Have you got some saves for that? I do not get who the alley gurls might be ... Mc is living in a house, right?
Pics or it did not happen.
Monique (at the hospital) will recommend an exercise routine for you. If you follow it
precisely (i.e., on the days and times she says), you'll be strong enough to go to the alley. During the day, visit the alley, move forward once, and then move right once: Alley girl #1. During the night, follow the same directions and you have #2 (trans). Because both are sex workers, you have to pay to get "services".
There's actually a third Alley girl, who's part of a gang; as of v0.013, though, you could only get a blowjob from her. I haven't played this version yet to see new content; I doubt there's any update for her yet, though.