
The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Well, I think I will at least wait until the new system is fully implemented, if Indecent Desires still stays a buggy mess with tiny updates you can't find afterwards, I'll forget about it, but I had fun until the non-working empty sandbox system was introduced.

Maybe this will be like with Luke's way, which means a bit of the sandbox style remained, but you don't need to stumble about anymore.

I think one thing that is at least positive is that the devs finally started listening to others beside those who told them everything was great, no matter how much the game was screwed.


Dec 3, 2017
The main problem is that this game was a VN and it was good until the dev decided to pull out a shotgun and shoot himself in the foot by fixing something that wasnt broke.
Exactly. This was a good game but now it feels like the dev is trying to add play time (sandbox) with little to no content. I have yet to play a game that switches from VN to sandbox mid play that remains good.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Its not so much the sandbox gameplay in general its the way it is in this game that sucks donkey balls.

Im not a huge fan personally of free roam type games it just seems like a bunch of needless clicking to mask updates with very little actual content.

The main problem is that this game was a VN and it was good until the dev decided to pull out a shotgun and shoot himself in the foot by fixing something that wasnt broke.
There are probably also people who prefer freeroam over the more linear VN method, as well as people who'd like to see the two mixed up a bit more. Some developers even overhauled their perfectly fine RPGM game to renpy because some whiners demanded it, and no, not all those games turned out for the better. If anything, many developers only got lazier from doing so, no longer fleshing out their gameworld, populating it with a 20 to 3 female:male ratio. I'm still not convinced that RenPy is such an ideal "engine" as some claim it is. I think it actually limits or even reduces creativity.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2018
Look guys. Be patient. We don't know what the ultimate plan is. Right now, most likely the core experience is being worked on. For free roam to be in the game, there must be plans to flesh out some non-linear options that are simply not currently in the game. We are on patch .4. There is a really good base being built here with some absolutely top notch renders that are not frequently seen on the site. I mean look at the clothing, it lays on top of the bodies and drapes without contouring to the exact lines of tits, hips, ass, and crotch. That alone is something that most devs have proven incapable of doing.

There is something good here. Just be patient. Let them get some more good content in before just totally disregarding a game.
You might not know this, but this game has been redeveloped 3 or 4 times now. The content of the game has moved about an inch in all that time because I honest don't think he actually knows how he wants this story to move forward. Everything has been about getting this new system to work for probably 6 months. A system that everyone has cried foul on since he debuted it. During that 6 months of trying to perfect this system that interrupted a steady storyline, he has continued to draw from his patrons constantly.

So half a year banging his head on this failed system, rebooting it yet again and still no actual content added to the game.

If he wants to create this kind of game, I'm for it. Once he works the kinks out on his own without drawing money and giving no content out. But going this long without progressing the game and only working on the failed interface? Total bullshit.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Is this another short and with no content update ?
Haven't played since the 1st update to sandbox, but thumbing through the images and animations doesn't look like very much was added at all. Also noticed how the MC's pecker looked somewhat realistic earlier in the game, and now looks like a cheap plastic dildo.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Look guys. Be patient. We don't know what the ultimate plan is. Right now, most likely the core experience is being worked on. For free roam to be in the game, there must be plans to flesh out some non-linear options that are simply not currently in the game. We are on patch .4. There is a really good base being built here with some absolutely top notch renders that are not frequently seen on the site. I mean look at the clothing, it lays on top of the bodies and drapes without contouring to the exact lines of tits, hips, ass, and crotch. That alone is something that most devs have proven incapable of doing.

There is something good here. Just be patient. Let them get some more good content in before just totally disregarding a game.
Can you name more than 5 good examples of free roam games, where the mechanic adds to the experience by breaking the linear gameplay and add non-linear decisions into it? And I dont mean something like the order of events - I mean real freedom on how to approach the game? I get the mechanic in QSP games like Girl Life, where you have a lot of freedom and where you play more of an texbased The Sims. But there a not many Renpy games where this mechanic adds anything. Even in The DeLuca Family it is more for the tacked on Mafia "simulation" on the side. Imho there it does fit into the game (but I could live without it ^^) then there are maybe 1-2 other games that do use it quite good (Ataegina and maybe even Long live the Princess). But here I cant see a reason for it - and that shouldnt be the case, even when we are "only" in the 4th update.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Against my better judgement, and after finding out I had to start a new game due to the Saturday bug, I leave my bedroom to go find the outside bathroom and I get this.

