is probably best created in Unity. You'll need to learn c# for that. Also, Javascript is probably the wrong language to create a game like this in.

if it's your first game, you're going to want to start with something simpler. way simpler. just some advice from another programmer.
Firstly is that you need to use Unity for making such a grand scale game. Second is that he knows that the game is way to big and complex for you. At this scale, you need an actually company to satisfy all of you wishes, which is to make a game that is completely unique and thorough, is copyright free but doesn't use ready made pics, and takes inspiration from other grand scale games.

I'm saying all of this not to shiet on you or discourage you. In fact, if somehow you manage to create a game like this, i'm pretty sure you would have your own company by then and is very successful, or at the very least a full team of talented and passionate people with professional ability. I'm saying all of this however to tell you that the idea you have right now, with no money and ability to start with, is just impossible.

Start with something small and simple. It's probably going to have a lot of ready to use assets, and probably have a low tier and shietty music and sound effects, and the story would probably got a 5/100 on rotten tomatoes and a score of 2/10 at most on VNDB. But so what? Even people who work for Nintendo makes a pretty shietty first game too. Some of them are just outright making a simple shietty physics game of a ball on a platform (Basically anyone learning how to use Unity for the first time)

But yea, in short and as direct as possible
This game is impossible to make without an actual team. Follow underthemoon suggestion if you ever want to make a living out of making games or just starting out in general. The idea is not something that a person can reach as a hobby.

If you actually pursue making games and hentai as a living tho (which is a pretty bad life choice), i will be cheering you on.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2020
OK. Now I have an idea what I'm up to. I think I need to gather some money first to bribe (is it the word?) some people to help me. Also, I need to learn a lot, lot of things about Unity and so. Thank you guys.


Jul 18, 2017
OK. Now I have an idea what I'm up to. I think I need to gather some money first to bribe (is it the word?) some people to help me. Also, I need to learn a lot, lot of things about Unity and so. Thank you guys.
Just remember that if you want to create something quality, you're going to have to spend a bit of cash. I can't draw, so I hired an artist to do the art for me.

The best tutorials for Unity are on the actual Unity website. They have lots of introduction games like 2D games and the 3D tutorials. I would start there because it teaches you how to use the engine and introduces you to scripting. Also, Youtube Brackeys has some good videos as well.
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Nilesh Sharma

New Member
Sep 17, 2018
Hey, I am a unity developer and I am pretty good with C#, currently doing an internship as a game developer at a company. I have never used ren'py and I would prefer to work on unity, we can directly make games for android, ios or browser from unity. I have made several types of game, but I have never made any visual novel, so I really want to give it a try. I would really like to collab with someone to work with. My discord: Nileshdraws#2442 . Thanks!