VN - Ren'Py - Imperial Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.7] [Munitions Mori]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A game that tries too hard to be Disco Elysium is about the most succinct review I could make for this game. Inherits its flaws but not much of its strengths. Leaving you with half assed intersecting monologues that do nothing.

    The actual porn aspect of it also ain't there. The art abuses the rough sketch look for a style, which becomes an issue when the "porn" you're looking at is barely discernible. There isn't a vivid enough written description of things to be exciting like it is for text based games.

    A game of heavy compromises in every way.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really scratches the 40k porno game I never thought I needed. The artstyle is super unique, and while it doesn't always hit it really suits the tone of the setting.

    The writing/dialogue is genuinely great. I played with the Empathetic and Razor Wire traits, so I am basing my opinion off of that. I don't know how the traits differ, but the combo that I played with felt very appropriate.

    The dev does a fairly decent job at meshing the story and the erotic content. I think the Scribe case was a little bit too porno-esque, but honestly that's fine. It is a porn game after all, and it didn't break my immersion.

    I think my only hope is that we do get to see some of these characters recur throughout the game. There are some characters you can build a relationship with during their events, and it would be nice to have some characters get more content/events alongside new characters being added.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Like many at first, I was hesitant about the art style along with it being in an universe similar to War-Hammer 40k as it does not fit my particular taste in fiction. However, following my time with this game. I have to state that this game is a masterpiece in the making.

    Firstly, the writing is what sold me on diving deep into this game. Multiple choices impact how the world changes around you. Combining that with being able to set up how your bureaucrat sees reality is a wonderful feeling of immersion. All fo the characters feel real and I always want to engage one in conversation to figure out their point of view and if it opens up new content. The story that is here is early in development but I am very intrigue to see where it goes and what can happen next!

    Secondly, the art aces the impression of a massive futuristic city that is overly stretched and can no longer be maintained. The characters also each look unique and their looks can give hints to what they are like. Not to mention the way the backgrounds are drawn with such detail are masterful.

    Lastly, the ero content is pleasing to engage with and the scenes are enhanced by the writing and the choices you can make with the available cast. What is here already makes me want to see what else the author will do with the ero content and how it will tie in with the story.

    Overall, despite being early in development, this game is a gem which you came to play for the erotic content but will stay more for the story and the choices you make. I wish the developer the best as they push forward!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is real lightning in a bottle here. With some time to cook this could really be *one of those* games. This may actually be one of the best thematic adaptations of Warhammer I've ever seen. The art style is perfect for it. I wasn't so hot on the Disco Elysium thing it has at first but it grew on me very quickly. I really hope this gets finished, it deserves the be known.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is hands down one the best games I have play up with Last Sovereign. I don't know I can express my love for this game.
    It has Disco Elysium style right, love the voices even the lesser ones, love actually be a bureaucrat, also I the french instead of Latin is transcendent .
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a 40k game and has the writing and story to back it up. I will say that those two things alone are what make up 95% of the worth of this title.

    The art style is ugly and the game sort of being forced into an adult format only hammers home this point. If you remove the porn and stuck this on Steam after some tactical renaming of a few things to avoid GW's ban hammers this game would be much more at home there rather than on F95.

    I also kind of think that because this game is so writing heavy that Renpy might not be the best engine because you spend so much time reading and then don't have many options for like a journal or notepad to refer back to what you have done, who you have talked to, gathered facts, etc...

    Maybe Unity or something like that where you have more control over the UI might be a better fit to organize everything. Maybe it's possible in Renpy but I have only seen the engine get pushed once in a information heavy game (Lab Rats 2) and it was because the dev was clearly a full time professional programmer.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As a 40k fan the story is easily a 10/10, the porn is good and I really enjoy all of the characters! I have high hopes for this game's future as it's scratched an itch I didn't know I had and even after finishing all the content up just a few minutes ago I already want more!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I consider myself an extreme 40k fan. I've read well over a hundred 40k books. From Gaunt's Ghosts to The Night Lords trilogy to Cain to Watcher of the Throne. If it's considered good a good 40k book, I've read it. If it's considered a bad 40k, I've also probably read it.

    This is a DAMN good 40k story. Honestly, someone needs to send this to Games Workshop. Take out the porn. Get a professional artist and make this an official 40k VN.

    Now, does this game have flaws? Yeah.

    First off. It's not porn. The porn, conceptually could be hot. But the art really isn't. The art functions to tell the story. But it does not function as porn.

    I also think the porn in this is mostly not needed. Kind of gets in the way.

    So as porn. 1 out of 5.

    As a 40k story? 5 out of 5. Will be giving this man money.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game made me buy Disco Elysium (at a discount, because the company is basically on fire) so that I could compare notes to this game. Which then got me to put money into this game's Patreon.

    The game is not for those looking for a quick jork of the paenits, F95Zone has a lot of those. However, it is well-written, consistent, reminds me of early Warhammer 40k artwork and themes, and sells the story it is telling. You are no hero of the Imperium; no battles are won here, no unveiling of cults, or uprising of Chaos. Only a consistent amount of suffering, as the gears of the world turn and crush men in its wake. You tip no balance in the grand scheme of things, but you can make one person's day better. That's all you can do. Or, you can make it worse because lol fuck you Respect Mah Authoritah.

