VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The further into the development the less sence.Each time then game suffer major rework it`s lose something. Game of relationship shifted to corrupiton. Corruption shifted to mind control. MC become slut harem. On top of that more and more plot spots changed to minigames.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Play it for the art, not for the fap.

    This game has a relentless amount of mini-games, waiting and clicking. All for 1 Penetration scene, maybe 2 (3?) blowjobs and just lots of teasing.

    Only worth if you're a real Harry potter fan and just want to look at the extremely nice looking art.

    (Also where tf is the girl we meet at the start)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    overall: updates are slow but fantastic game

    content is also slow but very rewarding, beautiful art and well-paced
    minigames can be finicky but are ways around it. similar to Akaburs Witch Trainer but honestly has potential to be better than it
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a wall of text with minimal sex content. You will see the first sex scene in prologue and then spend hours drinking and reading some meaningless conversations with Snape or your own portrait. The game itself is unplayable without guide, because you always have to guess the right time, place and items to do something meaningful. It took me 8 hours and I havent seen any 18+ content since prologue. It feels like a scam and a waste of time.

    The only good thing is the artwork, but again, I dont know how long it would take to get to any 18+ content after prologue.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Game story is good enough for play-for-the-plot guys, but for others who want to fap the game is extremely slow (the whole act 1 dont have a single big porn scene) bt the dev is working to renew the plot and adding more juicy contents throughout the game so look foward what can they do ;)
    Art, music, character design is fucking delicious for me. I'm so bored at 3D char so 2D art like this game is amazing. Main reason for voting this 5 stars is the displaying :love:. Hermione, Luna, Susans and Daphne is fucking hot, i'm looking forward for more Hogwart character would be introduced.
    Inconclusion, juicy art, good plot and interesting gameplay is what im going to say about the game :coffee:
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Some games for this fetish are paced too fast, which ruins the corruption/slave trainer arc by making it seem fake. This game has the opposite problem, being that it is sooo. Fucking. Slooooow. It legitimately took me multiple IRL days to get my in-game dick wet. The game part is really well done though. I would give 5 stars, but the pacing is enough to dock one or two. I ended up going with 4 stars, since I would end up recommending it if you're into the slave trainer kinda genre.
    Likes: Rolo
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    There's an entire subgenre of smut games that are basically visual novels with pretensions towards greater game design. This is one of those games. The framework of your typical Ren'py game is there. A map with multiple locations and simple point-and-click adventure game mechanics, with an inventory and a cycling time-state feature. From what I've played, games that start to heap on more complexity than this, given what they're working with, end up obtuse and bloated. Innocent Witches is no exception.

    What Innocent Witches has going for it is very nice art assets and moments of cute character writing, but the game is much bigger than its positive qualities; all the gameplay is modestly interesting exactly once, but repeated litearlly dozens of times. This is no doubt used not as mechanics to entertain, but to draw out the play time. In short, the game doesn't have enough good content, so it wastes the player's time in hopes of hiding the fact.

    The major "gameplay loop" of Innocent Witches is not any of the specific puzzles or tasks, but just Save Scumming. That, and repeatedly tapping the Skip Dialouge button. The dialouge is not cute or fun enough to read more than once- but you'll be forced to see it dozens of times unless you cheat with a guide. However, you can't just hold down the button, because you might miss a randomized visual cue that will inform you of the answer to a multiple choice question... which you'll be answering so, so many times.

    You as the player will spend most of the time spamming invites to girls, and your decisions are simply making sure certain progression criteria are met or not (e.g. invite X girl on this day, but ONLY if a box is checked or unchecked appropriately). You have to check your journal against the calendar, which is another set of clunky menus, to make sure you're inviting the girls on the right day under the correct circumstance. There's a 12 hour system, but since you don't control what hours girls come to your office, it doesn't matter. It's bloated and awkward.

