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Hello, wizards!
Another month of development is finished and it’s time to look at the current progress, plus see what’s coming next in 0.11B and 0.12A. Let’s begin!
First, the art preview. This time it’s a female student from Hufflepuff, Hannah Abbot, who will play her role in a side quest which will be a part of 0.11B patch.
Next, let’s look at what’s been happening during the past development cycle. First of all, we’ve released 0.10.7B and 0.11A! It was a bumpy development road, but in the end we’ve managed to build a working version (almost) without major bugs.
Speaking about bugs, during the past week we’ve been monitoring and collecting feedback from you, and subsequently applying the information to identify and fix the bugs that were missed during the testing phase. As a result, fixed versions 0.10.7-beta-fix1 and 0.11-alpha-fix1 will soon be released on our website and other platforms.
Apart from fixing the bugs we’ve also worked on minor additions and changes while we had some time between the releases. Some of the changes that were implemented are:
- Added a green screen mode for the dressing room (the button is used to take a screenshot and will not be present on the final image).
- Extracted Halloween prologue into its own section in the Extra menu for easier navigation.
- Slightly adjusted the encounter with a mysterious stranger near the lake.
- Amulet of True Vision will now have instant cooldown if cheats are active.
- Updated music theme for Potions Classroom corridor.
Full list of changes will be available in the changelog once the update is out.
Now, onto what’s coming next. We’re currently working on both 0.11B and 0.12A. The first patch, 0.11B, will be aimed at adding new side content, including a side quest, an interactive event in the Potions classroom, as well as Live2D animations for Minerva’s and Elf-maid’s scenes. On top of that there will be other additions, which might appear in one of the next news posts. We want to release the update sooner than later and actually meet the deadline set on the roadmap, so we’re adjusting the amount of content accordingly in order to try and make everything in time.
The work on 0.12A at the current moment consists of writing the scenario and some of the dialogues for the main story. This patch will continue the story of the first chapter in the second act and will have intimate interactions with the waifu. This patch will also include the reimplemented scenes with all four prefects which should neatly tie into the continuation of the romantic relationship between Markus and the girls.
Let’s take a gander at one of the additions planned for 0.11B, namely the event where Markus is acting as an observer over the clumsy students in the Potions Classroom while Snape is gone doing his shady business.
On the work-in-progress image above we can see the interface for the activity. Markus’ main goal will consist of two things. First, he has to notice when the student made a mistake and is about to become affected by a failed concoction. Once the incident is active, Markus will have to quickly decide which counter-potion he has to make in order to save the student from her demise. He will then mix the ingredients and conduct specific actions, depending on the complexity of the potion, and finally apply it onto the student. If everything is done correctly the student will be saved and Markus will continue his observation duty. Finally, based on how successful he was during this activity he will get compensation from Snape, and possibly more… intimate reward from the grateful student. Who knows, she might even visit him after classes to get a recipe for the amazing potion Markus was able to brew.
We plan to introduce this event in batches across multiple patches. The main reason for this is to be able to split the load on the development and first introduce the main mechanic and some of the initial encounters in the first batch, and then gradually add new students / encounters in the next patches. For example, in the first batch the first level of rewards will be available and the students will mostly be the side characters. In the subsequent batches the prefects might join the activity and act as “bosses” with additional rewards.
This approach also helps to plan the development in a better way where the artists don’t have to work on the same task for weeks and possibly months. Instead, a batch will be made, the work will switch on other content, and once it’s done, we’ll work on the next batch.
And now, time to vote! Traditionally after every major release we’re gathering your feedback about the recent content update. Please let us know about your thoughts regarding the latest version of the game, 0.11A (if you’ve played it), by voting or leaving a comment below. And if you’ve only played 0.10.7B so far, leave a comment too

- I liked the new 0.11A update! The story was cool and the events were interesting. Can’t wait for more!
- Overall it was an OK update. Nothing outstanding, but the events, story and new stuff overall were fine.
- I didn’t like the update at all. The content was spread too much and the story dragged on and on.
- I haven’t played 0.11A yet.
- I don’t care / I want to see the results.
That’ll be all for today, folks! We greatly appreciate you staying around and continuing to support the development by donating and leaving feedback. Thank you!
We’ll meet again soon. Until then, stay safe and have fun!
Sad crabs.