VN - Ren'Py - Imperial Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.7] [Munitions Mori]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The question that until now, nobody has ever asked- what happens when you cross a porn game with WH40K with Disco Elysium?

    Really well written with atmospheric illustrations but not that much smut in it for the one-handed player to enjoy. I can see a fair amount of re-playability in here if you change your initial personality trait choices.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Some truly incredible writing. I wouldn't really recommend it as a "porn" game and if you come looking to get your rocks off you might be disappointed (though some of the sex scenes were hot, they are not numerous and the grim setting might kill your vibe) . However the setting, tone, writing, and general play experience is excellent. Decisions feel meaningful, encounters are interesting, heartily recommend.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    An interesting game.
    Of course it benefits from the massive lore of the 40k universe, but it is twisted (because copyright) with talent.

    The grimdark ambiance of a decaying empire is felt. Story are heartwrenching, moving and very human, despite the tech, the empire and chaos.

    The art is obviously the weak link, it's not very enticing nor sexy. The adult content is clearly not the main appeal to play this game.

    You re here to enjoy the story, not to look for a quick gonzo.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Bruh this shit has writing about as good as Disco Elysium. Not what I was expecting from a porn game.

    5 stars for sure.

    I'm not exaggerating either, try it yourself. Why the fuck are god tier writers making unpublicized and obscure porn games while there are a ton of retards writing major marvel films? God only knows.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written and decently paced, understands the flaws of the Imperium and the dilemmas of its functionaries whilst not playing into the power game of the Inquisition. Impressive. Erotic content feels more like a bonus than the main focus, but that suits me just fine. I like that it allows a mix of fun, consensual encounters as well as characters that lean more into the exploitive power play of the bureaucrat character.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Imperium Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.6]

    The plot of the game is refreshing as it is original but the artwork is sorely lacking in my opinion. The game lacks color which makes it a little boring. At times the visuals look like a rough sketch which makes it not worth the time. This game has a lot of potential to be a 5 star game if the sex scenes are longer. The game does not need animations but it could be improved by adding more artworks in each sex scene. All the best to the developer.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant writing, this is a wonderfully atmospheric VN that pulls you in, confronts you with engaging situations and characters, and makes you care for them. Just wonderful. Oh and the sex scenes are just as good. Truly a lovely job.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An honestly great game. If you're okay with little sexual content but good storytelling and a fan of the 40k franchise you'll enjoy your stay here. Otherwise, well might like it still ? Give it a try.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    "If I had the power, what would I do?"

    Why, on God's green earth, am I asking myself that kinda question when I'm playing my porn games.

    Well to be honest, the writing is just that good.
    You play an auditor of the Imperial Administration, and are sent to assist the Hive City in ruling common and sensitive problem in an attempt to "fix" the rotting bureaucracy of Crescynt. Or at least, that's what you are supposed to.

    Pretty much the whole game consists in meeting people, diving your nose down their business, gathering information and manipulating stuff behind the scene, and once the pieces are all aligned, rule in favor or against one or the other party. Well yeah. Basically an Auditor.

    One could easily see what the "porn" element of that kinda gameplay would be: abusing your power to get the bitches.

    Alright, so nothing original basically? Just ego trips and male domination shenanigans.

    Well, not exactly.

    Let's go back to my introductory line: "If I had the power, what would I do?".
    The writing, mood, ambiance, art style and general aesthetic of the game is so superb that you start not seeing this as a simple porn game to get a wank off of and cast to oblivion, but rather, as you play through the various scenarios it makes you think.

    I know right? Thinking in my porn game? The horror :LUL:

    Except not really.

    If your playthrough looks anything like mine, you start the game thinking you're gonna abuse your power like shit and have a load of fun doing it. But as you meet these people, each with a well written background, personality, motivations (Sister Syrene, you're a gem) and circumstances, I couldn't help but change my thinking. Why you ask? Because, dear Dev, you made me care. You rewarded me for it. And hell, sometimes you don't even get porn at the end of the line, and the worst (best) part of it is that I am fine with it. Hell, I celebrate it.

    The Imperium depicted here (on a side note, it seems like it is an ersatz of the 40K Imperium, and not the actual 40K Imperium, correct me if I'm wrong) is bleak, filled with hopelessness and suffering, and yet your specific role in this empowers you to have an impact however small on its populace. Hence my original question: What would you do if you had the power?

    Huge props to the Dev. We live in an era where low quality trash games gets churned out daily by the dozens and you clearly put in the work to give us something of true value. And for that you have my respect, and my support.

    You just got a new patron. I will be following your project with great interest.

    Have fun out there my fellow dudes :BootyTime:
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely excellent writing for a setting I had no previous knowledge or interest in. Im "aware" of WH40k but thats about it and I still found this engrossing. I like the art style although it might not be to everyone's taste, Sex scenes are bare bones but doesn't detract from my enjoyment,
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Played as at ver 0.2.6

    Much like Fate / Stay Night, this VN is not porn with plot, but plot with porn tacked on.

    The story is domestic "69K", and the writing is on par with the greats of the "Bibliotheque Noir". You play an off-world auditor inspecting yet another industrial hive city, and your actions have an influence on the suspiciously numerous women you meet in the course of your duty. Similar to Rogue Trader, you can be a Dogmatic Bookkeeper, a Creative Accountant (Iconoclast) or a Bootlicking Tyrannical Consultant.

