Nov 4, 2018
I don't see anything wrong with the way she looks,
Like how good do you expect drawn art to be,
It's not like the dev is a master portrait artist.

Could use a different short hair style that supports her forwardness,
It doesn't need to be buzzed short,
That's like tomboy power over 9000.

In fact when I saw how short her hair is in the screenshot,
I thought "did the mc buzz her head to humiliate her and make he submissive?",
But apparently no thats just how she was styled by the artist.


Nov 13, 2018
For reaction (surprice): I said I didn't understand the mechanism to overcome the sexual challenge. My English is poor, so I was thinking of skipping some strategic advice. That's all. If someone makes it easy for me, thank them in advance.


Oct 1, 2017
@facepalmers from my previous post: if you have suggestions I'd be glad to discuss them.
Well, if you want to have an argument and take it as constructive criticism I can give you some advise why you shouldn´t put a paywall on your game after 3 updates (and no, it´s not going to be about money or "porn should be free" so let´s get that out off the table right now).
There´s actually more than one reason most game creators on this website releases their games for free after they have given their patreons early access. Of course it gives them time to "work out the kinks", but there´s also other reasons why they would want to release it as such - relevance, self-promoting, and controlling distribution.
Relevance in this case isn´t just being connected to your audience, but also staying in public consciousness. With as many games that exist here with their own release schedule, it´s easy to be lost in the rumble of games which are released every day. That´s why it´s good for you to release the game for free because then people "will remember you for that hilariously awesome game you made" specially if you release it at an continued rate so people can see your progress, you know, so you don´t just fall into obscurity because people don´t see any new updates because of a "paywall". Worst case, they´ll think you´re a cheapscate who only care about money, and in best case just think you abandoned the project when they see no new game updates/releases. Hell, I personally use svscomics to keep track to porn game releases and even used it as reference. (if I see any interesting game there, I check here afterwards so I don´t need to contend with Russian spyware).
That also leads me to my second point; self-promotion. Not only does releasing it for free bring in new people who might want to support you as times goes by, but some people also like to wait for a few updates, like to v.6.0 or v.7.0, to see how the games looks/plays/develops before they are willing to support you financially.
And then we have the most touchiest subject, distribution control. Now, I´m not going to speak for the mods here, I am not one and I don´t want to be in their positions, but I have also seen a few game completely fall apart after devs and mods have fought one another because someone posted a link here by mistake which came from a website which stole their content before it was ready for release, spyware fucked up their computer, or the links weren´t provided by the developer themselves - you said it yourself; you need to pay for rent. It´s literally better for you to release the game here yourself so you have control over it so you don´t suddenly see your own thread be updated and bombarded by angry people complaining about spyware or the mods trying to wade through the shitstorm trying to figure out what´s going on.
Now, you can take this however you want, but as I´m sure other developers can tell you; gathering a fanbase takes time, specifically if this is the first game you have developed. Locking it behind a paywall is just going to work against you in the end. Atleast, that´s why I facepalmed and I apologize if you took offence to that, but since you confronted me about it I thought I should at least give my opinion to you straight, because I like you and your game. Whatever you decide to do with this is up to you, BozR.
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happy perv
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2019
Hi and thanks for your detailed comment.

You missed one element: I made a game with the intent of finishing it in reasonable time. After 4 episodes Inkubak's story arc is complete and now I'm working on a new game, which may or may not involve the same characters.

I'm not a greedy dev expanding indefinitely a game project with e.g. "0.25" releases ;) instead I built a story with a beginning, a build-up and a proper ending.


Game Developer
Sep 17, 2018
I love this game. Nice graphics and story.
Also I like the inversion of corruption. This time it's a innocent guy who is corrupted by a slut (and a demon) and become more and more depraved and lazy. I suppose the next step is for him to become some kind of criminal...

Et j'ai apprécié de pouvoir jouer à une bonne version française !
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