
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Just going to put it here so that the dev sees this. This is game is really run to play around in and I can't wait to see the future of this game.
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Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!

Thank you for the report. Feeding my family dinner right now, but as soon as things settle back down, I'll get on that one. The fix should appear in the next major release.


Mar 17, 2019
Really wish this place wouldn't give away my pay version when I make a point of having a free version all the time, . . . . .
Considering how piss poor patreons search functions very few people would even know about your game without sites like this (and this one in particular due to the heavier traffic). You're only gaining patreons from it being here, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Anyway in terms of the game itself I've played it a couple time and it always seems devoid of content, I'm perfectly fine with text based games, I'm also perfectly fine with games that have a lot of non sexual content. What I do not particularly enjoy is clicking buttons going all over this giant mansions trying to figure out "what the fuck do I even do". Comparing it to another text based game like Trials in Tainted Space it really comes up short. And I'm not talking about just in terms of how much content there is (where TiTS obviously has the advantage of a longer dev cycle and more funding which has meant multiple writers, including community writers) but in terms of how accessible that content is, I never spent time in TiTS wondering where the fuck I go next, while playing Inheritance I feel like I need a god damn guide book, which simply isn't fun.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Considering how piss poor patreons search functions very few people would even know about your game without sites like this (and this one in particular due to the heavier traffic). You're only gaining patreons from it being here, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Anyway in terms of the game itself I've played it a couple time and it always seems devoid of content, I'm perfectly fine with text based games, I'm also perfectly fine with games that have a lot of non sexual content. What I do not particularly enjoy is clicking buttons going all over this giant mansions trying to figure out "what the fuck do I even do". Comparing it to another text based game like Trials in Tainted Space it really comes up short. And I'm not talking about just in terms of how much content there is (where TiTS obviously has the advantage of a longer dev cycle and more funding which has meant multiple writers, including community writers) but in terms of how accessible that content is, I never spent time in TiTS wondering where the fuck I go next, while playing Inheritance I feel like I need a god damn guide book, which simply isn't fun.
Yes, but there's a free version for sharing, and a pay version to keep my lights on. I just wish people had enough respect to share the version that is intended to be shared. I understand when there's a pay only version, but when there's a free version, and only a few weeks behind, . . . .

I've come to the conclusion that there isn't much I can do about it. Every time the pay version is posted here, I see a drop in pledges at the level the version was posted for (If just the supporter version, I'll loose a dozen or so $1 pledges. If it's the cheat version, I'll loose about half a dozen $5 pledges) but this site generates enough traffic that I figure it ends up breaking even when that happens. I brought it up with the powers-that-be one time and was pretty much told the same thing you just posted in your first paragraph. How I see it, it's not going to change, I'm probably always going to grumble about it, and everything is going to continue as it always has.

As for your opinion of the game itself, everyone is subject to their own opinion. Thank you for giving the game a try, I'm sorry that you aren't enjoying it, and I am sincerely grateful that there are so many people who disagree with your opinion. ;)


Aug 26, 2016
It there a way to increase random chance of characters with low affection?
Raising it from 300 to 900 is really grindy when you have skip through the flood of Anna and Eve events that are no longer needed to progress the story. I used the cheats

Also, a few typos in Mitsuko's kitchen scene

<tw-passagedata pid="1123" name="Submitted Mitsuko Scene 24a"
if $npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 900
print $MitsukoCallsPlayer, perfect timing.&quot;

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 800
print $MitsukoCallsPlayer, perfect timing.&quot;

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 600

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 400

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 200


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
It there a way to increase random chance of characters with low affection?
Raising it from 300 to 900 is really grindy when you have skip through the flood of Anna and Eve events that are no longer needed to progress the story. I used the cheats

Also, a few typos in Mitsuko's kitchen scene

<tw-passagedata pid="1123" name="Submitted Mitsuko Scene 24a"
if $npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 900
print $MitsukoCallsPlayer, perfect timing.&quot;

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 800
print $MitsukoCallsPlayer, perfect timing.&quot;

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 600

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 400

elseif npcs[&quot;mitsuko&quot;][&quot;affection&quot;] gte 200

Thanks for the bug report, I actually sorted that one earlier today.