    The major decisions you make are also up against grinding up stats that are simply mechanics meant to slow down the pacing so the player doesn't chew through the meager content too fast. There are four indistinguishable attributes, which are linked to each of the four waifus. You can push a button to improve two of them daily, but it eats up hours of the day. Frankly, this sucks. Again, if this was in a better engine, each training could be a minigame. Intelligence gets a wordfind. Perception has a simple hidden object game. Control with a precision-mouse based thing. Brutality has you squish cute little cartoon animals or something. Point is, you'll be holding the Skip Ahead button a lot.

    Even with the grind, there is a lot of downtime. To further pad things out, actual required progress is sometimes gated off to two days a week, for like 4 or 8 weeks, with nothing to do during the course of the week besides grind stats and money! This is terrible game design! Do not gate off major parts of progress off like this! Let the players play the game at an even pace!

    The naughty stuff is an interminable drip feed of softcore stuff. The four hardcore (yes, there are only four so far in this porn game that's been under development for years) take hours and hours of grinding past repetitive input loops. Play a slider puzzle 9 times to see some panties. Match a girl's expression to a color of underwear 11 times (though it will randomly repeat, so you can do this literally dozens of times just to see panties). Guess some lore trivia to see progressively more underwear until you get a boob flash. Guess dessert flavor combinations over and over to get another boob flash. A Harry Potter smut parody shouldn't take this many hours! Life's too short for this crap!

    The art keeps this from being a 1 star.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    After 8 hours of play more or less and with cost it is possible to see a tit, scenes H are minimal, only with Mcgonagall a couple of times and stop counting, for 8 hours you can only see Susan's breast and a blowjob with Ginny, outside of that it is very repetitive, there are hours (in the game) that nothing can be done, you can only skip hours and that already tells you that you have to repeat many things

    Maybe the only good thing is the character designs, but Daphne's, it's very good, outside of that it's very meh, the story starts well, I thought you would escape from Azkhaban to be a teacher but I think it's reliving your "past" , then from there well I did not find out much

    I do not know, I am not a creator of games but it should be redone, it seems to me, since there are few H scenes and history, at least there would be enough history and little H, it would be understood but you are a "teacher" of sitting on the plaice
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    No content you want just filler crap most of the update, don't waste your time, the only positive is the great art, a shame there isn't mroe of it, or that it goes with a story with any form of comprehension
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a mess, the only reason why I gave extra star is just because the only saving grace are the amazing artworks.

    Gameplay is very tedious and frustrating, it has similar concept with the other dating simulation where you build up relationship and progressing at certain routes. The problem is, the pacing are terrible and very very slow, and its even worse with the reward that's not worth it for all that troubles. There are few puzzles thrown in the mix, but that is also not really interesting.

    It also doesn't help that for a "parody game", the story is far too convoluted and easy to lose interest. In the end, if you're looking for a gameplay... there's better game out there. If you're here for the sex... there's only a few and very disappointing scene... If you're here for the arts, well... just download the CG rips and forget about this.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game 7.5 / 10 I have found a couple of errors but nothing of much consideration the game contains a good catalog of scenes although some characters in my opinion are wasted as you progress. It would be nice if they took over more mechanics from the series to expand the gameplay and also more variety in terms of female characters to interact with.
    Likes: Rolo
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    ı try to play that game since 2 year it is all waste . barely sex, hard to play and understand walkthrought, if I try to fck real hermony may ıt take less tıme and less brain consuming. I hope someone else make more playeble potter parody.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is REALLY tedious, amount of porn content itself is abysmal.The only thing good about the game is the artwork, and i would rate it atleast 2 stars higher for that, but gameplay is just such a slog, that i just can't do it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    the start is really slow but the game worth it. you can see that graphics are splendid. The story is pretty funny. And of course, there is Hermione.
    In conclusion, if you have time, try this game. If you need an instant fap, go find another one.
    Likes: Rolo
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with slower pacing, can try if you are a HP fan.
    get the tone right and can feel the witches falls under your plot and became more corrupted as the game goes on. Recommended with 5 start rating to support the developers.
    This game is a point and click game which require you to think and find solutions to the game puzzles, recommend turn on help/tutorial for first time playing, as the plot twist might sometimes be tricky and not so straight forward
    Likes: Rolo
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3092264

    An amazing game, plenty of fun minigames and very satisfying development with the girls over time. Art is fantastic and the story is surprisingly well written for the genre.

