Others - Innventure [v.0.2.1] [Joody14]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I am also against the reviews man this game is fun

    i mean there are only 4 scenes for now for the main girl but they can increase in the future also idk pixel art is my weakness

    Don't stop the game developer and add more sex scenes
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, I supported them on patreon for a time. absolutely lots of potential.

    I like how many characters are available, I still think a super in-depth character creator would be an amazing idea.

    thx for the share!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Contrary to other reviews, this isn't a bad game. Sure, the development is on the slower side. However, looking at the gameplay and pixel art by itself, it has a unique charming atmosphere, interesting character design, and most importantly a lot of potential.

    Right now, it's a nice, short, and simple game to spend a few hours on if you really want to unlock all the characters. Should the developer continue to add more characters, jobs, and an in-game store to further develop the mechanics of the game I can foresee this being a gem.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly a pretty good game, much better than the majority of stuff out there already. The framework for everything is all there, npcs all move around as intended, the gameflow's clean and straightforward, and there's no bugs that I can identify. Only reason I don't give 5 stars is because the npc + PC diversity is pretty slim, some thicker/taller characters could be interesting.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a really cool concept, even after all those critics, its a really good game imo, also the dev hears suggestions and its pretty chill, so yeah that adds a plus into this, keep going and as long u keep updating it will become a really succesfull game since it has those kinky tags that we dont have in most games nowdays, thats all looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has a simple gameplay and mechanics that's all right. The animations are kinda okay. They are not pixel animations but still satisfying. There are some sounds for clapping and moanings also musics. The only problem is progression it's soooooooooooo slow for a game like this. 15 months of development and there is only 3 animations 4 playable characters and a simple gameplay. Like all western developers this one is soooooooo slow too. If he can release bigger updates and improve the game I might increase my rating. It would be promising if he can devoloping this game since a couple months ago but almost 1.5 year and nothing. Sounds like he can abandon the game suddenly like other indie western developers. Well at least he doesn't develop this for 7 years and only release 2 demo right?
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Earlier reviews were way too hash for a game that is early in development. Not a lot of content yet but from what there is, is enjoyable. If you liked Captivity, you'll enjoy this one, I think. Maybe wait for some more content but so far so good, looking forward to what the dev does!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a tone of potential. Very similar to captivity but with a more lighthearted premise. It looks like this version is just the foundation of the game but it is a solid start. Would definitely recommend but it's probably worth waiting for later iterations
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Turbulent beginnings, but the dev has found new footing with Strange Girl Studios and things are looking brighter. Unfinished as of the time of writing this, will update accordingly.

    If you liked Captivity (rip Captivity dev), you may like this. It's definitely worth a shot.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Legit awful, 2 sex animations, awful controls, and if you lose you restart from begining. Also their is only one level so once you actually beat the stage you just restart from begining. Game is taking money and hasn't been updated in over half a year, so I'm saying this is fully valid of a game that main as well just be a single demo at most.

    This is 2 locations (your house, and outside) 1 enemy type, and really only 1 item to use since potion does nothing.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game has a lot of potential for futa on male content, but the MC freezes after getting caught by the vampire futa, other than that, I love the pixel art, ad platformers in general. Hope this gets an update and bug fixes soon,
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is nice, hope the developer voices the enemies and protag. The fetises included in it are pretty much what I'm into.
    I feel like more effort should be put into the platforming and animation fluidity but other then that the game is in an early build and I hope it does well.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's still very early in development to say much, but from what I have seen so far the dev puts great effort into the details such as sound effects, dialogue, visuals and animations in a way that the vast majority of games here do not.

    There are also many ideas and future plans for the game that could make it the best of its type.

    This game still has great potential and I'm looking forward to more updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    As someone who hasn't played this game prior to the remake revamp that's being discussed, I can only provide an evaluation based on how I view the game in its current state.

