VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. Although the update is very slow, the quality is very good.
    I've only seen movies and some novels about Harry Potter. In fact, I don't have much feelings for the IP of Harry Potter. So I play it as a hentai college style AVG game by default.
    It may be strange to say that I am actually learning English with an English game made by such a Russian speaker.
    I want to offer some help, but Chinese mainland seems unable to provide support through money.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game gets 4 stars for the art alone.

    The art is beautiful, and the character design is fantastic.

    The dialogue and story is generally entertaining, and it does lend to suspension of disbelief.

    As far as the cons:

    The animation during the h-scenes is a little lackluster... and speaking of h-scenes...

    There are very few. At some points, I think that sad crab was not intending to make an adult game...

    Can be a bit-click spammy at times, and some of the mini-games are dark souls level of unforgiving.

    Still, the art, characters, and story have me waiting for updates so I can get deeper into the game. It's mainly the art, though.

    4 stars for now, with hope of adding that 5th.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I Just wrote an incredible review with paeans to the beauty and majesty that is this game, and then I accidentally backed out of the text box and lost all of it. So TL;DR

    This game is a horribly flawed grind-fest, especially at the beginning. BUT there is a good amount of quality smut in the end, and I thought it was worth the monumental effort it took to get it. Cause I'm a masochist, I guess? Can't wait to play the final product!

    Sarah Bones best Waifu. Shy THICCy with a heart of gold.
    Likes: Rolo
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    10/10 art. Even the writing is excellent by h-game standards. However, every time the devs update this game they create more hoops for the player to jump through to get to even the basic content. Playing this game is an exercise in frustration. Save yourself the bother and just stick to regular porn.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I personally love the game. The artwork is beautiful, the characters have their own personalities, and the story has a bit of intrigue taking place. A few critiques from my part, though.

    • Once the chapter the house elf shows up in is over, she becomes completely pointless because she doesn't show up again (unless it is further than where I am)
    • McGonagall is attractive and the scene with her is great but it's a bit repetitive after having done it the first time, then it shows up again soon after but there are no differences from its initial appearance
    • I've already had to restart 3 or 4 times due to the saves not carrying over between versions which cause the replayability of the multiple paths with the girls almost obsolete due to having seen it all each time you need to get back to where you were
    • Loved the puzzle when you were first unlocking the stats but it was the only one thus far that I've come across (aside from the mini-games with the girls which I've been forced to restart over and over due to the saves) and the puzzle box doesn't seem to serve any purpose whatsoever other than reminding you to work on your stats

    That's about all I have for now but just to reiterate, I love the game. I truly appreciate your work and have no issue with waiting for a game that catches my interests.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's get the easiest out of the way: the art and the animations are amazing. Each one of the female characters look gorgeous in their own right and their personalities are quite well-rounded. The same goes for the environments. It's clear there's a lot of effort in making every visual aspect of this game shine and I say kudos to that.

    However, the rest of the game is rather lackluster. There's an unnecessary amount of grinding that mostly goes nowhere and any puzzle I've found was more annoying than entertaining. The two plots are both boring and cliché, and I really don't understand if there's much difference between them apart from a few simple aspects that aren't that important in the end. The new plot, however, is kind of more streamlined and less filled with clutter, which is appreciated.

    But the worst thing in this game for me are both the MC and the dialogues. Seriously, I haven't hated a protagonist as much as this one in a long while. His attitude is childish and pathetic at best. I get that he's supposed to be cocky and hot-headed, but both things are taken to such an extent that it's simply absurd. The way he treats others is beyond awful and still manages to get away with most of it, but the worst thing is that his lines aren't even that funny or smart to begin with. I could get behind him being an asshole if at least he were more charismatic, but all of his insults revolve around "I'm horny, you're stupid, suck my dick", which honestly gets really tiring really fast.

    It's biggest issues could be solved pretty easily with a smarter and more complex plot & dialogue rewrite. As it is right now, the art, as amazing as it is (and it really is one of the best I've seen) cannot stop the god-awful MC and needless grind.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3959277

    This is a typical sandbox game that is parodying a popular novel and grinding horrible. It contains stylish 2D arts and models. Story is about corrupting 4 female students in the same magic school setting. But dev made it uninteresting somehow.

    I like slow-burn but I am not sure that this dev even knows how to tease people sexually. All sexual activities felt generic and childish. Its strange story progression and organization made me uninterested and bored quickly. The game has two plots (old and new) but their stories are basically the same boring ones. Not sure why dev needed to create two similar ones. The game is unnecessarily click-hogging and in-game hint system didn't help much so I had to read the walkthrough guide for every single task. And I have to question dev's planning skills because game saves don't work even among the same versions (e.g., v0.8 alpha and v0.8 beta).

    Another grinding game with unworthy rewards.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is great but I do not understand their decision to create new plot instead of expanding the old one - waste of time for both dev team and players as new and old plots exist at the same time and none of them contains full content of the game. Old plot seems also well thought out in comparison to the new one too.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Pick it up in a few years when it's actually stable.

    The game's pretty good and I actually like the slow boil/teasing content. But saves don't transfer over between updates, and the Dev keeps changing older content which means that keeping up involves replaying the same shit over and over again.

    The dev needs to set up a better checkpoint system, and make it so you can skip text even without having read what you're skipping. Then maybe it'll be worth picking up before the game is totally done.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Long time no see such a shitty game. Hints which say you nothing, unwinable minigames. Bugs and crushes. Story which often makes no sense. Overall frustrating and annoying. Most of it can be fixed, but as can be seen from comments there is no signs of improvement for ages.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind type of game. There are 2 sex scenes for an entire game. Animations are good, but creators are not interested in sexual content, so it's a more erotic type of game. Every scene opens in a kind of grind way.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art, lots of cool details! Good quests! Funny! Cool minigames! A bit grindy making the progress slow (which is good, rewards taste better)! But overall a really nice game!

