I thought everyone was exaggerating, but they were not. This is more of a new HP book than a visual novel. Even if you skip as far as the game lets you from the intro it's still not very interesting. Tried to play from the beginning but that got old very quickly. Sure the art is nice, and they intro the girls rather early, but what use is that if all I can do is sit in my chair and write letters to them. Even if they somehow finish the game I doubt I'll even bother to look at it the amount of text they've put in so far. Even reading most of the HP books in my youth I couldn't find any interest in it.
Art is great. Story is bla. Game play is non existent so far.
Maybe I'll read it when it's finished and someone rewrites it without all the silly book sized lead up and skips right to the point, nixing the whole story and just lets me give point for sex like Aka did. So in about 5 years.