    As it stands, the game is more of a prototype showcasing systems rather than a complete experience. Only the first level is implemented, and it contains only a single enemy type. The enemy has two sex animations, one for the enemy as female and one for the enemy as futa, and no further complexity beyond generic attacking enemy. Beyond that, there is a currency system with no methods to spend the currency, and an inventory system whose only usable items are the futa toggle potion and the sword attack item.

    At the moment, there simply isn't much to evaluate. The player character controls well enough, and the pixel art style used by the game isn't bad, but many systems are incomplete. There is no clean way to restart when your health is depleted, and the game fails to explain certain systems--For example, I never found out what it means for the health pips to change from red to purple.

    The platformer combat is inoffensive, and despite other reviews, does not seem to harbour traditional design goals. Attacks require the use of an attack item, have a cooldown upon successful hit, and only disable enemies for a period of time rather than permanently defeat them. This hints to a more avoidance-based gameplay loop, but with only a single flat level implemented, it's hard to say one way or another what the end goal of the system is.

    Right now, I recommend waiting for more substantial updates to Cave Party, but the current systems are promising enough and there are plenty of ways the game can go depending on how the developer fits the systems together.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    New character design style looks too silly, it was fine the way it was before.

    This game once actually gave me hopes of a captivity successor but I personally cant get off to bobble-heads as the character looks way too young now.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not too hung up on the new art direction, but the gameplay changing this much just puts a sour taste in my mouth. Why fix something that's not broke, the game could have used maybe something to compliment the gameplay already there, but instead it goes through this completely needless overhaul.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev did a 180º and everything looks great so far, went back to the original concept.
    I thought I had edit this review, but didn't for too long. Sorry about it mate.
    Wish more devs would listen like joody did.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is addressed towards version 0.0.631 of this game, which is the current last version posted in the site

    To be perfectly honest, for a WIP game.. there isn't really a lot happening

    To start off with the good things, I think animations (sex ones and normal ones) are pretty decent, I like the pixel art style, it's rather pretty

    Story is... well, there isn't much story per se, but it's a good introduction. I would personally suggest speech bubbles between characters, I find it more immersive and friendly than having a square at the bottom left of your screen which is rather small and doesn't last too long, so if you aren't a fast reader you're probably going to miss some things

    Combat is, so far.. super simple, there isn't anything outstanding about it aaaand that's where the good things stop in my opinion.

    Whilst I'm speaking about combat, I have to say, there needs to be ways to defend yourself from incoming enemy attacks, since the first vampire that you find is literally right in front of your door as you exit and it will attack you instantly, most likely causing you to collapse. This is a little unfair, as you pretty much do not have any sort of reaction time to try and attack it before it reaches you.

    I would also like to suggest a struggle system of sorts, to try and escape the rape scene if you wish to as well as having a checkpoint system to restart from where you last were, since if you get your health depleted whilst being raped, there's no other way to proceed than to restart the game and if you restart the game, you'll have to start from the very beginning again..

    Also, when it comes to the world, I feel like at the beginning before the awakening of the goddess, you should be able to interact with more people in the world, as to get a little bit more immersed and know how the village was before the awakening.. currently, it's just you getting up, exploring just a slight bit to see different houses (they're the same exact house over and over, would be cool if there was some variety) and you can't access any of them.. not even the tavern, which you see people coming in and out of

    Also, would be cool if the different NPC's we see walking around had a different design, they all look the same.. just for immersion purposes as well

    The game shows promise, let's see how it develops from here on out.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    this is not worth any time, just placeholder for another pixel art game. 0 new or good ideas, dont waste ur time. Mb at 1.00 completed version this garbage will entertain. 0/10 art, idea and realisation.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I know its just 0.06 version but the game needs a lot of improvement,
    1 .there is no counter when they down you other than pressing Shift like its kind of tiring
    2. If I want to restart/replay the game I need to the start of the story again and again
    3. the vampire are already in the door like what's the use you get down instant and game over.