I'm working on adding more content to the game, and much of the content covers the whole spectrum of relationship values. The game will feel less grindy as more content is added.


Aug 31, 2018
Enjoyed it more than I thought I would, definitely going to follow it's development.
Hopefully in the future there will be a scene list in the cheat menu. I followed the wiki to try and unlock all scenes but it gets a little confusing. It would also be helpful if the probability for already viewed scenes to play was reduced, so you won't have to try numerous times to get find that one scene you're trying to get.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Enjoyed it more than I thought I would, definitely going to follow it's development.
Hopefully in the future there will be a scene list in the cheat menu. I followed the wiki to try and unlock all scenes but it gets a little confusing. It would also be helpful if the probability for already viewed scenes to play was reduced, so you won't have to try numerous times to get find that one scene you're trying to get.
Very glad that you're enjoying the game so far.

If you have specific scenes you are having trouble finding, let me know. It only takes a few minutes to dig around the code for the exact conditions.

I actually have plans to adjust the probability of scenes as more content gets added to the game. What the game does is it has a list of scenes. When you enter a room, it looks at those scenes and pulls a list of the scenes that you qualify for then chooses one at random. Right now, nearly all of the game's content is set to 100% that it will appear in that scene pool, but I can adjust that from 1-100 as I see fit on my end. As there's more content to explore, I'll be adjusting things to that they are more or less likely to appear depending on the nature of the scene. I've been implementing those changes a bit with new content lately, and as the game grows I'll be moving back into the older content to adjust as needed.


New Member
Jul 18, 2017
@GateKeeper thanks for the game sadly a poor schmuck like me cant pledge anything at this moment of time

However i have been playing around with the novel and i might have found the following!

i might have found a bug in version A26a thats when you are outside in the backyard at around 8:05 PM where you can check up on Mitsuko this is what happens if i do: Error: <<if>>: no conditional expression specified for <<elseif>> clause (#3)

and there is a whole buch more to read if you expand the error but that gives away part of the story so here is a link to that

<-- link to pastebin
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
@GateKeeper thanks for the game sadly a poor schmuck like me cant pledge anything at this moment of time

However i have been playing around with the novel and i might have found the following!

i might have found a bug in version A26a thats when you are outside in the backyard at around 8:05 PM where you can check up on Mitsuko this is what happens if i do: Error: <<if>>: no conditional expression specified for <<elseif>> clause (#3)

and there is a whole buch more to read if you expand the error but that gives away part of the story so here is a link to that

<-- link to pastebin
That's why I make sure there is a free version, so people who can't afford, or aren't interested in pledging still have access to the game.

Thank you for the bug report. I'm pretty sure I fixed that one earlier this week, but I'll double check in just a few minutes to make sure.
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New Member
Sep 17, 2017
The Rey table is broken past the intro. If you go polite>hire>etc.(or stern doesn't matter) he never joins you and nothing ticks off. Seems the owned states are either missing or miscaptioned, as one of the "owned" variables that I found show it as, ["rey'].(note the apostrophe instead of the closed quote)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Actually caught and fixed this one just this last week. Thank you for reporting it though. Always better to have something reported more than once than not at all. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
There is not. There are plans to eventually add a hermaphrodite character, but any interactions with that character will be completely optional. Additionally, once the lab is complete, there will be the ability to genderbend any character you own at will, however this too will be completely optional.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
New build for anyone who is interested.


This game features:
*A sand box environment.
*Dynamic relationship building.
*At present, 4 slaves, 1 servant, 1 pet, and 5 other characters to interact with, with many more planned for the future.
*More than 125 interactive scenes.
*Many interactive functions that allow you to interact with your environment in meaningful ways.
*You can assign work schedules, tell them what they are allowed to eat, where they have to sleep, manage as much or as little of their life choices as you want.
*A system that tracks minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and even years.
*A system to track the seasons. Snowing in the winter, raining in the spring through summer, or even watch the leaves fall during the fall.
*More than 190 images.
*A massive estate spanning 50 locations that you can explore.
*More than 875,000 words of content.