    Somewhat slow-burning to get into it, so avoid if that isn't your thing. However, definitely worth a try if you're even somewhat interested in the parody element.
    Likes: Rolo
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Incredible hand-drawn 2d artwork.

    Unfortunately, that's about the only good thing I can say about it. Frustrating, tedious gameplay loop that rewards you with 99% softcore content.

    Real shame, since there's so much potential. I'd happily give it another 1-2 stars if the dev adds more hardcore stuff and makes it less tedious to progress.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    A huge waste of time. I saw another review on here say this game is 90% gameplay, 10% porn, well I'd say it's 99% gameplay, 1% porn. This is the slowest burn porn game you'll likely ever play, giving you a granny rape scene (who doesn't love those, am I right!?) then virtually nothing but teases and groping and dating ... when the game's kind enough to even offer those.

    Gameplay wise it's much less fun than your typical porn game. Typically the gameplay frame work has you getting money, building stats, and building your affection (some games do this part much better than others) to advance a route; in Innocent Witches that's all there but it's thrown at you at your desk and it feels extra grindy and mundane. You basically sit at a desk and call girls or faculty to advance the plot, and boy oh boy is there a lot of plot and task work related to it.

    I'd forgive this mundane, grindy, non-interactive gameplay if it led to much, but it really doesn't lead to much at all. As of this review, May of 2021, IIRC there are two granny sex scenes, one BJ and one regular sex scene, then a WHOLE lot of groping and spying. Discounting the two granny sex scenes that's a grand spanking total of two good scenes, which is a fucking shame since the art's so beautiful and the two good scenes are actually quite excellent! But I'd never recommend you play through the game to get to those. Check them out online.

    This game leans on its beautiful art so hard. The gameplay, lack of scenes, and even the story are all not my cup of tea and I imagine the typical fan of Summertime Saga and the like will agree with me, there's a large lack of fun.

    Maybe in a few years if there are actual scenes I'll give it an updated review.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for this game.

    Story 1/5
    The story is convoluted, it has many unecessery monologues. The whole game from the beginning to the end the game is riddled with unroganic events and dialogues. Trying desperately to create a sense of mystery isn't going to work. as forceful as it might be.

    Music 2/5
    The music is your standard generic music that will tire you after a while.

    Gameplay 1/5
    There is no gameplay. The "gameplay" you are introduced in the first scene with Minerva is something you will not experience ever again. Instead you will be stuck with playing Acts which are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND INDEPEDANT from one another. Clicking 50 times to your office and on the door to sleep is not gameplay. Atrocious and a waste of time.
    Minigames? Cheat on every single one of them, it is not worth the trouble, trust me.

    Art 2/5
    You can see their thumbnails posted and call me crazy for saying 2/5 art, BUT the art shown is OVERUSED TO FUCK. It's boring you will see it 20 times(literally you will see them 5 times in different swimsuits) then you will repeat similar shit but you will "grope" them. The game has a severe lack of CG's and reuses a lot of assets again and again to the point that it shows how fucking lazy these devs are.

    Overall variance in sex scenes, like I said they reused their CG's to compensate for the lack of content, you can only fuck Minerva and get fucked by Daphne, that's it. The free version of this game posted here is a complete waste of fucking time, through and through.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this game for entirely too long. The art is amazing and who doesn't love corrupting a drop dead gorgeous Hermione. It started slow, but I kept waiting for it to get better. I don't mind a slow burn, I usually prefer it. But it doesn't get better, you move from one tedious task to the next with minimal lewd progression for the first several hours.

    The tasks themselves frequently do nothing for character development or corruption. Making me steal one swimsuit a day in a specific order, and then put them back in the same order, with the task resetting if I accidentally go to the wrong room (there is also no rollback) is infuriating and unproductive.

    The art and premise really made me want to like this game and made me stick with it for longer than I should have. Maybe one day several years in the future it will have some quality lewd scenes, but even then I'd be shocked if it justified the grind.