VN Ren'Py In Her Service [v0.64] [Blue Factory Games]

3.80 star(s) 23 Votes


Sep 27, 2017
Thanks for criticism.

You are talking mostly about Henry I think.

He is serving in the military as literally a knight. It is a modern-day setting, but knighthood still requires rigorous training from childhood and lifelong active military service, along with the requirement of putting one's life on the line in case of war. The game takes place during a time when the kingdom is at war. The conflict occurs on the other side of the kingdom, and Henry's brother is serving there as mentioned in the game. According to nobility law, only one son can serve in the war at the same time from each house, and Henry served before the events of the game. His brother has recently taken his place. Once his brother returns to the house, Henry will go back to war. This pattern continues until the war is over.

The initial idea behind Henry was to create a negative impression on the player at first. The "dumb big musclehead" stereotype fits this purpose well. However, it is later revealed that this is not who he truly is. As the story unfolds, the player will learn more about Henry's true character. Unfortunately, revealing more information would spoil the game.

Initially, I experimented with a leaner guy (similar to Jack) with a different background, but I couldn't properly place him in the role and it didn't mesh well with Talia. When I began writing the lore for the game world, having Henry as "friend" of Talia instead of her husband worked much better and allowed me to explore more about world events through his perspective. As a result, he became a knight in active service and needed a more muscular appearance.

As I delved deeper into developing his character, I realized that the big guy body suited his character well with his character and couldn't change back to my initial plan. Meanwhile, Jack initially had a less attractive appearance but underwent a transformation to be leaner and more handsome, which was influenced by feedback from female member of a VAM forum who suggested that having an attractive protagonist would be important for her enjoyment of the game (if the protagonist wasn't female). This decision also had an impact on the dynamics between Talia and Jack in the story as if you played game you realize that Talia finds Jack handsome. That female member shown me what she finds "hot" and I later on contacted for his blessing to use of his character in my game with some modifications.

Thanks for input. I thought about removing slavery from premise (but still leaving it on in game) but I think that would be misleading. The complicated premise comes from my experiments in writing romance/swapping story. The slavery aspect gives interesting dynamic between characters vs just two normal couples and that was the reason why it was created in such way. The other dynamic was clash between more conservative commoners and high society that is more open about relationships (which actually comes from our own world history). So while this won't be abuse story, slavery on technical level has impact on relationship between characters that better grounds them in story and shape their behaviors.

As for NTR, Sharing etc. Naturally they will come later on. Prologue people can play is essentially long setup to story so that player can understand relationships between characters and their personalities. I believe longer setups have ability to better connect players to characters.

The look of the game is result of it being natively VAM game (VR game) that i converted to RenPy. I planned to make whole VN in VAM but VAM 1.x is just not suited to create VNs with whole host of issues ranging from poor performance to lack of text engine. Just to give an example. Initial scene with 3 characters and couple of lights makes my RTX3090 run it at 20ish fps in VR. I really hope VAM2.x will solve those issues and my next game (already in plans, way more ambitious) can be done in VAM2.x. That rendering choice has negatives (no raytracing which means worse lighting) but also has benefits (I can share VR scenes from game for people to see scene not just as 2D but being in room with characters) and way easier animation which means I plan most of erotic content to be animated.
Why not use Daz3d models as many people do, but probably you'd know better. Anyway, I'm not interested in romance and old women, good luck.


Jan 2, 2018
Just a f.y.i.. I downloaded game from from svscomics and from here thru mega. Both times it says there are threats and deleted exc. I use Norton, any thoughts??? Don't have this problem with other games.


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Just a f.y.i.. I downloaded game from from svscomics and from here thru mega. Both times it says there are threats and deleted exc. I use Norton, any thoughts??? Don't have this problem with other games.
Weird. I didn't modify renpy repo in any way. This is basically a stock RenPy game. That being said I originally provided 3 mirrors of my own but they were replaced by admins who moved thread from Request Game to Games part of forum. Maybe whoever reuploaded it has some issues.

On my there are direct links to MEGA repo that I personally created and I am 100% sure they are clean.
There is no paywall to download game from patreon so you can get game directly from it if there is problem.
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Reactions: Sammy1


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019

The initial release of my game has already passed, and some of you who have been following its development are gathered here today. With this in mind, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the future of this game.

State of the developement:|||||||||||

The current Prologue (v.0.39) consists of approximately 20 events, each lasting from 1 minute to several minutes. In this game, an event refers to a self-contained scene that unfolds during gameplay. The planned final version will include around 80 such events, resulting in a game length of roughly 6-8 hours. The duration and complexity of the ending will vary based on player choices and different pathways through the story, with some endings being significantly longer than others.

