It is unbelievable how bad this new update is in regards to just... content. The one character, THE ONE CHARACTER THAT NOBODY WANTS TO SEE NAKED, ancient old bag Minerva, now has not one, but TWO FULL SEX SCENES, and an extended shower sequence.
That's not only double two members of your main cast of four, its two more than the other two, and equates to a whopping 2/5 of every ""sex"" scene in this six year old game. That's if you even define oral sex and hand jobs as actual sex. The ugliest, least requested female character. Joe I have waited THREE ACTUAL YEARS to see Hermione do ANYTHING of interest past stripping and getting drunk. Even I'm a fan of these scenes for the main four girls, but an entire update just for the old bag?
I don't know what else to say.
Hire some team members, whatever, but even your most excited and genuine fans and defenders are getting fed up. FORGET THE OLD BAG, FORGET THE GHOST. We came here for four people, the titular people. Hermione, Luna, Daphne and Susan. I don't care if they fuck. I could settle with some teasing or just being able to switch outfits. God even just content of someone below the age of forty like Cho or Ginny. Please. For the love of god.