I'm pretty sure that's a dream sequence. So it technically hasn't or won't happen. I know the one with Jen won't. With her currently as of version 0.78.
Next even if hypothetically the Eve dream IS the future it's also technically not Yami. Just one of Yami's children but yeah I see your point. Which is weird because pretty sure Yami HATES all men. So I don't see her having children either. Though what would I know I just play the game. Finally I'm pretty sure that dream scene plays differently without Yami's child dating Eve if you don't encourage Eve to be with Yami. So basically it's your fault for letting Yami and Eve get close.
True but some of the character just don't have enough scenes to warrent not having cheats. Sidra for example. She has like one or two easily repeatable scene to gain points. One of which is very easily abusable to get points with. When she is praying in the ballroom you can run that scene like 5 times a day, if you forced it by calling her into the ballroom as she starts her prayer time. due to there not being many ballroom events to fill the event pool. But apart from those two scenes she doesn't get much. Or Bridgette the amount of scenes that proc involving her are quite low. Or they are in rooms where the amount of Anna or Eve scenes are quite high making it very difficult to get points with her. Even with her in the room so it should be procing more I barely get more then a handful a day. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the game. I just think if I've lived with someone for a year I'd at least know if they are going to kill/rape me in my sleep or not. Especially if there are several other people there saying that they will/won't. So yeah I think that cheats are mainly needed due to the lack of content for quite a few character
also the fact I restart my game every few updates. Not on you guys, keep it up. you're doing great. I would put foward some of my writings if I wasn't too scared/anxious about letting other read it and smart enough to figure out the writing guide properly. Once again. Good game. Keep it up and I'll be using cheats when I can.