Story structure is more or less:

01 to 20 - prologue (RELEASED)
21 to 60 - main game (CURRENT WORK)
61 to 80 - endings (FUTURE)

In terms of work needed to finish the game prologue, it was the easiest part to do as the branching of the story is not yet in full swing. The main game is structured in a semi-branchial fashion, where it can split into different branches but also come back or intersect with other branches. Definitely, the hardest part will be the endings. Unlike most games where endings are short, I plan for my endings to be pretty long and leave the game fairly open-ended for possible additions down the line. I believe that in order for my game to shine and for you to be interested, it is necessary to do them in this way.

The prologue is relatively straightforward as it sets up the story so that players can familiarize themselves with the characters' personalities and their dynamics, learn a bit of lore, and get to know the setup. It does have choices, but most of those choices are fairly simple. Though without spoiling too much, there are two important choices hidden within the prologue that will have resolutions later on in the story.

Now let's move to what is going to happen in the future.||||||||||||

The next update is scheduled for release early March, but it might be delayed depending on how work progresses. The upcoming events will be larger than those in the prologue and will have consequences based on the player's previous actions. Additionally, there will be choices made by the player that will help define the type of game they want to play.

This is the point where the game will undergo a significant transformation, and the pace will accelerate. From this moment on, choices and consequences (C&C) will become increasingly important as I plan for the game to have at least several different endings. This change will also coincide with an update to the prologue to complete it in a way that is similar but "different." This approach leaves room for various character relationships to develop further in the latter part of the game. The current ending of the prologue has been designed this way because I wanted to give players a sense of what the overall game experience will entail.

Technical stuff that is planned for game : |||||||||||||

- Music and Sound.

I definitely plan to implement these elements. In fact, I have already begun the process of implementation; however, I have decided to delay releasing this feature until the game has more content to offer.

- Voices.

My other hobby for the past five years is AI research, and with recent advancements in AI, I think it's possible to give characters voices that would sound convincing. Naturally, I would love to have character voices performed by real people, but this is strictly connected with my supporter base. With enough support, I would be able to commission voice acting work. Until then, I am forced to look into other avenues like AI. Now, this feature requires a lot more research and development than music and sound, meaning if it ever gets implemented in the game, it will likely come after the implementation of music and sound. It could be done in two ways: full voice acting or partial voice acting, where characters would speak only major lines while leaving others unvoiced. The reason why I am not doing it now is that at the moment, the quality of AI voices is pretty good, but it requires a lot of work to get those voices right. I predict that in less than 12 months, there will be new AI models that will be able to simply take RenPy Script and voice it correctly with emotion, requiring far less work and time.

- Animations.

As you saw in the introduction, thanks to VAM as my primary rendering method, I intend to create high-quality erotic scenes as animated sequences. Thanks to VAM's physics engine and the game being native VR with the capability to manipulate keyframes/people through hand gestures, creating animations becomes more cost-effective in terms of time, allowing for faster iteration while generating top-notch animations.

- VR scenes.

Another benefit of VAM is that it allows for gamers to experience scenes from the game in the VR world. While I don't plan to release a separate version of my game as a native VAM VN game, I do plan to release some scenes. The amount of them will mostly depend on factors such as the pace of development, technical issues like performance for common users, or limitations of the VAM engine as a VN base. I think I don't need to explain to you that this could be a fun alternative to see some events in the game. Especially if you could be your favorite character in the game.


Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and I hope that it has sparked your interest in my games. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to ask, as I will be actively posting updates here or on the F95 board. Additionally, your support is greatly appreciated if you enjoy what I make.


May 25, 2017
Someone know the name of this style of graphic ?
Looks like . Similar to a horizontal hatching or engraving effect but intentionally distorted / noisy / glitchy. It could be a Photoshop Action but the glitches on the leftmost face looks to me like it was .



Jan 2, 2018
Weird. I didn't modify renpy repo in any way. This is basically a stock RenPy game. That being said I originally provided 3 mirrors of my own but they were replaced by admins who moved thread from Request Game to Games part of forum. Maybe whoever reuploaded it has some issues.

On my there are direct links to MEGA repo that I personally created and I am 100% sure they are clean.
There is no paywall to download game from patreon so you can get game directly from it if there is problem.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was able to download from your Patreon site.


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019
Looks like . Similar to a horizontal hatching or engraving effect but intentionally distorted / noisy / glitchy. It could be a Photoshop Action but the glitches on the leftmost face looks to me like it was .

It was done via photoshop filter. I think it fit well theme of game. Glitches etc. are part of that filter.
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Reactions: boobthief


Feb 22, 2018
Looks promising, the biopic kind of remind me estate dominate, but I hope a better future for this game


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019

It is Sunday, typically for those who work a standard 9-5 schedule, this is a day of rest. For me, however, it's an excellent opportunity to work on my game! That, combined with Monday being free from work, allows me to dive right into v0.40.

