Impactful games


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Hey everyone, Jamie Sadistic here!
I was wanting to start a discussion about the games that had a significant impact on people, which games they were, and why they had that impact. Maybe this will help other people find games that may seem interesting.

I have a few games that, when I was finished with, left me like "Wow. what the fuck just happened?!"

1. Acting Lessons (this game is obviously one of the most popular ones on the forum): This game scarred me LOL. I find myself falling in love with nearly every character except for
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The fact that the developer took time to make you fall in love with the characters, and made such a riveting story left me in awe. I've played a couple times and I have to prepare myself each time because I know what's going to happen.

2. Being a DIK: While this game isn't finished, I find myself constantly checking the post for updates and engaging in conversation with other members about this game and theories about characters. This is rare for me. I'm sort of introverted, I try not to speak unless I feel passionate enough about a subject and have genuine input on the topic. This game does all of those things for me. (TEAM QUINN FOR LIFE!)

3. Light of My Life: Also an incomplete game, this one keeps me checking back daily as well. While the female characters aren't what most of you here would consider "hot", I love the fact that they feel real. Like I could meet them in real life and their personalities make me want to take care of them and protect them from all wrong in the world. The story really makes you feel like I'm their father and it's my duty to do what I have to do to make sure they're safe.

These are my top 3 games so far that I've found on f95. I would love to see some of your input on these games and other games that may have impacted you as much as these 3 have impacted me. Thanks for reading this long ass post, hopefully you'll contribute to the discussion!


Game Developer
Oct 9, 2018
Hi Jamie,

I've been on this forum for less than a year, and I've played my fair share of games and more than a few impacted me as well (to the point of even trying to make my own). If I had to list the three most important ones, I'd say the following ones had a strong impact on my life here.

  1. Four elements trainer. This was the first WEG I've ever heard of, far away on 4chan territory. At first, I was just curious about it, being a big Avatar fan, and then, I was quickly whisked away in the world of western erotic games. FET isn't my favorite game of this site, but I'd say it's the one that had the most everlasting impact on me.
  2. Heavy Five. Anyone who knows me already knows that this is by far my favorite game (I hardly shut up about it :p). Fantastically written, characters full of life and personality, dev totes in touch with the community, Heavy Five is to adult gaming what Mozart's Requiem was to classical music. I heartily recommend anyone who likes the genre (smart sci-fi) to try it. If you don't fall in love with at least one of the ladies, there's something dead inside you :p But this game didn't only impact me because of its utmost quality, no, that's not the only reason. What's really important to me with this game (and its dev) is that I was so impressed with what could be done that I tried developing a game of my own too.
  3. The DeLuca Family. Another of my all times favorite games, The DeLuca family was the first game I've tried where the main focus isn't on sexually assaulting family members, but instead going for a slower pace with a few well-written characters. Each of the love interests in TDF has something different to offer, and they all stay with you even after you close the game.
I've tried Light of my Life, and I agree it's got a lot of potential. I definitely need to play the recent update. Concerning Acting Lesson and Being a DiK, I must admit a strong preference for the second one. AL wasn't a bad game in any way, but I just love the tone and humour in BaD :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Hi Jamie,

I've been on this forum for less than a year, and I've played my fair share of games and more than a few impacted me as well (to the point of even trying to make my own). If I had to list the three most important ones, I'd say the following ones had a strong impact on my life here.

