RPGM - Completed - In the Hamlet of Loli Bigtits [v1.03a+] [Aeba no Mori]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Mr. Cofman

    "Oh wow, he is like a Grimm but worse!"
    "The circumstances are different but... yeah"
    "What a loser! Chocked by tits to death! Kyahaha!~"
    "Isn't he already dead?"
    "It is called the Afterlife for a reason, idiot~"
    "After the life on Earth, there is another life..."
    "Wasted to be chocked by tits to death!~ KYAHAHAHA!~"

    If Isekai was about nothing but tits... you'd get something like this game
    Nine pairs of tits.
    Two are hidden and Seven are always ready to milk you dry!
    But wouldn't it be better just to die?~
    No? Then just enjoy your stay in this village forever and ever and ever... like you already did many times before~
    Though, be ready for some annoying grinding and a bit of exploration.
    In other words, cheating is essential~

    "Four stars?! Did you get a brainrot?"
    "Boobussy got me actin unwise"
    "Yare yare... that's why you need to tamper with their memory..."
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Frain Tomorrow

    Welcome to a paradise of paizuri!
    Where every young lady is bountiful of chest, and shares her bounty. Settle in and make friends, do jobs, explore the hamlet, collect items and level up. Become intimate with each character, who has her own ending.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.03a

    This game is very simple with its intentions, you like paizuri and femdom? Well that is all that you are going to fucking get. Its all massive tits and boob jobs and nothing else, so if you arent into like i was, you wont find this game that interesting or fun.
    When it comes to the gameplay, its just basically a normal RPGM game with no unique characteristics.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This game is an experience. One that wasn't entirely pleasant but from which I couldn't walk away regardless.

    The first thing apparent when playing the game is that it's creepy. Everything, from the music, to the art style, to the dialogue, contributes to a pervasive eerie atmosphere that may very well be the game's strongest point. Anyway, let's get down to the details.

    MC wakes up in a strange village full of young girls with gigantic breasts. They talk to him as if they know him and the village chief makes him her "manservant", tasked with performing "garden cleaning duties", meaning going to kill monsters outside the village. The first thing you'll notice is that when you die you just respawn in bed one day later... and things get weirder from there.
    The story is given to you by little bits when you complete tasks for the girls and you can probably piece it together by reading a couple old diaries at certain locations. It's overall rather disturbing and makes a good job at reinforcing the creepy atmosphere.

    The MC is silent and has no personality whatsoever except for an all-consuming obsession with paizuri. The reason for this is eventually revealed but regardless, it makes him weirdly alien and more than a little unsettling, a fact the girls just love to point out.
    The girls are all described as oppai lolis but I disagree with the "loli" part. They look more like midgets with huge boobs. Personality-wise they're all various shades of abusive with just a superficial trait added on top to avoid making them completely identical. Still, they often end up bleeding into each other, especially during H scenes. Like in the MC case there's a reason for this, and while it helps in making the game creepy it has the side-effect of making the H scenes a lot more repetitive than they needed to be.

    Other reviews mentioned a "white haired bitch" as a con to the game but she was by far the most memorable character. Not only she's story-wise the complete opposite of the other girls (as her goals and nature run counter to everyone else's) but her openly insane behavior makes her rather distinctive and fresh. She was a clear positive in my opinion.

    The biggest reason why I didn't rate this 4 stars. The gameplay is, quite frankly, crap. I'd go as far as say it actively detracts from the experience. You have to explore intricate and confusing maps while fighting mobs with standard RMXP battle system. Encounters are visible which in theory should make them less annoying but there is a few problems with this:
    • You have at most 2 characters
    • Maps are often narrow and contains a lot of enemies
    • Enemies beeline for you as soon as you're close enough
    • The only way to restore HP is with skills and they all cost SP
    • The only way to restore SP is to sleep until the next day
    Battles aren't hard but they're so numerous it becomes a chore quickly. You'll have to grind for XP at first then, when your biggest source of XP becomes items, you'll have to grind for money and materials. Which means exploring, looking for specific monsters and having to fight armies of things you don't care about.

    This game would have been much better with a point & click adventure system, similar to old titles like Nocturnal Illusion.

    Aside from the characters art, the village tileset and a few monsters, everything is RMXP RTP. It isn't a problem, the subdued color palette is fairly appropriate for this game.

    Creepy and/or oppressive, depending on the situation. One of the biggest contributors to the game's overall vibe.

    This is a game about paizuri. The MC is utterly obsessed with paizuri. Every girl has giant boobs made for squeezing out the MC sperm. This is the game's premise and every character is aware of it.
    Every single scene is a paizuri scene. There is absolutely nothing else.
    The scenes themselves are fairly similar and repetitive: they consist of the MC being milked of his semen while a girl pours verbal abuse on him and fantasize about killing him with her boobs. If this happens to be your thing then you'll definitely appreciate the H-scenes. I most certainly did.

    Final words
    As said in the opening of this review, the game is an experience. It isn't a good game since the gameplay can be really painful but it's worth playing once if you like paizuri and aren't looking for something lighthearted. Don't feel bad for cutting out grind time with cheats though, you'll shorten the game considerably but sometimes less is more.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    You liked this game? Pervert. Peeervert.

