I'm Gonna create a game, i want to know ideas, you fantasies and what you would like to see


Oct 12, 2018
Hello Boooooyyyyyyyys, leave your suggestion and what you would like to see in the game. I'm gonna create in ren'py.

SE VOCÊ É BR SE MANIFESTE, queria montar uma equipe. eu sei programar em python e preciso de alguém para fazer as artes do game.
Projeto a longo prazo, ainda preciso dominar o ren py e aprender mais sobre o python porém quero levar a idéia adiante.
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Jul 30, 2018
Different setting. The modern fuck the whole family/school/workplace are getting a bit boring. Not saying there shouldn't be any incest or something, but would be nice to see it in a new setting.

Actual good/overlapping story. Most stories focus to much on getting to fuck the characters, than having something going on around it (in my opinion).

Realistic body proportions. Big tits are great, but not everyone has DDD breast size. Especially if they are very skinny, it more often than not looks wierd.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
Mandetory: You shoud make what you like.
Now i got that out of the way.

A few idea's:

Titel: Gameton 10.

Tags: Mind control, sleep sex, trainer, incest, prostitution.

The game is about a game addict who wants to buy the newest gameton(now with extra micro payments).
He has two stats: addiction and gaming.
Addiction is basicly his health bar.
If it drops to zero he commits suicide for what he done.
Gaming is what raises his adiction and effect what ending you get when you buy the gameton.
1-50 new addiction: Sex.
Turning his family into fuck toys has turned his addiction for games into an addiction for sex.
He starts plotting how to expand his harem.
51-100: Gaming pimp.
His family loses there job as they are constantly whoring out for him to make money.
His sister is pregant and he uses her breast as something to drink during gaming.
His other sister cleans his ass with her tongue after cleaning him up.
As he continue's to neglect his health for games and uses his family more and more to take care of his needs while he just keeps gaming.

During the intro he tries to use hypnosis during sleep sex to make him parents buy gameton 10 for him.
Only to discover that once they wake up the cancel the pre order and ground him for using there acounts.
While playing a game he comes up with the idea of whoring out his family to make him money in secret.
He knows he has some control over them while they sleep but loses all control while there awake.

The idea behind the game is that the main charater uses hypnosis on his sleeping family members to turn them into sleep walking whore's.

The mind control part: The main charater uses hypnosis while there sleeping to get them to do stuff.

The trainer part: You need to get the future whore used to fucking while sleeping walking.
If you just pound her on the first night you lose the game as she wakes up while you are raping her.
You get your victems used to sleep walking habbits.
You start with them getting used to being naked while sleeping.
Slowly undressing them while using your hypnosis skill to ensure they stay under.
You eventauly will be able to have them carry out many sex acts without waking.
Ofcourse you cant risk then finding themselves covert in sperm in the morning so you need to ensure they take a shower before waking up and hide all the evidence(aka make sure there dress and in there beds)
The idea behind it is that you have them trained into sleep walking whore's.
You can increase the time there sleeping via hypnosis but you have to be carefull.
If parents go to bed at 8 and start whoring themselves at 9 your sisters might find out.
It is very risk vs reward.
With the end goal of having them all under your control for 24/7.

The main charater isnt into incest but he is addicted to gaming.
He sees fucking his family as a neccery part of there training.
This is why his addiction is important.
He doesnt see what is wrong with what he is doing until he his addiction reach zero.
At which point guilts overwhelms him and he takes his own life.

The goal of the game is to buy the gameton 10.
The main charater needs money for that.
Working cuts into his game time and his parents wont buy a 10,000 gaming console.

You are basicly corrupting the main charater along side his victems.

Titel: Nanobot designs:
Tags: Mind control, tranformation, sissification.

You work in a lab researching nanobots.
The lab run into a problem.
They cant find a way to power the nanobots.
You stumble on a solution.
Using the bodies own cell's to power the nanobots.
This will allow the nanobots to carry out one command before shutting off.
If you report this find you get a game over because you are an idiot who just told others about a new mind control tool.

Gameplay: Design and create nanobots and use them to corrupt your coworkers.
You can use nanobots to increase tit size, reduce tit size, alter someone personalty, make them mindless drones(risky if people find out).
Tranformation and sissification:
You got male and female coworkers.
You mind want to turn them into female or make them breeding studs or mindless worker drones.

Basicly the game is about creating nanobots and using them to change your workplace to your liking.