  1. Four elements trainer. This was the first WEG I've ever heard of, far away on 4chan territory. At first, I was just curious about it, being a big Avatar fan, and then, I was quickly whisked away in the world of western erotic games. FET isn't my favorite game of this site, but I'd say it's the one that had the most everlasting impact on me.
  2. Heavy Five. Anyone who knows me already knows that this is by far my favorite game (I hardly shut up about it :p). Fantastically written, characters full of life and personality, dev totes in touch with the community, Heavy Five is to adult gaming what Mozart's Requiem was to classical music. I heartily recommend anyone who likes the genre (smart sci-fi) to try it. If you don't fall in love with at least one of the ladies, there's something dead inside you :p But this game didn't only impact me because of its utmost quality, no, that's not the only reason. What's really important to me with this game (and its dev) is that I was so impressed with what could be done that I tried developing a game of my own too.
  3. The DeLuca Family. Another of my all times favorite games, The DeLuca family was the first game I've tried where the main focus isn't on sexually assaulting family members, but instead going for a slower pace with a few well-written characters. Each of the love interests in TDF has something different to offer, and they all stay with you even after you close the game.
I've tried Light of my Life, and I agree it's got a lot of potential. I definitely need to play the recent update. Concerning Acting Lesson and Being a DiK, I must admit a strong preference for the second one. AL wasn't a bad game in any way, but I just love the tone and humour in BaD :D
The first 2 games you mentioned, I am not familiar with. I will be downloading both tonight to check out, especially the second one because I also have an affinity for sci-fi games and you sold me when you mentioned Mozart's Requiem.
I don't really have much to say in the way of DeLuca family though. I downloaded it and something early on (i forget why) caused me to close it out and not return. I should probably give it another shot seeing as how it's held in pretty decent regard here on F95.
I only mentioned 3 because I didn't want to have a 3 page comment but, as it is in your case, I have also downloaded MANY games and played them. I just recently also downloaded Daz3d and am toying around with it. I think it would be cool to experiment with some things and possibly attempt developing something later on down the line.. I have a pretty morbid mind and I believe I could make at least a couple games that would have an impact on some people. Whether that impact is negative or positive remains to be seen though lol.
Thanks for commenting man!
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Heavy Five is one for me, too. There is a character coming up that I kinda sorta but not quite have some similarities with while one of the existing characters is the kind of woman I usually go for. Mainly I get along with the dev and like her work and all our conversations stay strictly on topic (depending totally on what topic that may be). I also get on well with the guys that dwell on the forums there. It's almost like i'm one of the lads albeit without the required tackle to make me a lad ... Ladette? is that a thing?

Alison Fall of the Apple. I clicked with the game after putting myself off playing it thinking it was something that it wasn't. Roll on a few months and the dev has made me into a character in his game and even made my fave girl my mistress. Twas a happy day indeed .... until she reamed my arse with a giant pink strapon. That would have been panful ... painal?

All of the Elsaverse and most of Tlearo's and Moertze's stuff from a few years back. Can't narrow it down because it all helped. Back before I found games like these I was an in the closet lesbian about to come out. It was coming out and the shit storm after that had me run into Tlearo's writing and early games. To say they helped through a shit period of my life would be an understatement and her work will always be important to me even though she's since retired to the peaceful life (hope she writes a book one day).

u z i

Nov 9, 2018

the story-telling, the atmosphere it set... and the ending. this game really blew me away. i could probably mention a few more impactful games, but GRAY really tops the list for me.

(okay i'll list them anyways :3 )
honorable mentions:
False Hero (dark atmosphere, dialogues and interactions)
My Sister, My Roommate (dialogues, the twin sister :D )
The DeLuca Family (depth of characters)


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Already mentioned twice, but I also have to mention Heavy Five.

That game has had incredible impact on me in many ways. It has raised the bars in terms of writing, storytelling, character depth, choices and consequences design, and more by a huge margin for me. I rarely play any other adult games anymore because they are simply not good enough now.

One impact outside of the game itself, it completely changed my approach to the forums here. I had not been very active before, a post here, a post there, but I hadn't been following any threads. Heavy Five, however, quickly formed a wonderful community (around a very interactive dev), that I've been very happy to be a part of. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
I just finished The DeLuca Family and I loved it. The depth of the characters is amazing. Luna was my favorite right from the start. I have a serious thing for girls with freckles. The writing was superb as well, I'm really looking forward to the next update.
Also, I'm currently downloading Heavy Five since you all hold it in such high regard, thank you for the suggestions!

