Here's Violet and Helen. Struggled with these a little as there were already so many variations out there, and some really, really good. Helen, especially, had a couple of really good cards already with the hair expertly created, so rather than do something of the same, I attempted to change up the hair a little, fusing a few of the hair accessory pieces with one of Sjjpl's hairs.
Note: I believe the hair I used for Helen was a part of the Better Repack and belongs within the Sjjpl hair collection. However, I did, at some point, also download a bunch extra of his hair mods - I think the link was from this forum so let me know if the hair doesn't work and either have a dig around or let me know and I'll see if I can find it. It's Sjjpl number 52.
Violet was a little more straight forward as hadn't found anything I really liked to this point, but fused a few, adjusted to the 'Disney' body and head, and began playing around until I got a result I liked.
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I'll leave it up to you which ones you want to see next. Go Go Tomago and Honey Lemon:
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OR Jessie and Bo Peep:
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