Titel: Stage hypnosist:
Tags: Mind control, Incest, Management.

You are a stage hypnotist.
Your big tit blonde workaholic agent is keeping you employed by working at the local stage's but there just isnt that much of a demand for hypnotists.

Gameplay: You are gifted at making people do stuff while there under but cant make them do stuff while there awake.
You need to manage your income while corrupting the woman in your life.

Mind control: You convince people to let them hypnotize you then slowly get them to stay under longer and longer until you get them into a 24 hour loop.

Incest: Power corrupts and you have a nice looking family.
Would be a shame if you didnt hypnotize them.
But how do you get them under without the rest growing suspicious?

Management: You need money to pay the bills.
So you can ofcourse just keep working for your meager pay or look for a rich woman to give you free cash.
You use your agent to set up shows with the rich and powerful.
Then hypnotize them into making a big payment towards you.
Ofcourse you going to have to remove the evidence as you dont visit these rich people often enough to put them under indefinitly.

Yamatimo high:
Tags: Mind control, Management, prosittution.

You have recently married the headmistress of Yamatimo high.
A school for the daughters of the rich and powerful.
Men are forbidden from entering the school grounds.

Mind control:
You wife is horrible at computers.
This makes it easy for you to use her computer to get access to the school security camara's and more importantly:
The intercom system.

You use this intercome system to add submlinal commands to the girls while there studying at school.

Management: Your wife runs the school.
Once you control her you can use her to upgrade the school.

There are 4 stats:
Eatch stat is used to pay for school upgrade's.

This is basicly your money.
The more educated the students are the more you earn to spend up stuff like new class halls.

Connections are powerful men you manage to befriend.
Early game you do this by socializing later you get get a steady income of connections via your whore's.
Connects allows you to get access to less then legal stuff.
Like sex toys for classes, abandon wearhouse to turn into a brothel, Keep the police away from said brothel, etc.

Heat: How close the cops are finding out what you are doing.
You want to keep this as low as possible.
Heat lowers over time as cops are trying to catch different criminals and your trail gets colder.
This is basicly a risk management. If players get to bold they lose.
Carefull plotting is important.

The general control you have over the school.
You use control to given general orders to the entire school:
Stuff like: You will whore yourself out while sleeping or you will fuck whatever guy you see.

Education and connection are required for more sexual lessions.
Aswhile as control to prevent the girls from telling anyone.

Prosittution: Basicly your end goal.
To turn the rich and powerful woman into whore's.
I havent come up with a motivation on why your main charater would want this.
Revenge most likely but meaby placing sleeper agent to ensure his control over future heirs of the rich and powerful is also possible.

Controling the family:

Tags: Drugs, Mind control, Incest, Pregancy.

It is the year 2175.
Advance medication allows people to become 120 and retirment starts at 100.
You are an 90 year old man working at a phramisucial research lab.
You discovered a drug that makes people more open to suggestions.
On its own this drug doesnt do much.
But when combined with hypnosis and subliminate message's?

Gameplay: You use a combination of drug's hypnosis and subliminal message's to turn woman into your sex slave's.
Sleeping pills:
Used to prevent your assitant from finding a boyfriend.
Put one in her coffee every friday.
Used to keep people asleep while you are pounding your grand daughters in the next room.
Sleep pill downside is that it prevents subliminals and hypnosis from working while there sleeping.

Suggestion drugs:
This drug makes people more agreeable.
You however cant make them go against there morals.
Used: To convince your boss that she doesnt need to look into missing supplies as that happends all the time.
Used: to get subliminals to work.
Used in combination with hypnosis to bypass moral limets.

The biggest part of this game is the sheer amount of woman you can corrupt:

Your assistance: A 20 year old woman who recently started working in your lab.
Likes to party in the weekends.
If not given a sleeping pill on friday there is a 10% chance she finds a boyfriend.
You then need to corrupt or get rid of the boyfriend.

Your happly married boss.
You use hypnosis and the suggestion drug to convince her to keep picking a fight with her husband.
Eventauly they break up with her owning your future mansion(On papier it is hers but since she will soon be your slave....)

2 married daughters 1 married son.
Eatch with 3 girls as childeren.

Eventauly you want to expand your harem.
Lucky for you all 3 of your kids are married and have good looking childeren.(see the reason the main charater is so old?)