What we have planned:
*NPCs who interact with one another, building friendships or rivalries over time.
*A fully customizable clothing system.
*Merchants where you can buy new items.
*Buy, sell, and train your slaves as you see fit
*Put your slaves to work cleaning, tending the yard, working in town, or pimp them out for a few extra bucks on the side.
*Pregnancy, sire and raise children.
*A weather system that will allow for the weather to behave in predictable patterns corresponding with weather forecasts.
*And so very much more, . . .


I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.

NOTE: It is important to me to bring all of you the best game possible. If you see bugs or even things that are misspelled, please report it! You report something that can be fixed, I'll upgrade your build for free! If you're playing the free build, I'll get you the early access build. If you're playing the early access, I'll get you the Cheat build of the game.


Player reviews:

"Fantastic start, really immersive.
I tried to go the cruel path and can't continue, the girls' reactions are just too strong
Time to be a carebear for a little while I guess."

"I gotta say, I absolutely loved that intro. It has all the things that make me interested in a game. Specifically, the focus on writing and character building, the "emotional porn" I guess some call it, and yet still the arousal you get from a game like this."

"Man this game is awesome.

I want to be bad, but i end up feeling bad about being and then i'm good."

"Hm...I am conflicted ...the writer is good at making me question what the best path is ...I mean of the two choices here (I will never be a total abusive asshole, not even in a game so for me there's only two choices here, not 3 (abusing her is out of the question!), I can't even roleplay that! I can roleplay a greedy person, a person driven by revenge, hell even someone who's a racist should I really need to etc. etc. but not someone who's just an evil asshole!):

- stop Anna from having sex with you (either by saying you aren't even remotely intersted in her, which would in my case be a lie, not to mention totally uncalled for! Or by saying that if there's going to be sex then it will be consensual (which more or less means she has to initiate it without thinking that she has to, but because she wants it!))

- have sex with her but make it special for her (the absolute opposite to the uncle who basically used her as a living sex-doll!)

The first choice seems to be the better one at face value, but on the other hand: She's enjoying herself in choice two (she clamps down on the protagonist's head when he's eating her out because she has an orgasm and she seems to like kissing, too) and it seems to establish a better connection between the protagonist and her (not to mention that giving someone who's had very few good things happen to them a very good one seems like something you really should do)

I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(

ps: I love it when games challange me like that, sadly most AAA-Developers have stopped making games that really challenge you like this :("

"Oh shit, this is by the guy who is writing The Allure of Wanton Cove. "An emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced" huh? Considering it's this guy, those horrors might be pretty harsh. Looks awesome."