    You don't care about anything but paizuri. Shooting your semen uselessly into tits. Just die. Throw your life away filling tits with your sperm, never to be used for its intended purpose.

    What? You still have more left?

    Wow, look at you struggling to impregnate their giant breasts. Even as your life fades you won't stop raping their tits. Fucking die, you pervert.

    Ahem, I respect this game's commitment to paizuri. Not a single non-paizuri scene, and not a modest chest in sight. Only paizuri with giant tits. Unreal tits, literally.

    The combat was very well-balanced, maybe the best balanced RPGM combat I've played. Still, it's not terribly fun especially if you find yourself grinding. The plot was... Well, basically paizuri is the cause of & solution to every problem in the universe. The music was much better than the standard, aggressively generic RPGM stuff.

    I felt somewhat lied to about the "loli" part of the title. I'm not an expert on the subject but many of the girls didn't seem like lolis. The big tits part was accurate, but probably more accurate than it should have been. I would guess even the most diehard oppaizuri fan would've appreciated more variety. The dialogue as well, though not bad, was very one-dimensional. The characters did have different personalities, but one thing they all shared was a fixation with draining your life through paizuri.

    The male character is only characterized through the girls' dialogue. There's some justification for it, but it still felt awkward even by self-insert protagonist standards. The way you're constantly talked down to makes it more apparent.

    Fuck it, I'm not analyzing this.

    I expected the game to be completely cheesy, one-dimensional & fetishistic. In some ways it was more one-dimensional than I expected, but the actual gameplay, atmosphere & story made it a surprisingly enjoyable experience, even if the erotic elements left me amused rather than aroused.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Big tits

    Big tits
    Giving 5 stars for the Big Tits

    *Art: Nice art

    *Writing: Erotic
    I personally really enjoyed the premise

    *Music: Good

    *Gameplay: Grindy for some, but I enjoyed it, you can always use cheat engine if it is too grindy for you

    Recommended for anyone who loves Big Tits
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I fully expected that the game is going to exclusively feature l*li and titfucks.
    But it LITERALLY is JUST that. There is not even any variations with oral or anything. Just l*lis bullying you with their tits.

    But that's something I still expected when getting into this. What I didn't expect though is the ever-present femdom. When I said bullying, I meant it.
    All the girls are unappealing (to me) as characters, since they're all malicious bitches. There's a greedy bitch. A psychotic bitch. A frigid bitch. One, maybe two characters maybe aren't all that evil and don't threaten you with murder by titfuck constantly.

    The overall tone of the game is also very unsettling, if not downright creepy. This is no sunshine and rainbows l*li titfuck adventure - there is something sinister in the game, in the design, in the dialogue, the soundtrack and definitely the story. And, of course, the constant murder-rape fantasizing of the girls. By titfuck.

    The gameplay is incredibly grindy, generic-turn-based RPGMaker stuff. The skill choice is poor, which doesn't even spice that up.
    Just like in real life, cumming on or within a girl's tits drains your precious experience points. A LOT of them. You don't gain anything in exchange, either, and there's no way to increase your base stats permanently.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, but short. You'll definitely beat it fast with cheats, because all the time you'll just grind to progress. Anyway I was satisfied in the end, cuz of unique and good atmosphere, of a lost guy in a village of lolis with nice tits. I recommend you to cheat and try to investigate as much places, as you can, because farther you go, better equipment you find.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Too bad it is very short, art is very good, I like it, I like girls (more like glasses), it is also a shame that I only have paizuri, although that is what the game is about and what it offers you, it It is very good, I would have liked that there was something more than paizuri. To kill time is very good
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 492881

    Graphics: 10/10
    Story: 9/10
    Characters cg/looks: 10/10
    Gameplay: 10/10

    I've really liked the cg's and the way each character is unique, I can't explain why I like this so much, but everything put together is very good, it's grindy but enough to feel satisfaction after one big titted loli will take everything from you.
    It's a very nice game I would recommend to anyone!
    The amount of content is not very much but is decent.
    It's very grindy but with a save editor you would enjoy this game much more so look out for it!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    10 out of 10, Can't have sex.
    Not in real life and not in this game but big tit lolis make me happy. First tought it was a horror game where lolis were milking you for exp but now i'm not so sure. Welp if you like lolis and okay with a game that only has titjobs than this is for you.
    Ps. They may not look like lolis but when you see the lower half of their bodies it's becomes clear that they're lolis
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is just nightmare fuel. That white hair crazy girl almost gives me a heart attack :/

    - Good art but with little variety in the CGs
    - Interesting story and characters. There are surprises in the story and the characters are likeable.
    - Femdom. Always welcomed
    - Paizuri

    - Too much paizuri
    - Grindy as hell
    - Erasing the grindy part, the game would be very short
    - Quite boring gameplay
    - White hair crazy girl

    Overall, 3/5 stars, I reccomend cheating to avoid all the grind. A pity, the game promised a lot more.