Looking for a Mod that can remove this damn overlay!
When you hit the ~ or H keys.
I found a reference to it in the Assembly-CSharp.dll
Under the GUI.cs
( Uploaded here - but had to change .cs to .txt for site reasons )
Found the code:
if (G.hidegui)
global::GUI.bb = global::GUI.inst(Resources.Load("GUI/bb") as GameObject, "bb", global::GUI.canvas, 0f, 0f, -77f, -77f);
RectTransform component = global::GUI.bb.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
component.offsetMin = global::GUI.ft(-10f, -10f);
component.offsetMax = global::GUI.ft(-10f, -10f);
component.sizeDelta = global::GUI.ft(293f, 72f);
Button component2 = global::GUI.bb.GetComponent<Button>();
string str = "patreon";
But unsure where to go from there?
Also used the BBImageTools_v0.3.1.0.exe
- to extract the images but that "Patreon"
image is not to found there!?!?
(Thought I could replace it with a "transparent *.png file?)
Any ideas?
Or better yet a Mod
Thanks and Cheers