Twas a happy day indeed .... until she reamed my arse with a giant pink strapon. That would have been panful ... painal?
I laughed WAY too hard at painal. Also, congratulations for coming out and I'm truly sorry to hear that there was a shit storm that followed. People who don't understand or are judgmental... fuck em! Do you, my friend. Your happiness is all that matters in your life (until you have children, assuming you don't)


Feb 4, 2018
DmD is still one of my all-time favorites. Something about the way that Dots writes it just has me hooked. I'm not very interested in corruption stories, but the way that Dots wrote Act 1 was amazing and the payoff in the beginning of Act 2 was stellar. Will be interesting to see how Act 3 wraps it all up.

The Visit was one I put off for awhile, but holy smokes the writing and renders are fantastic! I'm a sucker for cliffhangers. Glad I finally got off my arse and gave it a try. Stiglet's done a bang up job with creating some great characters. A bit linear but still a great story.

My Sister, My Roomate is another excellent story. No spoilers, but since v8 it hasn't gone the route I thought it would, but I've been pleasantly surprised at the pacing and choices. Of course I wish things were slightly different in terms of options, but I have faith in Sumodeine and where they're taking us. Last update was a real doozy! Worth it to try different paths, especially the further along you go.

My Sweet Neighbors. I know, I know, it's on hold (though the tag here shows Abandoned). But it's one that I've been following for a very long time and really hope that Pandelo is able to finish. Would be a real shame to end the story where it is. The writing may not be as strong as the other above titles, but it's still a good story (just my opinion).

And kudos for the above replies, going to have to give some of those titles mentioned a run. Cheers all!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Ethan's Legacy, the first time i've physically been on the edge of my seat for an adult game, pity it's unlikely to ever be finished. The way the whole thing built to a particular moment and slow burned some things while making others quite obvious but not labouring on them too hard, it spent time normalising a family that was borderline on the "too touchy feely" without really using it for sex reasons was genius IMO, it built intimacy, something lacking in far too many games. Also notable mention for the use of rape as the "peril element" rather than death, i actually gave a damn which is more than can be said for when a certain Tracy died.

Acting Lessons by DrPinkCake, while it does do intimacy which is a plus in a field full of games with none at all, that isn't the reason it's here on the list, the reason it's here is because of the handling of heavy issues like cancer in a way that is both engaging and neither too light hearted or too heavy handed, oh and the first bro character in Liam that i didn't want to throw under a bus, or to be fair one of the very best non MC male characters in adult games so far.

Big Brother, yeah i'm going to take flack on this one, the thread says "impactful" not "good" games, right? Big Brother was the first of the adult games i played that had renders of that quality, it changed my mind that, what i later came to know as DAZ art, was worth looking at, or even worth the room on my hard drive. I should state that before that i was an AIF man(more on that later) and my experience of 3DCG was lacklustre. However the other reason this game made an impact on me was the writing(which wasn't great to begin with), or more to the point how quickly the writing went off the rails, i mean the Eric premise was part of what set the game apart, i don't like NTR in general but the threat of it was useful to the game and it got taken to pieces in the most dissatisfying way possible, then there was the whole porn career thing and really ... i mean really, that's where this was going?

Last Horizons by GoblinBoy, if you know AIF you've probably heard about, seen or played something by GoblinBoy and while Tesliss equation and Meteor are the games that stand up best and are most well known, Last Horizon for me at least had by far the most impact. It has a partially randomised/proceduraly generated plot and at it's core it is a classic Christie style whodunit in space, an AIF with replay value isn't that common in general but one with a self altering plot, wow. My point is that it's not a simple multi route AIF game but a far more flexible thing entirely, it means that the "right answer" thing that is and has been a problem with so many games both adult and otherwise is totally reworked in this game, instead there is a right answer for the situation and the point of the game isn't picking the right answer but finding out what the situation is, something i had yet to encounter at that point and still seldom encounter these days, in that regard i would say it's objectively the best AIF I've played because it doens't just make you think your way out of puzzles it makes you think "what puzzle is this".