What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

*Wrote and added a new Master Bedroom scene for Eve. Requires middling or higher stats with Eve, and somewhat high stats with Anna to trigger. Appears in the evening hours and is a one time scene. Eve Interactive Scene 20. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can play out in any room with a window during work hours. Requires very low relationship stats. Anna Interactive Scene 19. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the library. Misaki Interactive Scene 5. 2.2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene to the Living Room for both Anna and Eve. Requires VERY high relationship stats. Anna and Eve Interactive Scene 5. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Mitsuko related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 2.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Eve related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 4.9k words of content
* Wrote and added a new scene for Gaia at the pond on the mansion grounds. Can play out during daylight hours during the warmer months of the year. 4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can appear in most rooms with a window during the afternoon hours. Anna Interactive Scene 20. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna and Rey in the laundry area. Anna and Rey Interactive Scene 1. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki in the library for the afternoon/evening time range. Misaki Interactive Scene 6. This scene unlocks additional content. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki and Gaia at the pool during the afternoon/evening time range. Gaia and Misaki 1. This scene is unlocked by Misaki Interactive Scene 6 and in turn unlocks additional content. 1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a series of nine small scenes for Misaki near the pool on the mansion grounds. Most of these scenes include Gaia and are unlocked by Gaia and Misaki 1. There is a counter involved in tracking these, as Gaia and Misaki's friendship grows, which scenes you see will change. 1.6k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki that takes place at the pool. Misaki Interactive Scene 7. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a fishing function for the pond on the mansion grounds. Includes three starter scenes, three casting scenes, fourteen core scenes (Three of these are related to if you have met Gaia or not, and which one plays is determined by your relationship stats with her.), and three endings that can all mix and match similarly to other functions in the game. You can access this function by entering the boat house where the fishing supplies are. 3.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added the Doggystyle Anal sex for Anna. First round of content. Six starters and ten core scenes, relationship determines which ones appear. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new episode to the second season of Futa Apocalypse. 1k words of content.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitsuko. Takes place in the kitchen and is the third in a series of scenes. 2.6k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitruko to the gym. Forth in a series of scenes. 1.7k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki to the lounge. Fifth in a series of scenes. 1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Mitsuko to the Upper North Hall. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .9k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Misaki to the bathing room. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki, Bubbles, and Mitsuko to the Kitchens. Final scene in a series of scenes. 1.4k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Rewrote about 1.7k words of placeholder content for Eve's dungeon content. All seven sets of scenes should now have content unique to Eve.
* Added three new images to the Driveway location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Pond location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added two new images to the Shed location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the West Yard location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added an image of Misaki to her intro scene.
* Added two images for Mully the fox.
* Fixed the 1st floor blueprint so that the pantry doesn't open up into the hallway.
* Resized a LOT of images to better fit the viewing area.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where it was triggering at the wrong time of day in the dining room.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where I had a typo in the code and most of the scene was throwing errors in the kitchen.
* Fixed an error in one of Gaia's scenes that would have been throwing an error.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong images were appearing for the Kennels.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/10/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

What's new in the latest Free Build?

* Wrote and added a new entry to Belle's Diary. It's toward the middle of the entries and all have been renamed to make it fit. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene to the Back Yard location on the mansion grounds. Takes place during work hours during the winter months. 1.4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki to the mansion. Takes place in the evenings. Misaki Interactive Scene 4. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Hide and Seek scene for players who own Mitsuko. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new "Work Talk" scenes for Anna for if you tell her to call you "Slave." .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added six start scenes for Eve related to the St Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Whipping" scene starts for Eve related to the St Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added twelve core "Whipping" scenes for Eve related to the St. Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Ending" scenes for the Whipping portion of the St Andrew's Cross related to Eve. Also have placeholder content in place for four more. 2.9k words of content.
* Wrote and added the ability to play RISK with Eve. This includes a scene to unlock the ability to play, two repeatable starter scenes, three scenes for if you accept her offer to play, two scenes for declining her offer to play, and eighteen scenes that are randomized related to the board game. 4k words of content in total. Generously Sponsored by Matty.
* Added Season 2, Episode 1 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 2 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 3 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 4 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added a new scene to the kitchen in the hour leading up to meal times involving both Anna and Mitsuko. Scene evolves based on Anna's cooking skill and is the first scene in the game that is capable of raising a character skill. .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added an extention to Mully's intro content to include his arrival at the mansion and to see some first reactions. .4k words of content by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mully in the Living Room. .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko that starts in the Dining room and ends in the Kitchen. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 24. 2.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the Back Yard during evening hours. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 2. 1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for the Laundry area for Anna. Requires middling or higher relationship. Submitted Anna Scene 8. 3.1k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new interactive scene related to Bubbles in the library. Can trigger at any relationship level. .8k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Misaki in the Kitchens. Plays out during work hours. Submitted Misaki Scene 1. .6k words of content submitted by (Unknown, trying to figure out who sent it in. If it's yours, say something so you can get properly credited for your work.)
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the guest bedrooms. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 23. 1.4k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene for Anna in the laundry area. Requires fairly high relationship stats across the board. Submitted Anna Interactive Scene 9. 2.2k words of content submitted by phalicobject
* Added an ambient scene for Anna in her servant's bedroom. Appears late afternoon/early evening on warm months at any relationship level. .9k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a small interactive scene to the servant's bedroom. Can happen at any time during waking hours. .2k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added an ambient scene for Eve in the entry hall. Can happen at any time during waking hours at mid or higher relationship. .3k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene to the Sauna for Eve. Contest Eve Sauna Scene 2. 3.8k words of content submitted by AbyssalEros.
* Added a late night scene for Anna in the living room, Requires mid/high relationship level. Submitted Anna Scene 7. 1.4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an interactive scene for Mitsuko late at night with very good relationship stats. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 3. .7k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added a new lunch time scene to the game. Requires that you own Mitsuko and that both Anna and Eve are sharing meals with you. Submitted Lunch 2. .4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an ambient scene for Rey to the greenhouse during work hours. .1k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added six new images to the Apples content for Gaia.
* Added three new images to the Kennels location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Stables location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added one new image to the scene where you first meet Claire in Pendleton.
* Wrote and added the Pond location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the forest. Between the location and twelve small scenes for it, this location adds about 1k words of new content and will become the home of several new functions within the game.
* Wrote and added the House Boat location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the Pond location. Between the location and six small scenes for it, this location adds about .5k words of new content.
* Added a small alternate version for Rey's ad on the computer for if you've hired them.
* Did some rework to Rey's scenes, everything should be appearing when and where it's supposed to now.
* Had somehow locked out one of the four core Stargazing scenes. The fourth one should be appearing correctly now.
* Fixed a pair of errors in the scene where you confront Mitsuko over her bad behavior around Bubbles.
* Fixed a couple of misnamed links in Anna's Sauna content that was preventing players from reaching some of the content in that area of the game.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 3/13/19


