Unity - Completed - Insexsity [v1.08 Uncen + Maxi] [Insexsity_team]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Your classic corruption story, where a naive girl ventures into the city only to learn of depravity and lust. It's a common one, but it'll explain a lot of what you'll see in this game. Kate being corrupted by a wide cast of characters which'll eventually show scenes with fetishes like gloryholes in the seedy bathroom, and lots of prostitution either on the streets or because your landlord got a little bit greedier.

    From what I've described and the adequate art you see in the screenshots, you'd assume it'd rate higher but unfortunately the game is buggy beyond repair. Important tasks will NOT trigger unless you follow a certain path specifically, and even then you're taking a chance. It's so bad to the point where if you try to find a solution in this thread, a lot of advice is to simply restart your progress because you hit a deadend all because you choice the wrong choice in a dialogue or progressed too quick.
    It's lucky it got a 3/5, the bugs are horrible. It's got a lot of potential but so much about technical errors ruined the experience for me.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Incoherent. That's the main word I would use to describe this game. I haven't finished it and don't plan to. Got to 116 days in and decided that this was not going anywhere good.
    Beause everything about this game is just so fucking weird. The writing is full of grammatical mistakes, which is typical, but it's also just nonsensical? Like characters will randomly say the weirdest shit with no explanation or elaboration. It feels like the dev's understanding of english phrases is just messed up beyond repair. And it's not just the dialogue, even the game's tutorials and walkthrough are written like that. It turns just figuring out basic mission conditions into an arcane puzzle.
    The game's design is similar. There are many characters and basically all of their content is in some way interlinked. It's very hard to progress through a single character's content without doing content you might not want to do for characters you don't like. It can feel damn near impossible to even get certain content with some characters because the game gives you no indications of what you have to do to get it and the walkthrough is very incomplete. None of it is intuitive.
    And the story is just a fever dream. Metaphorically and literally. It makes no sense whatsoever, nothing is logical, every 'explanation' is cryptic and vague nonsense and the story ultimately dissolves into a state where the player has no clue what is happening, how it happened for what's gonna happen next. None of this happens in a way that makes you interested in figuring it out. it just makes it impossible to care.
    Even the artstyle, while mostly pretty, makes characters look uber freaky at times. Mostly when they're animated.
    The only reason I gave it two stars was because there was one character I actually liked and I liked the overall premise of the game. Too bad the premise is wasted(you have like, 4 clients total that you ever massage) and that one character had criminally little and overly repetitive and hard to find content.
    Oh yeah it's also riddled with bugs so it's technically incoherent too.
    # Final note: The dev was getting payed 13k a month at the peak of his patreon. This is pre-2020 so it's about 15.5k now. I think this is why the game descended into this state. He felt like he had to make the game more 'meaningful', worth the money he was getting payed. He was earning post-modern art levels of money so he decided to turn his game into poorly made post-modern art.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Well I hadn’t played this game for a few years and I can safely say that the devs didn’t bother to fix the countless bugs and a directionless boring story.

    At first, it might look interesting, controlling an innocent girl through a city full of pervs is gonna be fun, yes? WRONG! The freedom to do anything is an illusion and a blatant lie.

    It becomes clear as you play more that there is no depth to it. Things don’t happen to you but instead you must be at the right place at the right time to trigger ANY event which can a pain in the ass because there aren't any quest markers or proper quest logs to tell you what you need to do to progress the story. There are inconsistencies throughout the game, sometimes the character would be blowing out multiple dicks at the strip club but will refuse to blow at the café or massage parlor or some other NPC.

    As your lewdness increases, you can start wearing skimpy clothes, but the NPCs don’t react to any of it. There are tons of clipping issues with clothes, character’s body and even the environment. I also don’t know why the game has a rape tag because I didn’t encounter any. The only interesting interaction I found was the Vile man on bus, but the dev never bothered to flesh it out outside of three repetitive instances. Even when you think you’re getting raped on the bus, it’s just your imagination of your lust so the dev couldn't even get the molestation right.

