[ILLUSION] Koikatu! - Card Sharing/Request Thread

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New Member
Jan 23, 2019
Does anyone happen to have these coordinate from arctic fox ?


Most of the old Links seems to be dead in this thread.
Mar 11, 2023
Is there a batch of this creator?
So many scenes but uploaded to ux so there's no batch dl
No, but instead you can use tampermonkey and add this script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://ux.getuploader.com/*/
// @match        https://ux.getuploader.com/*/index/date/desc/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=getuploader.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    var targetTables = [...document.querySelectorAll('table.table.table-small-font.table-hover')];

    // targetTables returns 2 tables, one of the table has a suffix of "-clone", therefore,
    // we can safely ignore it.
    var targetTable = targetTables.filter(x => x.id.indexOf('-clone') < 0)[0];

    // If it doesn't exist, don't run.
    if (!targetTable) {

    var baseDownloadUrl = 'https://downloadx.getuploader.com';
    var username        = location.href.split('/')[3];

    var urls            = '';

    var tableLinks      = [...targetTable.querySelectorAll('tr td a')].filter(x => x.href.indexOf('/download/') >= 0);
    for (var i = 0; i < tableLinks.length; i++) {
        // Retrieve file id
        urls += `${baseDownloadUrl}/g/${username}/${tableLinks[i].href.split('/').slice(-1)[0]}/${tableLinks[i].innerText}\n`;

    function tryPasteToClipboard() {
        if (navigator.clipboard === undefined) {
            alert('Failed to put in clipboard! Links on devtools');
            console.log("\n\n" + urls);

            .then(() => alert('Pasted on clipboard!'))
            .catch(() => {
                alert('Failed to put in clipboard! Links on devtools');
                console.log("\n\n" + urls);

    // Create button for interaction
    var btn = document.createElement('a');
    btn.href = '#';
    btn.classList.add('btn', 'btn-default', 'btn-xs');
    btn.title = 'Get all download links';
    btn.innerText = 'Get all download links';
    btn.onclick = function () {

    var btnParent = document.querySelector('.pull-left.space');
And it should appear this button when successful:


Then you can just batch dl it using IDM or other similar apps you got there:


NOTE: This only work when file is PNG and not have passwords


New Member
Oct 5, 2023
If anyone has scene data and character cards for mugenalien from September to October, I'd like to have them, as I couldn't find them on kemono either.


Jan 21, 2023
Does anyone have any stuff from the author BLACK-さん/ランシドさん/RANCIDさん?

There are some character cards on Pixiv now, but some characters were distributed in a limited period before.
Hope that someone has them, and the scene data also.
i only have one chara card. here


Dec 25, 2018
this thread is an absolute sewer with all these single digit post count no avatar beggars.

first post even says no begging. that really should be enforced, by users if not mods.
It's just pigeonholing. Define beggar / begging.

It highly depends on requested content.
Everyone can freely join and request something, there is no rule for doing X posts before asking nor going through all the pages manually, that'll be hell.
Also anyone who joins might usually assume their content is useless so they might not think of sharing when requesting something, its just always appreciated if people do.

Search works well for that, but often requesters and leakers dont write anything useful in their post but just a profile link with numbers, we can, and smarter people should search with the pixiv profile link aswell, and yet its possible to not find something specific nor its not that obvious.

I'm not defending the lazy people.
The only people who are annoying are those who clearly didn't use search and ask for something literally posted above their post on the same page, its kinda even funny, but if I can find the stuff fast and nobody shared yet, I share anyways.

So its best to answer to requests with the link and name of the content, so search can be used much more efficient. Not just "here: LINK".

This is what I've observed so many times since this thread was started.

When I search "beggar", I find lots of posts complaining. Does this help the thread? No. It makes it going through pages harder, as this post does it as well (sry about that).

So in short, not everyone who has no avatar and low post count is a beggar. Its better not to only point fingers, but also provide the requested content if possible, so search can find it easier for someone next who actually used the search but didn't find. Things are mostly down anyways if no link was recently shared. So thats that.

I dont have an avatar, and my post count is relatively low, if you search my profile, you will find I requested 3-4 times in the beginning because my own stuff was shit, so I needed to collect first before sharing.
After that, the search and keeping up a little was enough, but I usually dont request anything specific so ofc things are easy to find.

Just fyi :)
Last edited:


Jr. Uploader
Nov 29, 2018
It's just pigeonholing. Define beggar / begging.

It highly depends on requested content.
Everyone can freely join and request something, there is no rule for doing X posts before asking nor going through all the pages manually, that'll be hell.
Also anyone who joins might usually assume their content is useless so they might not think of sharing when requesting something, its just always appreciated if people do.

Search works well for that, but often requesters and leakers dont write anything useful in their post but just a profile link with numbers, we can, and smarter people should search with the pixiv profile link aswell, and yet its possible to not find something specific nor its not that obvious.

I'm not defending the lazy people.
The only people who are annoying are those who clearly didn't use search and ask for something literally posted above their post on the same page, its kinda even funny, but if I can find the stuff fast and nobody shared yet, I share anyways.

So its best to answer to requests with the link and name of the content, so search can be used much more efficient. Not just "here: LINK".

This is what I've observed so many times since this thread was started.

When I search "beggar", I find lots of posts complaining. Does this help the thread? No. It makes it going through pages harder, as this post does it as well (sry about that).

So in short, not everyone who has no avatar and low post count is a beggar. Its better not to only point fingers, but also provide the requested content if possible, so search can find it easier for someone next who actually used the search but didn't find. Things are mostly down anyways if no link was recently shared. So thats that.

I dont have an avatar, and my post count is relatively low, if you search my profile, you will find I requested 3-4 times in the beginning because my own stuff was shit, so I needed to collect first before sharing.
After that, the search and keeping up a little was enough, but I usually dont request anything specific so ofc things are easy to find.

Just fyi :)
tldr; shut


Aug 4, 2017
Does anyone have any stuff from the author BLACK-さん/ランシドさん/RANCIDさん?

There are some character cards on Pixiv now, but some characters were distributed in a limited period before.
Hope that someone has them, and the scene data also.
His Nezuko cards are pretty great. Are they available?


New Member
Oct 20, 2017
Does anyone have the mod for Hatoko's Kagura Suzu ?

I found her card in here but look like her mod is not included
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