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We're now on SubscribeStar! Now you have two choices for how to support, and the Public build is available for free through both!

A27 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

A27 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

A26 Public Build: (Free):

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A Common Crab

Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
New build for anyone who is interested.


This game features:
*A sand box environment.
*Dynamic relationship building.
*At present, 4 slaves, 1 servant, 1 pet, and 5 other characters to interact with, with many more planned for the future.
*More than 125 interactive scenes.
*Many interactive functions that allow you to interact with your environment in meaningful ways.
*You can assign work schedules, tell them what they are allowed to eat, where they have to sleep, manage as much or as little of their life choices as you want.
*A system that tracks minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and even years.
*A system to track the seasons. Snowing in the winter, raining in the spring through summer, or even watch the leaves fall during the fall.
*More than 190 images.
*A massive estate spanning 50 locations that you can explore.
*More than 875,000 words of content.

What we have planned:
*NPCs who interact with one another, building friendships or rivalries over time.
*A fully customizable clothing system.
*Merchants where you can buy new items.
*Buy, sell, and train your slaves as you see fit
*Put your slaves to work cleaning, tending the yard, working in town, or pimp them out for a few extra bucks on the side.
*Pregnancy, sire and raise children.
*A weather system that will allow for the weather to behave in predictable patterns corresponding with weather forecasts.
*And so very much more, . . .


I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.

NOTE: It is important to me to bring all of you the best game possible. If you see bugs or even things that are misspelled, please report it! You report something that can be fixed, I'll upgrade your build for free! If you're playing the free build, I'll get you the early access build. If you're playing the early access, I'll get you the Cheat build of the game.


Player reviews:

"Fantastic start, really immersive.
I tried to go the cruel path and can't continue, the girls' reactions are just too strong
Time to be a carebear for a little while I guess."

"I gotta say, I absolutely loved that intro. It has all the things that make me interested in a game. Specifically, the focus on writing and character building, the "emotional porn" I guess some call it, and yet still the arousal you get from a game like this."

"Man this game is awesome.

I want to be bad, but i end up feeling bad about being and then i'm good."

"Hm...I am conflicted ...the writer is good at making me question what the best path is ...I mean of the two choices here (I will never be a total abusive asshole, not even in a game so for me there's only two choices here, not 3 (abusing her is out of the question!), I can't even roleplay that! I can roleplay a greedy person, a person driven by revenge, hell even someone who's a racist should I really need to etc. etc. but not someone who's just an evil asshole!):

- stop Anna from having sex with you (either by saying you aren't even remotely intersted in her, which would in my case be a lie, not to mention totally uncalled for! Or by saying that if there's going to be sex then it will be consensual (which more or less means she has to initiate it without thinking that she has to, but because she wants it!))

