hello everyone, I hope you like my new remastering of my first cards, since I modified it, because the piercings had disappeared since I had the first version back then, I already corrected it and put new piercings and new underwear on it , I hope you enjoy
hola a todos , espero que les guste mi nueva remasterizacion de mis primeras cartas , ya que la modifique , por que los piercings se habian desaparecido ya que tenia la primera version en ese entonces ,ya lo corregi y le coloque nuevos piercings y ropa interior nueva , espero que lo disfruten .
- Pokeslut Goth by Shadman
- pokeslut Bitch By Shadman
- Workout Thot By Shadman
Enjoy It ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)