Pregancy: You can impregnate all woman in the game.
However they will either:
All have miss carrraige, put them up for adoption or have the game only last 1 year.
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
If you could make something I have never seen before. That would be great.


Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Maybe make it about a welder down on his luck? We haven't had that in ages.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
I want to see a game where there are naked people in a forest and they do sex.
Nice call back, Domiek :LOL:

Nerdskarlate - glad to hear that you're planning a game - but anything you're going to be devoting so much of your time to needs to be your idea rather than crowdsourced, and to include your kinks rather than other peoples. A dev needs a vision (at least to start with) if they're going to come up with something good.

A game also needs to play to the devs strengths - are you primarily a coder, a writer, an artist or an animator? If you're good at code but less so at story, add in fancy features like collectibles and combat sequences and minigames. If you're all about the art, go in porn heavy to sweep the player past the dialogue and plot. If you're a writer, you can get away with more basic game-elements - and even sparse artwork - provided the writing quality captures the player's attention.

Also - what kind of art are you planning? Daz3D, Honey, Drawn, plagiarised porn photos? This will hugely affect what you're able to do

A good way might be to set down some rough scenarios that interest you - like Malaficus did in his post above - and ask which players prefer (maybe poll?) Then, perhaps ask about some of your more unusual kinks to see if there's a market (stuff like gay/futa/femdom etc. should be baked into the plan from the start or it tends to jar).

But also think - why am I making a game? What is it that's missing from other games that I'd like to see enough to make one myself? That might be unusual content (like pregnancy or bi), game style (less POV, multi-perspective), MC (ethnic or female protag) - or just that you have a very specific fantasy that no one else has done. Like naked people in a forest who do sex :LOL:


Feb 4, 2018
bobs and vagene send pics

In all seriousness, I second synx, Anne'onymous and Ranlilabz comments, something fresh would be very entertaining and make a poll which fetishes you wnt to include. Adding something yourself what you are passionate about or are knowledgeable off, is also a good idea as it will naturally shine because of it.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2018
i want a game when i read the discription and look at the renders just say OMG, this is AWESOME, can you make that game? :)


Nov 7, 2019
And, now that everyone has given you their 5 cents, and you summed up a whole dollar of ideas, go get yourself a coke, and forget everything you just saw already. Because, as 79flavors pointed out, the "wants" are so contradicting each other, that it will turn you schizofrenic.
Seriously, though...
Don't think of what we "want" to see in a game. Barring some of the seriously sick shit that the human brain can come up with, there's nothing we've not really seen already in games, porn/erotic or otherwise. The key, isn't to cater to what we want, but HOW you can deliver us the same dish, presented better than the competition. There are already plenty of incest games, plenty of NTR games, plenty of transorfmation/sissification games, plenty futa/shemale games, plenty of pretty much everything games, bestiality/furries included. There's nothing "new" in the themes and tropes, all boils down on the presentation and the... little things, that make some games stand out.
A more efficient way to find out what the people want, is to carefully follow the trends in these here forums. See which games are the most popular, try them out, not for the theme, but for the mechanics, spot what makes them unique... the GUI? The rendering standards/drawing standards? The complexity/versatility of the story progression? Take notes of what makes each game stand out, and have as many of the "good" traits in that list as possible in your game, and you can already have a moderately succesful game to begin with. Add your unique personal touch, and you may well have a masterpiece

User #1751331

Oct 30, 2019
Hello Boooooyyyyyyyys, leave your suggestion and what you would like to see in the game. I'm gonna create in ren'py.

SE VOCÊ É BR SE MANIFESTE, queria montar uma equipe. eu sei programar em python e preciso de alguém para fazer as artes do game.
Projeto a longo prazo, ainda preciso dominar o ren py e aprender mais sobre o python porém quero levar a idéia adiante.
Wrong way to start off making a game.
First off there are 7.5 billion different views of what people like and don't like one for every person on the planet.
If you simply want to know what is popular you could look at other games on here and see which ones get supported more or read forums and see what people complain about.

That however is the wrong way for you to make a game. You are doing what others want and that is called work.
Do something you want to do and create and you will enjoy it more and be more likely to finish it.
There are 948 games on here with the abandoned tag on them. Some of them were quite good. Most weren't shut down do to some legal issue.

If this is your first game I suggest you do something small to learn from that way you don't feel over whelmed. What you learn from it you can always use as a jump off point for a second game especially if you build your code to be reusable.

