yo, When I press Ctrl+E, the character export happens instead !
When You are in Chara Studio press "F1" key, in search bar type "VideoExport"
- If nothing find -> You don't have the mod
- If You find something, check which key open VideoExport Menu for You.
Note that VideoExport Mod may not work for every version of BepInEx
- If after opening VideoExport menu You see only it's title it means that Your BepInEx version is wrong.
You can use that Frame I created to know resolution for different screen aspects.
It will allow You to cut off unwatned elements of the scene and speed up Exporting process.
Remember to use ScreenShot resolution size, as using "Resize" option will make rendering longer
Here You can see How Video Export should look like
At least if it's working properly in Your Game:
I have marked importnat parts for You that You may be interested in
With Red Boxes, playing with them is on You, they are pretty much
Self explanatory so You dont need me to explain them...
VideoExport depends on ScreenShot plugin,
It will create X Screenshots ( 1 for each frame )
And then put it all into trashbin, You want to then empty it.
It's not happening manually so u need to remember about it.
Your Video Exported Video will be at location:
-> ...\Koikatu\UserData\Output\... <here>