There are others like Depraved Awakenings(story and renders) Superpowered(ambition and scope of the game) and Pine Falls (engaging setting) among others that have all made an impact in their own way but those four are the ones that stand out most.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Acting Lessons by DrPinkCake, while it does do intimacy which is a plus in a field full of games with none at all, that isn't the reason it's here on the list, the reason it's here is because of the handling of heavy issues like cancer in a way that is both engaging and neither too light hearted or too heavy handed, oh and the first bro character in Liam that i didn't want to throw under a bus, or to be fair one of the very best non MC male characters in adult games so far.
This game is the reason why I've decided to stick around on F95. It wasn't the first I played, it wasn't even in the first 20 games I played, but it was the first to leave a lasting impression on me. It's not really fair that this game became the comparative to every other game I've played since. The overall story had me on edge the whole ride.
You are very accurate in your assessment that DrPinkCake nailed the handling of the heavier issues (I'm still sour of the fact that there was no way to save both females, but I understand that it was necessary for the progression and conclusion of the story line) some of the major plot points saddened me to the point of becoming teary eyed. Liam quickly became my favorite non MC male character in any game I've ever played to the point that if I see the model used in any other game, I immediately see that character as Liam.

Big Brother, yeah i'm going to take flack on this one, the thread says "impactful" not "good" games, right? Big Brother was the first of the adult games i played that had renders of that quality, it changed my mind that, what i later came to know as DAZ art, was worth looking at, or even worth the room on my hard drive. I should state that before that i was an AIF man(more on that later) and my experience of 3DCG was lacklustre. However the other reason this game made an impact on me was the writing(which wasn't great to begin with), or more to the point how quickly the writing went off the rails, i mean the Eric premise was part of what set the game apart, i don't like NTR in general but the threat of it was useful to the game and it got taken to pieces in the most dissatisfying way possible, then there was the whole porn career thing and really ... i mean really, that's where this was going?
As soon as Eric came into the picture, I did everything I could to push him out. NTR is among the top tags that I will avoid like the freaking plague. It does absolutely nothing for me unless it's completely necessary for developing the story. I also agree with you that the porn career seemed like it was a rushed addition to the story so the devs could move on to other projects. Even though this game didn't impact me that much, it was a shame that it became abandoned. I generally have OCD about starting a game and not being able to finish it.
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Sep 3, 2018
played a lot of games over the years but a few jumped out at me

Depraved Awakening F95 Depraved Awakening

Always fancied myself playing Micky Spillaines Mike Hammer this game made my dream come true . On a serious note Very well written great renders and wow.For me this game restored my faith in western adult games. you wanna be a private detective give it a look. Status Completed

Next on my list of wow Wicked Choices F95 Wicked Choices Another great game with a great story and great renders. Status W.I.P

and last but not least Heavy Five F95 heavy five wont go into detail as people above have already posted the virtues but well worth a look . Status W.I.P

I would Like to ask all players if you play any of the games listed not just in my post but the whole thread PLEASE consider supporting the devs if you can.They are the lifeblood of adult gaming and the life blood of our community without them we wouldn't be here



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
This game is the reason why I've decided to stick around on F95. It wasn't the first I played, it wasn't even in the first 20 games I played, but it was the first to leave a lasting impression on me. It's not really fair that this game became the comparative to every other game I've played since. The overall story had me on edge the whole ride.
You are very accurate in your assessment that DrPinkCake nailed the handling of the heavier issues (I'm still sour of the fact that there was no way to save both females, but I understand that it was necessary for the progression and conclusion of the story line) some of the major plot points saddened me to the point of becoming teary eyed. Liam quickly became my favorite non MC male character in any game I've ever played to the point that if I see the model used in any other game, I immediately see that character as Liam.