- have sex with her but make it special for her (the absolute opposite to the uncle who basically used her as a living sex-doll!)

The first choice seems to be the better one at face value, but on the other hand: She's enjoying herself in choice two (she clamps down on the protagonist's head when he's eating her out because she has an orgasm and she seems to like kissing, too) and it seems to establish a better connection between the protagonist and her (not to mention that giving someone who's had very few good things happen to them a very good one seems like something you really should do)

I really don't know which is the morally superior choice...:(

ps: I love it when games challange me like that, sadly most AAA-Developers have stopped making games that really challenge you like this :("

"Oh shit, this is by the guy who is writing The Allure of Wanton Cove. "An emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced" huh? Considering it's this guy, those horrors might be pretty harsh. Looks awesome."


What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

*Wrote and added a new Master Bedroom scene for Eve. Requires middling or higher stats with Eve, and somewhat high stats with Anna to trigger. Appears in the evening hours and is a one time scene. Eve Interactive Scene 20. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can play out in any room with a window during work hours. Requires very low relationship stats. Anna Interactive Scene 19. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the library. Misaki Interactive Scene 5. 2.2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene to the Living Room for both Anna and Eve. Requires VERY high relationship stats. Anna and Eve Interactive Scene 5. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Mitsuko related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 2.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Eve related to the shower function. Requires mid/high to high stats. 4.9k words of content
* Wrote and added a new scene for Gaia at the pond on the mansion grounds. Can play out during daylight hours during the warmer months of the year. 4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna that can appear in most rooms with a window during the afternoon hours. Anna Interactive Scene 20. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna and Rey in the laundry area. Anna and Rey Interactive Scene 1. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki in the library for the afternoon/evening time range. Misaki Interactive Scene 6. This scene unlocks additional content. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki and Gaia at the pool during the afternoon/evening time range. Gaia and Misaki 1. This scene is unlocked by Misaki Interactive Scene 6 and in turn unlocks additional content. 1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a series of nine small scenes for Misaki near the pool on the mansion grounds. Most of these scenes include Gaia and are unlocked by Gaia and Misaki 1. There is a counter involved in tracking these, as Gaia and Misaki's friendship grows, which scenes you see will change. 1.6k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene for Misaki that takes place at the pool. Misaki Interactive Scene 7. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a fishing function for the pond on the mansion grounds. Includes three starter scenes, three casting scenes, fourteen core scenes (Three of these are related to if you have met Gaia or not, and which one plays is determined by your relationship stats with her.), and three endings that can all mix and match similarly to other functions in the game. You can access this function by entering the boat house where the fishing supplies are. 3.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added the Doggystyle Anal sex for Anna. First round of content. Six starters and ten core scenes, relationship determines which ones appear. 2.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new episode to the second season of Futa Apocalypse. 1k words of content.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitsuko. Takes place in the kitchen and is the third in a series of scenes. 2.6k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Bubbles and Mitruko to the gym. Forth in a series of scenes. 1.7k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki to the lounge. Fifth in a series of scenes. 1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Mitsuko to the Upper North Hall. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .9k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki and Misaki to the bathing room. Related to a series of scenes but not part of the set. .1k word of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene involving Maki, Bubbles, and Mitsuko to the Kitchens. Final scene in a series of scenes. 1.4k words of content written in a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Rewrote about 1.7k words of placeholder content for Eve's dungeon content. All seven sets of scenes should now have content unique to Eve.
* Added three new images to the Driveway location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Pond location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added two new images to the Shed location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the West Yard location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added an image of Misaki to her intro scene.
* Added two images for Mully the fox.
* Fixed the 1st floor blueprint so that the pantry doesn't open up into the hallway.
* Resized a LOT of images to better fit the viewing area.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where it was triggering at the wrong time of day in the dining room.
* Fixed an error with one of Mitsuko's scenes where I had a typo in the code and most of the scene was throwing errors in the kitchen.
* Fixed an error in one of Gaia's scenes that would have been throwing an error.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong images were appearing for the Kennels.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/10/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

What's new in the latest Free Build?

