Well i don't like Cass, so she normally never even approaches me with the coup.
If you kill her after she told her plan for the coup you end up pretty with the white coronation (except you will miss most of the 0.6 update), same as if the MC is in prison and reject to work with her.
The path were cass tells you about her coup is best for a Cass path.
Personaly i like either the white coronation where the MC is in prison and later executes Cass, or the red coronation where Isis poisons Cass.
Well, if we believe the woman which shows us the vision, the best course would be killing all the snakes as she says, Cass being one of them, she's happy if we kill Cass.
It was pretty clear that Isis wouldn't be a threat until she had some children with the MC and secured her position, old enough kids to take over etc. Was said several times iirc.
And this vision, if we believe the daughter, Isis was maybe not so loyal and could be planing to get rid of the MC.
But it's just a single moment, so hard to say anything. The daughter could also be a shemer like her mother or Cass and try to stir up shit, or maybe even get her mother out of the way (that would be kinda funny)