As soon as Eric came into the picture, I did everything I could to push him out. NTR is among the top tags that I will avoid like the freaking plague. It does absolutely nothing for me unless it's completely necessary for developing the story. I also agree with you that the porn career seemed like it was a rushed addition to the story so the devs could move on to other projects. Even though this game didn't impact me that much, it was a shame that it became abandoned. I generally have OCD about starting a game and not being able to finish it.
Yep, Eric and Liam, two examples to every writer about how to handle supporting male characters, one a cautionary tale the other a genius tragic comedy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
The Visit was one I put off for awhile, but holy smokes the writing and renders are fantastic! I'm a sucker for cliffhangers. Glad I finally got off my arse and gave it a try. Stiglet's done a bang up job with creating some great characters. A bit linear but still a great story.

My Sister, My Roomate is another excellent story. No spoilers, but since v8 it hasn't gone the route I thought it would, but I've been pleasantly surprised at the pacing and choices. Of course I wish things were slightly different in terms of options, but I have faith in Sumodeine and where they're taking us. Last update was a real doozy! Worth it to try different paths, especially the further along you go.

And kudos for the above replies, going to have to give some of those titles mentioned a run. Cheers all!
Currently playing The Visit myself right now. It surprises me how this title escaped me. It has Incest, Footjob and Harem tags which are all the ones I look for in a potential game to play. So far, it is enjoyable.. not really much for the MILF thing but the story line works in this case.

I recently finished the current version of My Sister, My Roommate and I like it a lot so far. I really enjoy the sister but I had to pick the "Say No" option to Molly because I can't in good conscious (After Acting Lessons) date a girl and fuck a bunch of other females even if it's a game LOL.
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Feb 4, 2018
Currently playing The Visit myself right now. It surprises me how this title escaped me. It has Incest, Footjob and Harem tags which are all the ones I look for in a potential game to play. So far, it is enjoyable.. not really much for the MILF thing but the story line works in this case.

I recently finished the current version of My Sister, My Roommate and I like it a lot so far. I really enjoy the sister but I had to pick the "Say No" option to Molly because I can't in good conscious (After Acting Lessons) date a girl and fuck a bunch of other females even if it's a game LOL.
Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like a bit of a scumbag with Molly.
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Thanks for listing your top games, because of your initial post I've d/l'd Light of My Life and will give it a try this weekend.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like a bit of a scumbag with Molly.
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Thanks for listing your top games, because of your initial post I've d/l'd Light of My Life and will give it a try this weekend.
Well the thing with Nikk and the reason I couldn't be exclusive to Molly is because If a girl has freckles (Nikki doesn't), that's the one I'm going for... and if a girl has red hair, relation or not, THAT'S the one I'm exclusive to (In game ONLY obviously, I'm not some degenerate......right?)

And you don't have to thank me bro, that was partially the reason for creating this thread. I also wanted to discuss the games mentioned a little further. Light of My Life is different. The renders are NOT your typical "Knock out, swimsuit model, porn star, how the fuck did the MC get these girls". NaughtyRoad (the DEV) adds a level of lovable personality to the appearance of the female characters and as the story progresses, I find myself falling further and further into the protective role of each.
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Feb 4, 2018
Well the thing with Nikk and the reason I couldn't be exclusive to Molly is because If a girl has freckles (Nikki doesn't), that's the one I'm going for... and if a girl has red hair, relation or not, THAT'S the one I'm exclusive to (In game ONLY obviously, I'm not some degenerate......right?)

And you don't have to thank me bro, that was partially the reason for creating this thread. I also wanted to discuss the games mentioned a little further. Light of My Life is different. The renders are NOT your typical "Knock out, swimsuit model, porn star, how the fuck did the MC get these girls". NaughtyRoad (the DEV) adds a level of lovable personality to the appearance of the female characters and as the story progresses, I find myself falling further and further into the protective role of each.
Nothing wrong at all with redheads and freckles! Nikki's personality is great, and her character development is something that I've definitely appreciated the further the story goes. Though Molly for some reason just got to me.
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Regarding Light of My Life, it sounds like the writing and choices are really well written. Sounds like the dev is able to really compel the player to become attached to the characters. Writing is so important in games, it's nice to find those hidden gems. And I also agree about the models. They look good without being too over the top. Don't get me wrong, there are a few games (such as Battle of the Bulges and Holiday Island) where I'm unabashedly playing for the bimbos. But variety is the spice of life!

