I tried out the game and it's less than 2 minutes of actual gameplay. I wonder if it should be re-labeled as a v0.01-pre alpha as there's only an introductory like scene with no sort of progression.
The banter and grammar seem to be on point (with a few exceptions) and it looks like it could be promising.
> What sort of genre are you looking to build on this project? Incest/non-incest? There were no renders that I saw in my runthrough of a whole body shot of your sister to see what she looks like. I think this is the main question for the game. What is the goal? To help her become completely independent? Or corrupt her to be your plaything? Maybe something in between?
> Renders seemed to be on the grainy side. This didn't bother me much but I am spoiled playing games such as Anna Exciting Affection and Dating my Daughter
> Will there be a point/stat system in place to take inventory of your progression? I wasn't sure if the choices I was making would have an effect at some point in the game (i.e. friendship, romance, persuasion, corruption, affection, etc.)
> In the same vein as DMD, as this is your sister, there could be opportunity to slowly rebuild your relationship with her (given how the story states you haven't seen her in 9 years) There could be choices to lower stats and possibly end your relationship prematurely.
Thanks again for sharing your game and I'll follow up again when there is more content to try.