Others - Innventure [v.0.2.1] [Joody14]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I was gonna give it 2 stars, but it does have potential so 3 it is. The main issue is that theres even no instructions at all which is weird for a game that has quite unintuitive mechanics

    Another issue - the dev doesn't seem to update the game often enough for it to become relevant and good in a timespan that is at least tolerable. Until the dev gets to work and actually starts to update this game heavily, week after week until theres a ton of decent content i doubt anything great will come out of this solid proof of concept
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for [v.0.1.0]

    Another 180 degrees turn but at least in the right direction. So I'll give 3 stars. It's buggier than before. Gameplay is okay. At least future of this game is bright now. With proper updates this game could easily become a fun management game with heavy h-stuff.

    Verdict: 6/10. A couple inches away from being a masterpiece game.


    [0.0.1 -> 0.0.5] Review

    This game is amazing but It is very early in development. I really love the setting and mechanics. Although there is nothing much to do now (serving customers drinks and other h-things, collecting money, collecting garbage, buying clothes and that's it) it has high potential for a casual fun game. Right now there is no save system and no purpose so I advise putting this game on your watchlist and wait for it to grow. Best of luck for the dev.

    Verdict: 10/10 for the execution and potential.

    Edit for [0.0.7] -> 180 degrees turn to disaster. Old version had more promise and future. It was unique and was fun to play even there's little content. The new style of gameplay is really bad and stale compared to before and contains lots of bugs.

    Updated Verdict: 1/10. Avoid until gameplay mechanics properly decided and implemented.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Beautiful and with lots of potential. Check back in a few months and it'll be f95zone's masterpiece.

    Seriously, the dev is super active and you should definitely support them if you can spare the dollar. They also take suggestions very easily on Discord so if you're some sort of demented creep like the rest of us, no shame in proposing an addition of your fetish/favourite sex pose.

    I can agree with fellow reviewer Squidbit that it is slow, but that will get ironed out I'm sure.
    If prositution and abuse are your kinks, get the fuck on this game.

    EDIT: The dev went bananas, and reworked the game entirely. Now it's trash. Sad.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating the 0.0.1 demo where there's only one sex scene and basic gameplay

    It seems pretty good so far. Nothing I'd jerk off to yet, but I can easily see it getting there in future updates

    The game itself doesn't feel like anything special, but it's all the little things that I like so far. The undressing/redressing, the conversation with the guard reacting to your actions, and just the fact that everything that's in the game seems to work the way it's supposed to, which is great for a 0.0.1

    There's 2 reasons I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5.
    1: You can't play one-handed, which I feel is a terrible design choice for any porn game
    2: It's really slow. You walk slow and the bartending game takes a really long time to end. I understand walking slow is where the challenge comes from, since you have to reach the customers before they get mad, but I would increase the walk speed and make customers get angry faster. That or give a sprint button that makes you risk dropping drinks or something