guys found a cool topic
It may have already been explained, but I've seen a few questions with this, so here's a quick tutorial:
how to move/add clothes to the category you need?
for example, would you like to wear both a jacket and a dress, but are they in the same category?
or maybe you want to experiment with shaders and clothing textures like me?
I have a solution that at least works for me without negative consequences:
1) find the desired zipmod of clothes in the /mods folder (you can just enter the name, but in general there are various utilities to search for a mod, there shouldn’t be any problems)
2) open with an archiver (I use winrar) and look for a file with the .csv extension (usually it is in the path abdata/list/...)
3) copy it to your desktop, for example, then rename it as you like, and also edit just one value! (I use notepad++ for this)
this value determines in which category the asset is available: 240 - top, 241 - bottom, 242 - inner top, 243 - inner bottom, etc.
You can probably even put it in accessories, but I haven’t tried
in my example, I want to add from top to inner top, so I change from 240 to 242
4) then simply add the changed and renamed file to the archive (there is no need to move the archive itself from the folder)
5) that’s it, go into the game and you now have clothes in two categories