So people are still shitting on the game and people how support them? Interesting.
Lets say you are a game developer, not even a porn game developer, just a normal one. You and your small team come up with a game idea that could rival Fallout 3 or even surpass it (With better graphics, just saying). So you and your small work on the game and using Discord, you let people know whats in the game so far with each update, but things are going slow. Instead of support, you receive well pretty much hate for the most part with people saying its slow, there's fuck all, wait a few years then it might be worth it, the developers are just milking money for patreons, etc. Now they see this and start to lose motivation. After maybe 2 years of development, do you know what you get. Not Fallout 3 but Fallout 76 instead. People if you dont like how the game development is going don't comment. The developers will take it personally, causing more delays, sloppy writing or just completely dropping the project all together.