Seeking Incest that actually feels like Incest


Apr 13, 2022
Also, even though I personally prefer proper slow burn stories to those that jump quickly to the hot stuff, this is not necessarily true for the majority of the players. So you might expect a lot of complaints from the blue balls club
I'm going to hopefully make it clear that it is going to be a slow burn and that its going to be a story focused more on romance than porn. That's not to say there isn't going to be lewd scenes because there will be plenty of them haha but I want to make a somewhat realistic incest game and them kinds of relationships take time to grow.
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Aug 28, 2018
So anyways as the story continues the older sister still keeps developing these feelings for the mc even though they are not reciprocated so she goes to her friends for help and she discovers that one of her friends is actually in a relationship with her sister (the friends sister) and so obviously the mcs sister questions the whole morality of it and the friends says well it maybe wrong but love is love, yes the majority of society may be against the whole idea but no one will love and care for you like your family will and you know they will always have your best interests at heart. the sister spends time thinking about what her friend told her and eventually decides that she's going to give it a try, so she starts inviting the mc to go shopping or for lunch just casually building it up to see if there is any interest from him. Her interest in the mc doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the family though, both the mom and younger sister have noticed how she looks at the mc, how she talks to him etc and they start to realise this love she's developing towards her brother is more than a sibling love but that of a man and woman. So they decide to have a chat with her and find out what's going on yadda yadda yadda. The sister explains to them what her friend told her and that she doesn't know if it is what she wants but its something she's trying to find out and long story short they reluctantly accept but obviously ain't too happy about it.
Hope this doesn't come off as too frank, but this paragraph (once you get past the traumatic opening) kinda just sounds like Dating My Daughter with brother/sister instead of dad/daughter. If you haven't already, it might be worthwhile for you to play that game (at least the first chapter or two) and decide if you want something similar or different to what it's already doing. One example of a way to make it more distinct from that game would be to have the sister find herself attracted to the brother (after the catalyst of the traumatic experience) because incest is forbidden and something being off-limits can make it more appealing. You would have to tread carefully to play that out in a way that feels realistic and not like a porn scene, but I do think it's a legitimate element of human psychology that saying "you can't do this" makes some people in some situations want to do that more.

Of course, that's only one example, and I'm sure there are plenty of other ways you could go with it that would feel distinct from DMD.
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Apr 13, 2022
Hope this doesn't come off as too frank, but this paragraph (once you get past the traumatic opening) kinda just sounds like Dating My Daughter with brother/sister instead of dad/daughter. If you haven't already, it might be worthwhile for you to play that game (at least the first chapter or two) and decide if you want something similar or different to what it's already doing. One example of a way to make it more distinct from that game would be to have the sister find herself attracted to the brother (after the catalyst of the traumatic experience) because incest is forbidden and something being off-limits can make it more appealing. You would have to tread carefully to play that out in a way that feels realistic and not like a porn scene, but I do think it's a legitimate element of human psychology that saying "you can't do this" makes some people in some situations want to do that more.

Of course, that's only one example, and I'm sure there are plenty of other ways you could go with it that would feel distinct from DMD.
I have played DmD and thinking about it now yeah i can see how you made that connection but i can honestly say that i didn't intentionally mean for that situation to be similar. The story im writing is my own and i'm not pulling any ideas or inspiration from any others so (gonna sound like the opening of a game here) but any similarities are just coincidental. What i did write is just a quick rundown of the basic story but obviously i'm going to flesh it out a lot more so hopefully the scenes in question will stand apart from those in DmD. I do really appreciate your opinion, im making this for you guys after all so every opinion is of value to me.


Apr 13, 2022
I would also like to point out that even though incest is obviously a taboo, its not going to be what draws the characters to each other, its going to be romance. The topic of morals and the fact that it is a taboo will be brought up a few times but ultimately that's not going to be the focus. This may sound cliche but like i said im trying to create something that stands apart (as much as possible) from other AVNs.

Im aiming to make the characters look similar so they actually look related, im making them from scratch, same with locations.


New Member
Dec 3, 2017
I'm replying to pretty old thread here, but, i want to share what i think, since i also struggle with this and already got bored with everything being incest, and especially bad, almost stereotypical incest. First of all, i think it is obvious why realistic/believable stories do not see the green light. For starter, is really hard to write an interesting story and we all know that. You may even have a good concept with all relationships written down and super realistic. But, then it comes to actual storytelling and dialogues and writing those... That's the hardest part of all. Then there comes the problem of an audience. Main problem, as i see it, is that most games if not all, rely on crowd funding and periodical releases. It's not a known strategy here to just make a funding campaign for a full game (It has it's reasons, literally half of the threads are with "On hold" or "Abandoned" tags and no one actually believes/trusts devs who do not show any kind of a real product) and it is a problem, because, people are impatient. Devs make those games, in most cases, to get their pay and not (Only) to create art. They need people's support. But they (people/audience) won't do that, because they want to fuck everything that moves in the game ASAP. Everyone has their preference and it's not like i'm trying to make these people the root of all problems, they have a right to choose where to spend their time/money just like i/we do. I just want to say that, this is the thing that plays it's part in destroying the slow going, story driven games. It's hard for the people to pay attention and keep paying for literally years, just to wait to get a single scene. If this was a release model of usual games, it would, in several years, create a situation where there would already be enough games and new releases to keep people entertained while they wait for the game they paid for. But now, it's almost impossible. In short, sadly, it's not a winning strategy for developers to create believable stories. It's easier for them to just create "hot" renders and shove it in regular, stereotypical story.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
Maybe the way to do a realistic, slow-burn incest narrative would be to have two interweaving timelines. Start it after the incest relationship has already been established, and then regularly flash back to how it all began. That way, you could show lots of fucking in the present-day scenes, while still taking as much time as you need for the beginning of the relationship to play out in a realistic fashion (of course, that would have to be a linear VN without much player choice, but most narrative-driven games are like that anyway).
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New Member
Dec 3, 2017
Maybe the way to do a realistic, slow-burn incest narrative would be to have two interweaving timelines. Start it after the incest relationship has already been established, and then regularly flash back to how it all began. That way, you could show lots of fucking in the present-day scenes, while still taking as much time as you need for the beginning of the relationship to play out in a realistic fashion (of course, that would have to be a linear VN without much player choice, but most narrative-driven games are like that anyway).
Yeah, that sounds good, but has at least one downside: It CAN, not necessarily, but, can ruin the feeling of a taboo from the players side. Easier way is to just give the MC opportunity to have more "traditional" - non taboo relationship with other characters as well. But, even if the dev does this, players would not support the game before there will be a scene they wait for :LOL:. Something like this happened with Hillside, there was not the incest part, but, you can check comments, people complained a lot because the game felt too slow for them. That's why you don't invest too much in a plot when making pornographic content. Most users will pay attention to juicy parts only :LOL:. So sad for us, story enjoyers :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
Most users will pay attention to juicy parts only
That's what I would've thought. And yet, it seems like most games on this site (at least, games that don't come from Japan) are VN's.


Apr 13, 2022

Can we get an update on this project? it was a really interesting read
Im really shocked that after all this time someone has still shown an interest in this! Really appreciate it!

To answer your question though im struggling to find an artist. The story is about 3/4 complete. I've got some nice music and sound effects ready to go.....pretty much everything is done except the artwork. I did have an artist and things were going well. Had a few characters made up, locations (everything is going to be original) and had several scenes put together but they ended up going elsewhere to work on their own project and took the assets with them. Its a ballache but ill get it sorted soon enough.