To all regarding wardrobe:
We definitely hear all of the comments about the wardrobe system. Thank you all for your patience as we try to figure this out.
We will be taking a great deal of time to review the code for the clothing system and all related scenes/events/conditions. We have reasons for wanting the overall system to function the way it is intended, but if we can't get it right, we may have to also reassess the way that we are doing it. Personally, I am sure that there is just some little legacy gremlin hiding in the code somewhere that is just waiting to be found that will make everything work perfectly. *fingers crossed*
Most of the problems seem to be related to the work uniform and the sleepwear. Hopefully, the sleepwear shortcut works once you set something as a default.
There is no penalty right now if you go to work without your uniform, so try that if you experience issues.
We know that this can be a bit of a pain in the butt at times---if you run into any other problems with the wardrobe, try the "undress completely" option in the wardrobe and add one item at a time.
Again, thank you all for playing our game! I lurked on this site for a few years before becoming a developer myself and know how helpful everyone can be, which is why I appreciate your input and why we try to respond personally to everyone here and address all of your feedback.