    It's a game for fans of Disco Elysium, Warhammer 40k's stories of normal humans and their hell-world conditions, and those who are looking for light downloads and something on the Novel side of a Visual Novel.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    ....Holy hell! This is a great example of good writing supported by H scenes, not the other way around. Plus its a relatively fresh perspective. I mean, how often do you look at the Grimdark and think "They'd best have completed their TPS reports or they will suffer the Emperor's wraith!". I want more.

    Addendum: I DIDN'T EVEN MENTION THE ART! Love original drawings.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice! Great writing. Solid characters. Good sketches. Well done work. I'd like to see more work like this here, because content matters in absolutely any creative work. I wish the author or team of authors fame and fortune.
    For the Emperor!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Imperium Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.1]

    While I enjoyed this one a lot, I can't in good concience give it a 5 because no faps were had. It's a lewd game after all, and a lewd game that fails to tickle the boner-center of my brain is honestly a bit of a failure. Text alone dosn't do it for me and the artwork is just too basic and crude for any kind of fappability.

    With that said though, holy shit is this one good! It's not often I will praise a lewd game for its writing but this one is absolutely excellent! It's not only the writing that's good, it's also the general game design. Choices matter and there are mysteries to uncover. I sense some choices will come back to haunt me down the line.

    It just frustrates me a little that such good writing and game design is paired with such basic artwork. Please, for the love of the Emperor, find a decent artist to pair up with. This kind of project with top-of-the-line lewd art would be lightning in a bottle! There are so many competent visual artists who can't write or design a game here on f95. The best of both worlds would be so amazing.

    Other than that, I'm a little bit disappointed that I didn't get to burn heretics or exterminate xenos. But it's still early in development and I have no doubt there will be plenty of both down the line. Looking forward to more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought I'd see a pornographic warhammer game with the traits and writing of disco elysium, but here we are. What a wild world we live in.

    The art is a bit rough. It's not bad, even skillful in some places, but it has a very "rough draft/concept art" kind of look to it.

    But the writing is the real star. Despite being a porn game it is very competently written, and takes it's setting seriously as opposed to turning into some kind of set dressing or parody.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously compelling writing, the trait system is cool as hell and actually matters.
    I'm not a fan of Warhammer, but the world is incredibly interesting and I am looking forward to future updates.
    Art is not this game's strongest suit, but it is very unique and is good enough besides.
    I will say that the build up to the sex scenes is usually better than the scenes themselves, writing wise. This is a very minor critique.

    Overall: Great, great game. Gives you opportunities to be a real bastard or a small light in the darkness, and both feel rewarding.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5515203

    More of a good read than a fap, and that's more than okay.

    This is a passion project which has produced a pretty and worthwhile uncut little gem of a game/vn. Disco Elysium has clearly inspired the dev which is a good thing. It's set in a setting familiar and dear to a lot of people.

    So why good and not excellent you may ask? Well frankly the art is not arousing, and neither are the scenarios imo which makes this fall short as a nsfw focused product.

    However, and this is key, in my opinion this isn't really a porn game first and foremost. It's more like an adult aimed comic book that has you know perhaps more graphic sex scenes than the average one out there, but it's not really the focal point. Sex sells so it may help the dev complete his project, but i don't think you should go into this title with that in mind.

    I think you should approach this game as a small indie rpg set in the 40k universe, and have fun with it like that. This is good on a rainy day with a biscuit, cop of coffee and some fitting music. I hope the dev finishes this project and continues to develop his writing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A fan game so far at 0.20 that understands the origin story, doesn't sacrifice aura and vibes at the alter of pure lust. So far so good! Not sure it merits 200 characters at 0.20 though, but I played through all three major facets to start and was pretty impressed with the playablity and options. Not too deep in divergence to start, but thematically varied enough for my tastes.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game , I really like the vibe and mood this sets over the entire tone of the gameplay perspective.

    So far , story setup is decent enough to keep me attracted and porn is decent as well.

    I really hope the dev does not give this up , good work!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of those rare games where the art, aesthetics, and writing are of equally high quality. Anyone looking for a quick wank will be disappointed, but if you enjoy a genuinely well written bit of fiction with believable human intimacy, keep your eye on this one. I know I will be.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3630365

    This is a legitimately excellent passion project. The writing is superb, especially for game posted on a site that has greater focus on cuckolding quick faps. The art is nothing stellar, but it serves the game well in developing the atmosphere of the setting.

    It's also important to note that this is a mature game, but it is not a SEX game. There are some sex scenes, but they are far from the central focus of the work. The writing and Warhammer themes are what this is all about, and I am all for it.

    Glory to the God-Emperor!

    It's too bad it seems to have been abandoned. I would be more than willing to support this project financially if it were able to consistently output content of this quality.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a delightful surprise. A bleak and kafka-esque take on naughty games. The writing is top notch, the monotone art is perfectly paired with the grim content, the few scenes in the demo are generally bug free and easy to navigate.

    Weaknesses: not much content yet (1-2 hrs?), no meaningful plot choices yet (no consequences for scenario decisions), and it's frankly untitillating. I was expecting a creeper power fantasy, with a petty bureaucrat taking advantage of his petty authority. Instead, I got a heartfelt meditation about social isolation, powerlessness, small attempts to improve a soul crushing system in spite of itself, and the occasional desultory sex scene.

    With more development, it could become a brilliant and unique game/story, though.