Hallö it's me, me again, a nice weekend to you all!
i love the change and will mention from now on the preg content, to help you categorize the games easier.
Roundscape Adorevia - well i mention it again because it's still not in the list? -- male protag - impregnate + fem protag getting preg -- maybe you dint put it in because you think the preg content is towards the end? well as the male protag you can knock up a servant pritty early in to the game. the companions take a while but they only need to like you enough and you to finish there quests. they all can be done before you go kill the "endboss" and the game goes on after you defeat Murkal. as fem protag you can be knocked up by a wolf early on, well dint play to much as fem so... (sorry to mention it again and sorry would like to write even more but already long enough)
KoboldKare -- other impregnations -- a somewhat silly Kobold farming game. where you, a Kobold, can buy eggs grow kobolds and make more eggs with them. with body modifications and swapping. there are even more characters than just kobolds through
mods, new "gear", new maps and even dicks. after the first play through or when the game gets to tedious for you, there are cheats. ah forgot to mention it has even multiplayer, to have fun with the entire family. xP
Princess & Conquest -- impregnation others -- well i don't like this one that much. to grindy for my taste, so mäh.
Carnal Instinct -- impreg others + getting preg (male,female and futa protag) -- a really promising title (v0.5.220) so far. its mate in UE5, looks great, good animation/scene system, has so far decent worldbuilding and you can customize your character in many ways. game is still in development so the preg system is somewhat disappointing at the moment.
last but not least is something i need to point out... you have
TiTS in the list but
CoC and
CoC2 not? well a mistake what can be rectified ;D
just to mention it
Holy Knight Ricca -- its getting preg but there are some insect enemies in the game, soooo eggs to.
sorry my posts are all kinda long at the same time i dont want to just post the game titles and bugger off. giving a small preview for what is in the games, to help you find a intresting one. i still have more games