If you don't mind further thread derailment I'll probably give my 2c on Light of My Life and GRAY (that UZI3854 posted above) when finished. Cheers!
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Let me preface my picks by first saying that; most games I play are mostly lust and kink driven. That kink being mostly NTR. That is just something I happen to love in my games (Yet, want absolutely nothing to do with in the real world). Having said that, the 3 games mentioned below, will or would have put my adoration for that particular kink to the test, as they are the only games with characters that have managed to hit me on an emotional level. These games are much more story, romance, and character driven than most, to the point where I didn't even care about the sexual content. All have darker themes as well as some tragedy or at least potential for tragedy.

1. Primal Instinct Still fairly early in development but chapter 4 will be out any day now (can't wait). A very intriguing and mysterious story with great dialogue (i get the impression that not much is spoken idly, so paying close attention to the dialogue is a must). Light hearted and funny at times but a darker overall theme. The main character is pretty fucking cool (that's rare), and his wife is probably the most realistic female character I've encountered in a game yet. She isn't physically what I normally like but she is just so damn fun and lovable. It seems like you'll need to play both main paths to get a grasp of what the fuck is going on (that being the faithful and cheating paths). There are more clues in the cheating path, so for that reason I'd recommend that path first. Another reason for playing that path first is that you'll will feel like an even bigger prick for cheating after having played on the faithful path. This game just feels like an epic in the making, with choices that could very well lead to severe consequences. Hopefully by games end it still measures up to the potential that I currently feel it has. Sorry. I didn't intend for this to sound like a game review but it probably does.

2. His Legacy and it's prequel Dancer And A Lustrous Stage Unfortunately it has that awful ABANDONED tag next to it's title, but it did get 2 lengthy chapters before it suffered that fate. I just loved the somber atmosphere of this game. It also felt like an epic in the making and seemed like it was leading toward some potentially fucked up choices that would need to be made. 2 very lovable ladies. First that ultra cute stripper that you feel strongly compelled to rescue from her current situation. And then the MC's beautiful best friend Gina. Fucking hell if you had to choose between these 2, both romantically and maybe even between their lives. Oh, and then there is that stone cold mafia boss lady, man was she written well. She was beautiful, ominous, and intimidating as hell. And if you chose to spend that one evening with her instead of Gina you could faintly catch a small glimpse or spark of humanity under her thick, cold, and darkened, exterior shell. Hopefully the Dev will some day return to complete this prodigious work.

3. Acting Lessons Hey, everyone knows this one. It wasn't so much the story, but the characters (namely Megan, Melissa, and Liam) and the dire choice that had to be made toward the end, that made this game so powerful, touching and memorable. Won't be forgetting this piece any time soon.
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Zone flashes. Not for any one in-the-moment "wow" factor and definitely long before I knew about this site but these were the first to demonstrate to me that adult games could have serious production value and stand up to non-porn flash stuff. Honestly the attention to detail and hidden references in some of the larger parody works are more on point than some full-budget modern remakes.

Phantom Buster Rumi and StudioS games: proving that yes, it is in fact possible to go too far and that [EXTREME CONTENT WARNING!!!] labels exist for a reason. And also that you can still find something eerily arousing at the same time...

Parasite Infection part 1, v2.3-ish - great art, cool freaky concept and a sprinkle of humor with the parasite-defaced bathroom artworks. Also blew my mind to learn that the artist ModeSeven genuinely is the same person as NitroTitan who created consensual soft-vore animations way back when, makes perfect sense in hindsight.

And since you didn't specify whether positive or negative: dishonorable mention to whatever my first contact was with "this content is only available in the paid version" cockblocking (probably MnF) and anyone who commits one of my cardinal sins of software in general - opening a website without my consent.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
I've already picked up five games I haven't played yet. Nice thread!