VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The Game:
    no sexual content yet (except.. 1 rape, which does not fit in the story. At all). Superb quality of drawings, funny story, and a new set of developers which seem to be determined to right the wrongs of the past. I hope they will succeed, this game has a lot of promise an potential.

    The Thread:
    very active thread with the actual developers of the game participating and helping out. Answers are usually received fast. Keep it up, y'll! :cool:
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    WTF, why are they making such a great scene with Minerva (Missing ANAL Scene here) and than loosing this game into a wall of text to read, bad written and surely to much of it instead of continuing on getting sex with the witches that EVERYONE expected playing that game?? Teasing is great but at the current state of the game, you can finish playing it after Sex with Minerva. Normally if the whole game would be like the beginning I would give 5 stars, because the art is exceptional good! @Devs: Pls rewrite story (less text PLEASE) and put in much more H-content and you'll get my money, I promise!
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    Joe Banks is a great guy, and it has great artwork, but it's still a long long way from being a good game; forget calling it great. There is just not nearly enough content to warrant playing this game in its current form. Will probably need 6 months to be legitimately worth your time, and that is if everything goes to plan.

    EDIT: I wrote this last May, it probably still needs an additional 6 months starting from today. I still like Joe Banks btw.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Waiting for updates and more content! Perfect arts and unique adaptation but main questline is too hard for masturbating simultaneously but still gorgeous work! Good job, keep going but much more faster please :)
    Likes: 0dinn
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The interface and mechanics are excellent, and the art is very good, but the writing and narrative are unbearable. And, unfortunately, what the writing lacks for in quality is made up for in quantity. Personally, I would rather masturbate to a telenovela during the commercial break.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Keeping the review short (until major future updates)

    Pros :
    Great artwork.

    Cons :
    Poor Story
    Lengthy, repetitive & confusing gameplay
    Very less content

    Note to developers - It'd be nice to remake the game with a better story with proper gameplay elements. You guys excel at artwork no doubt, but need other areas to take care of.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The visuals and interface are top teir, but pulled down by on overly long convoluted story and very little H content. This game has promise, but is currently not worth your time. Developers need to reduce text content by 50-75% and spend that time on H content. If they did, this game could rival Summertime Saga,
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Low sex scenes amount but great quality content. Maybe would required a "fap pass" options to skip the story tho. Overall recommended if you are willing to play a game and are not looking for immediate sex scenes.
    Likes: Yleke
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, since everyone is already bashing the game, I though I might as well tune in and do the same.

    The only saving grace of Innocent Witches is the art work, which is truly astounding. I can't recall seeing a better drawn game, and I personally think all the characters are gorgeous.

    In all other aspects, though, the game is terrible - there's no other way of putting it. The dialouge is extremely tedious to read, and it's not even well written. It seems like you're supposed to catch a bunch of underlying allusions, which are not obvious in any way, shape or form. This makes the story unbelievably confusing and difficult to understand. In general, everything when it comes to writing and story-telling is just a load of wish-wash.

    There is next to no sexual content in the game. Apart from a scene with Minerva (which was appallingly hard to carry out) and a few images of naked breasts, there is literally nothing. I thought this game was in the beginning stages of prodcution, but learned now that it has been going for over two years. Other developers finish their games in that time span. What Sad Crab have managed to produce in it is so bad that it actually becomes fascinating.

    Even the game mechanics are garbage, especially the swimsuit task. If I'm honest, I haven't even been able to complete it. There is no way of ever knowing what you're meant to do, and everything is just covered in an incomprehensible layer of ridiculousness.

    I strong discourage anyone from playing this nonsensical pile of awful.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    How much is good art worth? Because that's honestly the only positive about this game.

    The "gameplay" is straight grind and often convoluted, and the story is illogical at best and INSANELY long winded at worst. This seems like something that started as an adult game and changed into a masturbatory fanfic shortly into development. It feels like they use the "promise" of adult content as a carrot to get people to keep playing. At this point it's a fair concern to think that content is never coming, as each inch of "progression" in the game seems to actually move the MC further from his supposed goals. Maybe in another 2 years there will be another scene worth checking out, but for now it's a hard pass.

    tl;dr, there is no content, only grind and very beautiful art. The art is so good I'm giving 2 stars, everything else is worth 0.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Tl;dr: Art is clearly fantastic but of very mild titillation at this stage; everything else is questionable at best.

    First and foremost the game-play is a chore and that's the kindest way I could describe it. It sums up to a very rigid, step-by-step, point and click investigation with no real pay off. Worst part being that the majority of the interactions can only be activated/progressed after copious dialogue with some character for arbitrary reasons.

    The writing is just ridiculously self-indulgent and as mentioned before, ties into the game-play in a very counterproductive manner. Most glaring example I can give off the top of my head would be trying to use the broom on the window. The titular protagonist will make some smart-ass remark about throwing the broom out the window until you're told you can use a broom to fly. If the protagonist was from another world this would be more than understandable, but no he's apparently been a wizard in this universe his whole life more or less.

