Never try to judge a patreon funded game by how much money it pulls in per month. For every Team NLT that puts out worthwhile content on a regular basis that matches how much money they pull in per month, there's 20 games that pull in that same amount and put out almost no content in comparison, and around 100 that make barely enough money to justify continuing, and a few hundred that put out a few updates, fail to gain steam, and wind up abandoned. So passion projects like Fantasy Valley get left at the wayside pulling in a few hundred dollars a month and eventually get abandoned while projects like Innocent Witches or Something Unlimited pulls in tens of thousands of dollars a month, make no progress, and have done so for years because they get by on "parodying" (stealing) a preexisting IP with attached nostalgia to bring in money. There's no denying that Innocent Witches has phenomenal artwork, but Sad Crab is also aping one of the most popular intellectual properties in the world, so there's really no point in complaining. You'll just get modded for it.