* Wrote and added a new entry to Belle's Diary. It's toward the middle of the entries and all have been renamed to make it fit. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene to the Back Yard location on the mansion grounds. Takes place during work hours during the winter months. 1.4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki to the mansion. Takes place in the evenings. Misaki Interactive Scene 4. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Hide and Seek scene for players who own Mitsuko. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new "Work Talk" scenes for Anna for if you tell her to call you "Slave." .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added six start scenes for Eve related to the St Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Whipping" scene starts for Eve related to the St Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added twelve core "Whipping" scenes for Eve related to the St. Andrew's Cross in the dungeon. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Ending" scenes for the Whipping portion of the St Andrew's Cross related to Eve. Also have placeholder content in place for four more. 2.9k words of content.
* Wrote and added the ability to play RISK with Eve. This includes a scene to unlock the ability to play, two repeatable starter scenes, three scenes for if you accept her offer to play, two scenes for declining her offer to play, and eighteen scenes that are randomized related to the board game. 4k words of content in total. Generously Sponsored by Matty.
* Added Season 2, Episode 1 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 2 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 3 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 4 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added a new scene to the kitchen in the hour leading up to meal times involving both Anna and Mitsuko. Scene evolves based on Anna's cooking skill and is the first scene in the game that is capable of raising a character skill. .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added an extention to Mully's intro content to include his arrival at the mansion and to see some first reactions. .4k words of content by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mully in the Living Room. .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko that starts in the Dining room and ends in the Kitchen. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 24. 2.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the Back Yard during evening hours. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 2. 1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for the Laundry area for Anna. Requires middling or higher relationship. Submitted Anna Scene 8. 3.1k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new interactive scene related to Bubbles in the library. Can trigger at any relationship level. .8k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Misaki in the Kitchens. Plays out during work hours. Submitted Misaki Scene 1. .6k words of content submitted by (Unknown, trying to figure out who sent it in. If it's yours, say something so you can get properly credited for your work.)
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the guest bedrooms. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 23. 1.4k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene for Anna in the laundry area. Requires fairly high relationship stats across the board. Submitted Anna Interactive Scene 9. 2.2k words of content submitted by phalicobject
* Added an ambient scene for Anna in her servant's bedroom. Appears late afternoon/early evening on warm months at any relationship level. .9k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a small interactive scene to the servant's bedroom. Can happen at any time during waking hours. .2k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added an ambient scene for Eve in the entry hall. Can happen at any time during waking hours at mid or higher relationship. .3k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene to the Sauna for Eve. Contest Eve Sauna Scene 2. 3.8k words of content submitted by AbyssalEros.
* Added a late night scene for Anna in the living room, Requires mid/high relationship level. Submitted Anna Scene 7. 1.4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an interactive scene for Mitsuko late at night with very good relationship stats. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 3. .7k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added a new lunch time scene to the game. Requires that you own Mitsuko and that both Anna and Eve are sharing meals with you. Submitted Lunch 2. .4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an ambient scene for Rey to the greenhouse during work hours. .1k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added six new images to the Apples content for Gaia.
* Added three new images to the Kennels location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Stables location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added one new image to the scene where you first meet Claire in Pendleton.
* Wrote and added the Pond location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the forest. Between the location and twelve small scenes for it, this location adds about 1k words of new content and will become the home of several new functions within the game.
* Wrote and added the House Boat location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the Pond location. Between the location and six small scenes for it, this location adds about .5k words of new content.
* Added a small alternate version for Rey's ad on the computer for if you've hired them.
* Did some rework to Rey's scenes, everything should be appearing when and where it's supposed to now.
* Had somehow locked out one of the four core Stargazing scenes. The fourth one should be appearing correctly now.
* Fixed a pair of errors in the scene where you confront Mitsuko over her bad behavior around Bubbles.
* Fixed a couple of misnamed links in Anna's Sauna content that was preventing players from reaching some of the content in that area of the game.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 3/13/19


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Oh man, I was going to sleep but god appeared. Body, I'm sorry but you'll have to live with it.
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