    The lewds are alright, but they are optional. Choosing the lewd options can actually enhance the story - looking at you, Woman-living-in-elevator-shaft-that-wants-a-kid. Other times, depending on your character, you may want to refuse - Hospitaller-chan has a much more consensual scene if you do the right thing.

    Very enjoyable. Strongly recommend. Best enjoyed with played on loop.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best writing of all the vn's I've read on this site. Thoughtful and with a streak of brilliance amidst such a dreary background. The erotic scenes are few and not particularly interesting, but it turns out that's not important in the slightest.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a work of art like what the fuck? I found myself genuinely getting engaged in the story and characters beyond anything you'd expect from the usual fare on this site. as much as it may be odd to say it, the carnal aspects feel like they might be holding the rest of it back. there are no shortage of those either, which is a good thing by this site's standards, and they're of high quality. I just can't help but feel somewhat conflicted in the face of something genuinely interesting
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game for grimdark lovers of a certain universe. A perfect MC background to explore all and have influence without being power fantasy. Expectations should be managed for the art, as the whole game sticks with the gritty vibe with charcoal drawn art style and bodies that belong in this world. That said, I would play this in almost any art style for the quality writing and portrayal of the universe, with or without sex scenes. Now give me a sequel with an Imperial Knight MC please...
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As ever, it is an immense pleasure when the thing that may be effectively a porn addiction leads me to a work of art like this. It's rare that it happens, though many works of smut contain hints of artistic brilliance, but when it does happen I can't leave it unremarked.

    Shit rocks. Honestly I find myself wondering why the creator would tie the weight of pornography to his work, but it just gives it an even greater sense of personal voice and authenticity. Because it is, doubtless, a bad move in terms of reach and profit.

    Play it if you feel horny and also want to think thoughts and feel emotions. Or want to think thoughts and feel emotions and enjoy the presence of sexuality for such activities. Though, Fair Warning, the thoughts and emotions may not hit as hard if you aren't familiar with Warhammer 40k. Specifically the state of human life within 40k. Though I don't feel it's STICTLY necessary, you might get overwhelmed by the similar setting, and miss some of the meaning in certain details.

    There are elements of Disco Elysium at play as well, enough so that it might get me to play it. I've been meaning to, but I find reasons not to continuously. Narrative RPGS like that are quite the commitment of time. Anyway, if you enjoyed that, it's not quite the same as I understand it, but there are similar storytelling elements.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing and really a nice bit of change in the endless ocean of incest and bimbo games on the site. I like it a lot and if you know a little bit of the 40k lore you enjoy it even more. All in all great game, would recommend it for everyone who plays these games for more than just the sex scenes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    Extra ecclesiam, nulla sallus.
    Extra laborem, nulla puritas.
    Extra bellum, nulla victoria.

    Extra Imperatorem, nihil.

    The Emperor is the light against which no darkness can stand.
    The foolish and the ignorant may think themselves slaves of the Imperium. True slavery is only knowable by the thralls of the Dark Gods, whose lives and souls are forfeit to the hunger of their uncaring, insatiable lords. Only the Emperor may grant liberation to the souls of man in death.

    Faith, Fury and Fire shall deliver the warrior against the xeno, the heretic, and the daemon.

    Fight not for Glory, but for Duty alone. It is only in Death that Duty ends.
    To feel fear only brings shame upon oneself if one fails to defy it. True bravery can only be shown by those who will themselves to act against their own fear.

    To cleanse the soul; prayer. To cleanse the body; pain.

    Trust not the alien, for it holds naught but contempt and envy in its heart for you and yours.
    Stare into the eyes of the Outsiders, and their unholiness shall be laid bare before you. Yet you shall not despair, for your soul is armored with faith and knowledge.

    Nexus, Fabellor, Implorem, Quadrigae;
    Ignifer, Macto, Pridem, Saturi.

    From the Lightning, and the Tempest, Emperor deliver us...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is mostly greyscale, some character portraits are misleadingly unflattering, and the lewds are limited albeit tasteful. I found it lacking but the sheer quality of the writing did make up for it.

    Comparisons to Disco Elysium are warranted. This game has the depth, detail, and style. I was genuinely impressed with the callbacks to past decisions even if they were in passing. What makes it more impressive is that the majority of these storylines weren't ordered linearly either.

    Also being a bureaucrat in a dystopian setting with great worldbuilding? Unheard of on F95, 10/10.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Inspired by Disco Elysium and Warhammer 40K, this game is well written and interesting to play.

    It has clearly a lot of potential, but I think the sex scenes are a bit superfluous and forced. I enjoyed just a couple of them and I am not that attracted to the augmented humans. Sometimes the portraits depict average looking characters, who become quite good looking for the sex scenes.

    I didn't have problems with the lack of soundtrack, I just played in the background the Skyrim night music, which I find well suited for the game atmosphere.

    Glory to the God Emperor.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The argument with the faux Adeptus Mechanicus front desk member makes this game worth it already if you are, willingly or unwillingly involved with bureaucracy and organization power games.

    The decadent society ruled by oppresive, corrupt, sluggish and inefficient bureacracy where the only chance for the intelligent and hard working but poor and/or unconnected people is to become a cog in said bureacracy, having to deal with all the corrupt idiots inside which were able to join only because of corruption, is perfectly captured here. The Imperium Eterna approves.