@Zeph I'm impressed. Alright, I'll help you complete the task:
TAR: Refer Hope Smith to Wade after seducing 3 them sisters (including Hope).
SQUARE: This is embarrassing. You're supposed to get it for uploading a video to a porn site when you're a pornographer, but I apparently put the token in an old version of the code for that. I've fixed it, will upload patch in a moment.
RUBY: You have to sell a character to the associates of the alley girl but... that character doesn't exist in the game yet. I will remove this.
MUSTY: If you let the thugs you bring along have Maria, she will eventually find her way into the secret dungeon complex under the bar. She is in the northeast corner.
ROUNDED: Have 9 or so seductions. In the cop scenario, run out of time by searching/re-searching every room in the wrong order and don't find the gun. When you get kicked out without the gun, you'll have the option to hypnotize her.
SUNKEN: Use the dreamochrome to see the marriage ending.
BONE: Try to steal the slave from the dungeon, but run out of time.
ROASTED: You didn't list this one, because it didn't exist. But I just added a token for if you marry Kylie (brothel receptionist).
Zeph lemme know if you have any more issues and post a screenshot when you've completed it por favor.