I would also suggest you keep the number of characters down in the first story it will reduce the work.
Write the general premise of the story or game then story board it.
Games and Visual novels people want to feel like there is something they are heading towards.

Take a story of a woman kidnapped by one man. Lets say the setting other than the kidnap scene is mostly evolves around a cabin in the middle of no where.
You could write a story of how she over time becomes dependent on the man and the dynamic of their relationship changes or you could write it as the tale of what she has to do to get away from him. Or it could be a choice based system which could lead to either out come or something such as her ending up dead or the kidnapper being killed or even both of them ending up dead.

If we just look at how she could get away. There could be several routes on that. She could try and earn his trust or over time or if say he uses her as a slave to do work such as cooking and so on maybe she collects and finds stuff she can use to break free and or do him in to get away.

Looking at the other direction of how she could become dependent on him. It could be about how over time he earns her trust and or manipulates her and so on.

Just think that is simply 2 people we are talking about and the number of potential paths are huge. Which is why when people put to many characters in a game they tend to feel like crap because they can't accommodate all those potential possibilities and creating a game that pretends like you have them well gets to feeling fake in that regard pretty quick. When you have lots of characters it feels better if its played more as a story.

Anyway I could keep going but I'll leave it here.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Hello Boooooyyyyyyyys, leave your suggestion and what you would like to see in the game. I'm gonna create in ren'py.

SE VOCÊ É BR SE MANIFESTE, queria montar uma equipe. eu sei programar em python e preciso de alguém para fazer as artes do game.
Projeto a longo prazo, ainda preciso dominar o ren py e aprender mais sobre o python porém quero levar a idéia adiante.
it's better to make what you want and find your target audience through that.
Dec 3, 2019
The concept is.. You can play as wood elves, palace guards or a villain. If you play as an elf, then you live in a forest with wooden houses and you are attacked by guards and villain. You may rob the cows. And you are living in a thick forest.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Play as a dominant lesbian in a cyberpunk setting. Seduce and dominate a hot milf who did not have any lesbian experiences before, possibly the mother of a business rival.


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
Create a game where you're an ISIS member looking to take down America. Nothing gets past those efficient TSA agents, darn it! What can a little terrorist do but give up?

But wait, there is a way... it's so crazy that it may just work! You fuck a goat to get a nasty SDT that is highly contagious and always claims a life within 30 days. Now you can get past the TSA and bring death and destruction to those capitalist American pigs!

You play as Omar Borat Habiboobie. Your goal is to seduce and fuck as many women as possible and spread the virus that will finally bring the American empire to its knees! Will you pretend to be a charming NJ Ginny named Vinnie? How about a passionate South American ballroom dancer named Rodrigo? How about Nigel, the smooth and sophisticated Englishman who's only in town for one night? Whatever your methods are, get that stinking rotting dick into as many pink tacos as you can, the vengeance of the caliphate demands it!

Catchphrase: "I'm going to fuck this goat... and then I'm going to fuck America!"
  • Haha
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Dec 8, 2019
OK, I have an idea ....
For the genre I like "Elder Scroll V Skyrim"
- FPS, Third person shoter and others
- For the pattern of the game,
I like to play Skyrim with MOD
- The mod that I use is ( )
OK, so here I want a game about milking
but with varied animated sex,
- sex animation:
Sex / Breeding when NPCs are milking on the milk machine it can be done.
- The occurrence of pregnancy
- NPC as COW (milk maid) but a woman (HuCow) ( )
Maybe this is a combination of SKYRIM and MOD MME, but not entirely on Skyrim, because I play this game (Skyrim) just to play the MOD, there are some shortcomings about this MOD, where NPCs or Follower who do milking can't have sex simultaneously (Player can't sex)./Can not fucking or breeding during NPC milking on a milk machine.
Tag: Milking Breeding Farming Sex Pregnancy Hucow (Human Cow)
I want to see where a Player is doing sex / breeding on an NPC who is Milking on the Milk machine without interrupting the Milking process.
There are several references that can be found,
- (Milking machine or milkpump)
- Breeder of Nephilim (Managemen)
- Breeding Season (managemen not combat)
- Cloud Meadow (managemen)
These are the jobs in the game:
Player: Farmer
NPC: Hucow, Traders and others
Maybe in this game the Player does the work of managing Hucow and Breeding with Hucow and doing activities such as selling milk or selling Hucow.
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