    Already played it a few times and plan to keep doing it
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty dope.
    Played the latest public version as of 23/09/2021 (non US-date) and the latest additions (2d animations) make the game feel more alive and give a somewhat uncanny yet pleasent feel to whats happening. The drawings themselves are cool, with a nice stylistic feeling to them.
    The version that is currently available on Patreon seems to connect the chapters even more, which is nice, as I feel there is a certain lack of continuity between parts. Can't wait for the full release
    Likes: Rolo
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art and animation. Intriguing story with multiple concurrent lines. Looking forward to the future of this, although I think the animation they are making now is a negative direction of their artwork.
    Likes: Rolo
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Inevitably, some of you may be asking why I am only giving this game 2 stars? Let's discuss pros first. The writing is pretty solid. I found myself engaged with the story and found it relatively compelling. Moreover, this game, hands down, has some of the best art in any pornographic game.

    And that brings me to my main criticism. There is hardly any lewd content. Despite years of development, this game only has a handful of lewd scenes sparsely placed throughout a relatively long and grindy story. It isn't always intuitive what you need to do next (I initially played without a guide). Moreover, certain tasks that you need to complete feel tediously long in order to draw out the game play.

    And it's really a damn shame. I remember how optimistic I was when this game was initially released years ago when I was still in college. It had so much promise, but it is such a grind to get to that good content, and even then, it is a short scene with few options.

    To the creator of the game, if you read this, please know that I am not attacking you directly. There are plenty of other games that follow a similar format such as Bad Manners. What it is a reflection of is that I wouldn't recommend this game for someone unless they specifically asked for "a humorous and engaging story with good art without too much of a concern for pornographic content."

    I certainly hope that these comments are taken to heart, but this game is already successful with it's established fan base so I know that is incredibly unlikely.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The game play just wastes too much time - the swimsuit task was just full of pointless clincking, then forced waiting, then clicking some more, then forced waiting again... and this pattern repeats it self. Even the sex scenes are just full of pointless time wasters. I know the creator probably wanted to make things 'real'. But I feel the dev didnt get the balance right - immersion is one thing, wasting time while not advancing plot or game experience is another.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is VERY slow filled with tens if not hundreds of tedious minigames, still there is something that draws you back again and again.

    The artwork is fantastic, I just cant get enough of it. The story is pretty interesting, I find the jokes funny. I like the very slow burn of the story, you get closer and closer to the characters and get to know them. I think the characters other than the MC are very well written and as I said the main story is also pretty good.

    I have two main problems with the game.
    First are the minigames which are absolutely tedious and the game is filled with hundreds of rounds. Good luck playing them without any guides or walkthroughs.

    Second is the MC. His personality is all over the place. No matter what route you choose it just feels strange. I chose the Light path and for some time it felt like he was actually a good guy he shared some moments with the waifu (Daphne best girl dont at me) then he just started talking like a literal psychopath about how the plan is all coming together. Then he switches back to the self redeeming good guy.

    One thing to note is that the porn part of the game is almost non-existent so if you are looking for that, this might not be your game.

    + Funny

    -Grindy minigames
    -MC's personality
    (-Lack of porn content)

    Overall if you like HP and you can get over the lack of porn content and the tedious minigames, the game can be pretty fun. I think the positives outweigh the negatives and the game is well above avarage. I hope the next update will bring some good content.
  18. 3.00 star(s)



    I think unfortunately this game has the plan to take all the time necessary to earn a lot of money thanks to sponsors, I am not against sponsorship (patrons), but lately this theme has become very common among developers, they release updates from time to time with little content and they add unnecessary things or deviate from the objective, in this case porn, more than two years and the scenes are scarce, few things H, and the missions and objectives are long and the prizes are not very satisfactory like a new scene sex (and there is little sex), something like a simple image of a girl in a bikini for doing many things is really very tedious, if we removed all the H from this game we would only be removing between 20% to 30% of the entire game, most of the time you will spend doing missions. Two years is a lot for so little porn that it is the goal of a porn game! Even so, I love art so I hope they finish it and that it is not two more years.


    Creo que lastimosamente este juego, tiene el plan de llevarse todo el tiempo necesario para ganar mucho dinero gracias a los patrocinadores, no estoy en contra del patrocinio, pero últimamente esta temática se ha vuelto muy común entre los desarrolladores, sacan actualizaciones cada cierto tiempo con poco contenido y agregan cosas innecesarias o se desvían del objetivo, en este caso el porno, más de dos años y las escenas son escasas, pocas cosas H, y las misiones y objetivos son largas y los premios no son muy satisfactorios como una nueva escena de sexo(y hay poco sexo), algo como una simple imagen de una chica en bikini por hacer muchas cosas realmente es muy tedioso, si quitáramos todo el H de este juego solo estuviéramos quitando entre un 20% a 30% de todo el juego, pues en la mayoría del tiempo pasaras haciendo misiones. Dos años es mucho para tan poco porno que es el objetivo de un !juego porno!, aun así tengo me encanta el arte asique espero lo terminen y que no sea es dos años más.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Since this game came out, I have been playing it every once in a while. I like the premise of the game and the story has improved quite a while, but the game has too much grind and not much scenes The mini-games are very annoying and also grindy to do.

    The writing is well done, yet sometimes too much. It's interesting and has some humor, but the main thing that saves this game is the art. The available art is stunning and very well done.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It starts slow and continues slow, but I liked the pacing and the slow buildup. It made the characters more believable.

    One critique I have is that the game was too grindy. I ended up skipping a lot of days just to grind stats and I didn't enjoy that.