    The game is clearly suspending the content the vast majority are playing for, with seemingly the focus behind the writer/s being: How can we make the player jump through as many hoops as possible and make the narrative reasoning for this not look hollow. By playing you'll discover they don't have a good answer for that. The story thus far is needlessly convoluted and often plainly nonsensical. As a caveat I'd mention this isn't to say I don't enjoy a good establishment of plot and context before I get to the smut, but when the smut seems to drift further away with progression and meaningless tasks are presented once more; not too fond of my balls being this blue.

    The saving grace is the art, clearly, just look at it. The backdrops are inspiring with all the nooks and crannies being filled to the brim with a clear love and understanding of the setting. Character sprites are bursting with charm; a great blend of cute and sexy, which you don't see too often in such high quality.

    Obviously I would not recommend playing this: It lacks the fundamentals of enjoyable game-play. The story becomes more uninteresting as the protagonist makes increasingly dubious decisions, that a man lobotomised and suffering from severe blood loss, would expediently find clear and credible flaws in. The art while unique and of high quality, is a veneer over the terrible mishap underneath. Personally I'll just be keeping an eye out on the artists workings, without these other trappings weighing it down.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    A serious disappointment. After 2 years of development the only real sex scene is one in the first chapter and the game is now in chapter 4 or something? Which means that everything after that is just pathetic teasing and meaningless grind.

    Yeah, there's that too, this game is extremely grindy and slow-paced and there are NO REWARDS currently at the end of this slow pace. None whatsoever. You might get to see a pair of nude tits or two, but that's it.

    Save yourself time and sanity and play ANYTHING else but this. The gorgeous art is just a scam at this point. I wish I could get back all the time I wasted on this game but I can't. All I can do is encourage as many other people as possible to not waste their time on this.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This isn't a porn game. It's a fucking exposition simulator with one hot scene. The rest is...nothing. It's hours of doing tasks that lead literally to more tasks. Nothing hot at all. It's horrible. Waste of time.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has REALLY missed the point of a porn game. I understand that some games want to build up their porn scenes, and you only really get to the hot stuff after a few hours of game time, but this game takes that to the next level with constant unnecessary dialogues . After mindlessly clicking the left mouse button for hours straight with no real reward, i failed to be entertained at all. Besides the suprisingly beautiful artwork, the story left alot to be desired.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Almost no content, promising game but wasted opportunity. 3 hours of text or more maybe, no sex, no nudes, no erotism, no nothing. Is like an alpha version in a really first stage, for a game with more than a year of work, with so many people supporting and with the all money they invest, is a shame.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 172714

    It has alot of potential the art is amazing and humor is great but development is little inconsistent and slow I feel the scope could be bigger but that might because it's still in the early stages I'm still looking forward to its completion so keep up the good work
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is some of the best I've seen off this website, and the girls are all hot as fuck, and if this had a good game behind it it would be an easy 5 stars, but the devs need to focus the fuck up on what matters and actually progress the story and not fuck around with an assistant and achievements and little shit like that and just add content for the 4 girls that everyone wants to fuck. The promise of sex keeps me coming back but after 5 months and 0 story progress I'm pissed and I just don't even know how much I care about coming back. You can't keep coasting off your immaculate art and promises of sex with the girls forever. But, if they smarten up and actually focus on what matters, like some other devs who've had similar focus issues, and they learn that nobody cares about their cutesy assistant bullshit, then this game would be fantastic, hence the 3 star rating
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Fire and Brimstone

    Game features beautiful art and semi interesting characters but lack of any real progress and moderate story is this games downfall. Game devs for some reason trying to make the best looking intro chapters in the world but the story is going no where for probably more than a year. Also no nudity with the main girls and you can only bone an old lady and see some ghost tits. Probably they will move the story in 3 years or so as the devs will polish the shit out of the first 4 intro chapters before continuing the story so come back then.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm baffled by this game.

    The art in itself is like a masterpiece. So is the one sex scene that has been completed. Going by art, it should be a 5.

    But, there are some very fundamental issues with it, issues that are bordering on shocking at this point.

    The game has been in development for years. And it doesn't have much finished art. People who like it excuse this by saying that it's a story game. And yet, it doesn't have much story. It has maybe a few weeks worth of writing done. After 2 years. And to make things even worse, the writing isn't very spread out. I guess what I'm trying to say is like, the game has lots of ways of interacting. Dialogue, day and night, time of day, schedules, different girls. And yet, and YET, the story it tells is 100% linear. So you could completely strip out all the gameplay, and make it a pure visual novel, with just a "next" button for the dialogue.

    And if you did that, it'd be a laughably short, almost no art, visual novel.

    The missed potential here is enough to turn me into a sad crab.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Shadow Song

    After playing through all the way to chapter 4 I found I had no more patience with this game. There is only one scene with nudity and the game itself is extremely dull and feels incredibly long and drawn out with the lack of anything even remotely adult . If this game ever decides to actually add any "debauchery" like in the description I will replay it but if I could give it a zero I would. There just isn't any content besides a straight linear line.