Well lets see about that, im hoping for 3 times the size of the current updates since the team got bigger so there is no excuses. Until the game and dev team pleasantly surprise me it will need alot.
You have no idea how developing actualy works.
What are the new people on the team doing?
Artists can't do much without a script, same with coders.
Having multiple people working on script tends to be counter productive and usually leaves a mess.
On the same note having multiple people coding can be faster, but it also creates more problems when trying to put together code done by different people, and woking on the same part is just a mess waiting to happen so they have to do different parts.
There is delicate balance on when more people actually helps or slows progress.
On another note, kind of out of the loop, but if they are recently new that also slows down since they need some guidnce on how to work on that specific project.
You are just having way too high expectations and that always blows on your face and then come to rage when it didn't match your unrealistic expectations.
And as they have said in thread: they are redoing part of the early game plotline and adding the L2D animations to improve load times, so it might just be more of an optimization and cleanup update than a content update (might be wrong on that last one)
Also on another note, if you complain about text maybe this type of games are not for you since they are more like visual novels and the buildup is what makes the story good. If you just want a quick fap maybe just going to an image site might be for you.