On Saturday, I worked up until around 3 PM before heading home and began working on the C&C (Choices & Consequences) prologue in preparation for upcoming events. As a result of my efforts, the prologue can end a bit differently, differing from previous experience. The changes to the prologue will be included with v0.40 release, as I believe it will offer a more cohesive experience when paired with new events rather than being presented in a standalone format.

With most of the C&C prologue now complete, I can focus on the exciting aspect of development: writing the actual script for several upcoming "events" and shooting scenes if necessary. Though the game has already been designed up to its conclusion with various paths and endings, implementation and creation of believable dialogues while considering previous choices is actual body of my work now.

Sometimes when you write, you realize quickly that a prepared rough design needs to be revised, and while an event can be either revised, changed, or outright scrapped. Something like this happened to Event 017, which doesn't exist in the prologue for that reason. That event was supposed to be what Mistress did in Event 014 (first scene with Mistress at night). I quickly realized that in order to establish better differences in culture between Mistress and Jack (player), it was necessary to move toward such a scene more abruptly, rather than through a gradual step. The original Event 014 was supposed to hint at those differences and it got cut.

SPOLER ALERT: Watch it after playing prologue.
for E022 looks like in RenPy script.

As I mentioned in my previous post, v0.40 should contain a few scenes. However, they are mostly connected into something I call "Crisis." Crisis is essentially a chain of closely related events that takes choices made before the crisis into account, forces you to choose during the crisis as well, and results in consequences based on those choices. These crisis events often lead to changes in character attitudes towards other characters, which then serve as a foundation for what comes next.

Now how much time does it take? From my experience, if there are no issues with rough design, it takes approximately 4-6 hours to write, create character emotions, implement choices and alternative outcomes, and determine whether some parts need custom scenes for memorable moments.

What if something requires a custom scene? Then, I need to do it in VAM obviously. Thankfully, VAM is an easy tool to work with and its physics-based engine makes it easy to set up scenes. On the other hand, lighting can sometimes be challenging; without proper lighting, some scenes can look outright bad. It usually takes about an hour to a few hours depending on the number of scenes to render or if they are disconnected or connected. Animation work is more difficult but, thanks to VR and using my hands instead of a mouse for key animation, it's also pretty easy for someone like me to satisfy my tastes as well as yours (I hope).

Now, when it comes to the release of v0.40, a tricky part here is C&C as players can make several important choices and set up character relations between characters. Additionally, a few events combined into a crisis must showcase this. In v0.40, there should be around 4-5 new events, which will be approximately 1/4 the length of the prologue (which has 20 events). However, due to the degree of branching, it can be played faster or longer.

- increased amount of C&C in prologue which will be part of v0.40
- working currently on scripts for few new events, v0.40 should come with 4-5 new events.
- ETA for v0.40 is early march, hopefully no slip to middle of march.


Game Developer
Jun 25, 2019

Work has been going great so far.

Out of the five new 'events' I plan for v0.40 [the prologue had 20], writing the script for two has been completed. Currently, I am working on the third one, which should be finished today. This event will be longer than most due to its branching storyline resulting from choices made by the player. The fourth event will require less time to write, and the fifth event is expected to be the shortest among all of these five events.

After I finish the script, I will need to sit down and render/animate the scenes. For the four events, this should go fairly quickly; however, the final event will require a significant amount of work. The majority of the scenes can likely be completed within one or two days, but the last one may take at least two evenings to finish.

Upon completion of the script and renders/animations, the proofreading stage will commence. During this stage, I will carefully review the text for any grammatical errors and ensure that the content matches accurately with the visuals displayed on screen. This will be a crucial step in achieving a polished final product.

After completing the proofreading, I will proceed with the error check to ensure accuracy in the text, particularly focusing on the correct reading of player choices and addressing any issues found. Following this step, I will conduct a final review to assess whether the scene has been crafted as intended and identify areas for potential improvements or further elaboration.

Once everything above is completed, I will build a new version and distribute it to you. Currently, there are no changes planned for the release of the new version. It should be available in early March. After working on v0.40, I believe that next week Friday night is a realistic goal for its release.

✔ E022 - script
✔ E023 - script
✔ E024 - script
• E025 - script
• E026 - script
• E022 - renders/animation
• E023 - renders/animation
• E024 - renders/animation
• E025 - renders/animation
• E026 - renders/animation
• proofreading
• bughunt
• review
• corrections [optional]

ETA: Friday, 8th of March 2024 (could slip though)

3.80 star(s) 23 Votes