View attachment traceback.txt

Should I just delete this game forever?

Deleted member 1200074

Can you name more than 5 good examples of free roam games, where the mechanic adds to the experience by breaking the linear gameplay and add non-linear decisions into it? And I dont mean something like the order of events - I mean real freedom on how to approach the game? I get the mechanic in QSP games like Girl Life, where you have a lot of freedom and where you play more of an texbased The Sims. But there a not many Renpy games where this mechanic adds anything. Even in The DeLuca Family it is more for the tacked on Mafia "simulation" on the side. Imho there it does fit into the game (but I could live without it ^^) then there are maybe 1-2 other games that do use it quite good (Ataegina and maybe even Long live the Princess). But here I cant see a reason for it - and that shouldnt be the case, even when we are "only" in the 4th update.
Sure I can. Summertime Saga, Love, Sex, and Second Base, Holiday islands, The Tyrant, Where it all Began, Lust Hero, Dark Neighborhood. I mean I could go on.

The UI is super clean. Navigation is a breeze. I have not been following this game long and about the patreon thing, if people want to give money for little to no content, it is on them. I am enjoying the game for what it is right now, sure it isn't perfect, and even small updates are still updates.

I understand, I truly do. I guess since I am new to his game, I am more simply willing to wait. If I had been following for 6 months with little forward progress, I might be a little miffed as well.


Truth, Justice, and TheKryptonian way...
Nov 22, 2018
Sure I can. Summertime Saga, Love, Sex, and Second Base, Holiday islands, The Tyrant, Where it all Began, Lust Hero, Dark Neighborhood. I mean I could go on.

The UI is super clean. Navigation is a breeze. I have not been following this game long and about the patreon thing, if people want to give money for little to no content, it is on them. I am enjoying the game for what it is right now, sure it isn't perfect, and even small updates are still updates.

I understand, I truly do. I guess since I am new to his game, I am more simply willing to wait. If I had been following for 6 months with little forward progress, I might be a little miffed as well.
Im not familiar with most of those games you mentioned but did those start as VN's and switch or were they free roam right from the start?


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Sure I can. Summertime Saga, Love, Sex, and Second Base, Holiday islands, The Tyrant, Where it all Began, Lust Hero, Dark Neighborhood. I mean I could go on.

The UI is super clean. Navigation is a breeze. I have not been following this game long and about the patreon thing, if people want to give money for little to no content, it is on them. I am enjoying the game for what it is right now, sure it isn't perfect, and even small updates are still updates.

I understand, I truly do. I guess since I am new to his game, I am more simply willing to wait. If I had been following for 6 months with little forward progress, I might be a little miffed as well.
Summertime Saga - yeah. Thats a point. And with the guide mod you at least have a solid gameflow. Vanilla it is painful to play imho.
LS&S ... I dont like it. Way to grindy, and haven't played enough to tell if there is non linear gameplay.
Holiday Islands is more a dating sim and I were not able to unlock any sex scene (only nudity and some minor stuff) - again to much grind.
The Tyrant is nice, but again quite grindy for no good reason (only to mask the low content value). The game would be great as a multi-path VN (like GGGB to name a great one), and lacks content. In its current form you could make it into a linear game very easily. There are no real choices to make. You can do all the stuff - all events wait for you to trigger them. Maybe we can call it "parallel linearity"™? ^^
Where it all began - thats a pure VN .. there is no free roam as far as I remember.
Lust Hero I dont know and Dark Neighborhood is scaring me with hit utterly ugly girls. And has a horrible interface and is again just stupid trigger searching. Dont remember anything but "parallel linearity"™.

But the biggest point is, THIS game started as very good VN with a choice based storyline. That is probably the greatest problem. The other games where "broken by design" from the start. Here the dev gathered VN fans and that did a 180° to a (imho) inferior direction.
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