This one, is a good one. The models for the ladies look great, the animations are stellar as well. The plot is decent. It doesn't do anything new, but isn't written poorly. It's a serviceable plot that doesn't detract from the game. I do find it fun to look and see what the inspirations for the various settings are. For instance, a race of elves that grew incredibly numerous and powerful, gradually becoming more and more depraved until a cataclysm occurred that nearly destroyed them? Slaanesh and the Eldar would like to file a DMCA upon thineself, dev. Went with the Goblin Slayer type goblins, too, with what Carmen told us in her backstory. I'm pretty sure there was another I noticed, but it's not coming to mind.
Back to the review, the characters are written decently well, no real complaints, though when the dev wants to make a character obviously evil, he makes them OBVIOUSLY EVIL. They're downright cartoonish. The dialogue choices could use some work, too. They are almost all a choice between being a prick or being a good guy, except for a few such as stopping Carmen or not that one time. I did like that the "stop Carmen" choice made it clear not every "selfless" choice is the best to make, but many of the other choices, again, it's either "selfless," or "talk like an utter bastard." Could use some cleaning up in that regard, or adding in a "neutral" dialogue option.
The gallery was nice and convenient to access in-game, though it could use an option in the main menu. This is a minor nitpick as it takes mere seconds to load a save and then go to the character menu, but it could smooth things out, especially since I figure as the episodes come out, more sex scenes will rely on taking certain routes, and being a certain level of "selfless" or "pragmatic." A main menu gallery could be the "global" gallery.
Gameplay seems alright, it's mostly a VN, with some other elements such as a backpack (inventory), a journal, and the relationship menu. There is a section where you can navigate a map for a quest, choosing destinations. And your total money is tracked in your backpack. So I assume he's intending on expanding the gameplay elements in later episodes, perhaps giving more free roam. It'll most certainly still be fairly linear, and that's probably for the best, as lots of these games fail because of the dev getting too ambitious, but more of what I've seen would be quite lovely. There is a fast travel stone that's shown at the end, teasing we can return to previous locations, though I don't know if that's a plot device, or a future gameplay device which we can use at will. Time will tell.
The NTS stuff, was pretty good, though it's limited for now. Understandably since it's not the main focus. And the NTS choices are clearly marked, and you're able to choose between ordering her to do it, or asking her if she's okay with doing it. All in all, it's unobtrusive and easy to avoid for the people who dislike it. I do like NTS, but it's always nice to see a dev that doesn't force things down someone's throat unexpectedly. Not sure if he'll add NTR, or not, though it'd be pretty easy to implement in a world like this one. From the vibes though, I get the feeling it'll be NTS or bust with the dev, unless he caves to pressure. Either way, just make sure it's all optional and avoidable, be it NTS or NTR, and no one should have any reason to complain. I do hope for more NTS, as a fan of it!
But now, I must talk of the one true negative... the MC's style. I nearly bust out laughing when he showed up with a TOP HAT. We're really going with that as his outfit?! Truly?!
Aside from that, as a side note, I half wondered if this was the same universe as Harem Hotel, the elves are treated just about the exact same, though the technology is different.
But yeah, this is a good game, looking forward to future updates and episodes!