    Lastly, fuck the saving system. You either go to sleep or lose out on all progress for the day. “Completed” game my ass

    Overall, it’s a gigantic waste of potential made by a lazy freeloading dev and I wish there would be some mod or a similar game to pick up the mantle.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This will be my first review and English is not my fist language, please be mild! ;)

    The art is unique, not the most detailed but still good looking characters, well fitting to the nicely crafted surroundings.
    Also the "ragdoll" style animations are something not usually seen in such genre games and they work quite well, ignoring clipping issues.
    Don't expect "gonzo" detailing in the lewd scenes, which leave it more to your imagination instead of focusing on private parts.

    Storytelling begins sound and keeps it somehow reasonable/believable until the beginning of the last "chapters", where it suddenly drifts into some kind of mild mindfuckery. I hope it is no spoiler when I say that the conclusion will be left up to your own imagination.

    Gameplay wise I find it a bit unfortunate that one has to use both mouse and keyboard, something I generally don't like in lewd games. Accepting that, it plays quite fluent, the menus are clear and grinding, while definitely a very noticeable part of the game, keeps it at a somehow reasonable level.
    Unfortunately the last chapters itself turn into a repetitious grind-like replaying of the same scenes until one gets it "right", not very fun.

    I did not encounter a lot of bugs, altough a view scenes require the exact following of some steps to avoid problems.
    Intuition will get one half way through the game, after that the ingame task list and hints, als well as the official "walkthrough" and, most importantly, the search button in this thread are quite the requirement to reach the end of Insexsity.

    Don't play if you are looking for a sound story conclusion or despise looking for help. Otherwise quite the wild ride, I like it!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Something about this seems broken. I've got 1.03-maxi and half the things don't seem to work right. First few days I couldn't walk to work. Going to the left of the screen outside the apartment had no arrow. I could only take the bus (costs money) or go straight from home (takes extra time). After a couple of days, suddenly I can walk between those two screens now. So I get to the first weekend, meet Eva, go to the club on Sunday like she asks and... I wait and wait and wait. Pass the time and all she ever says is "I'll be with you soon" and I got to 1am and now all my character wants to do is go home. But I can't. I try to leave and she says "I've never been to a club, better drink and dance" so I'm forced to spend $100(!!!!) on a drink and then dance. Still can't leave. I spend another $100 on a second drink, now I'm drunk enough to trigger the scene on the dancefloor that it wanted. What would happen if I didn't have any money here? Would I be stuck forever? What if I don't want to spend $200 on the world's most overpriced drinks? I can't leave. So anyway, the scene happens, Eva tells me to go to the bathroom and wash and to use the first stall only. I go in, wash, the first stall is occupied. Second stall occupied. So I have to go into the glory hole stall. Go in. Wait. Nothing happens. All I can do is leave. No other options to click. I leave, go back to Eva, now she won't talk to me and I can't do anything else. Waiting, buying a drink, or dancing just says I'm too tired or it's too late. But I still can't leave. I go to the front of the club and there's nothing to click to leave.

    Either this is the most obtuse game ever or it's just buggy as hell and doesn't work. It's not worth it folks. And this is just after the first 7 days in-game. What other wonderful bugs await if I could get past this point? No thanks.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    a good game, but it has many bugs, the story becomes repetitive and unintuitive about the next step to follow, the story is very good, the renders are good, but I would prefer it to be a little less difficult to give continuity to the main story
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    On the surface, Insexsity is immersive and addicting. Unfortunately the more time you put into the game the more you realize how shallow and buggy the game really is as well as how inane the story is.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Blob the Blob

    Liking this game so far. This ain't your average VN (or even a VN at all!), this is an actual game in which you have to freeroam across the city to trigger events by performing certain tasks. You can buy and change your girl's outfits plus even the skin tone, boob size, hairstyle and there's even an option to change the bush style too, and not just shaved or unshaved, instead different styles you wanna set!
    Plus comes with an inbuilt cheat system, you can increase everything through cheats but except money & ability to maintain her clean without bathing.
    Overall it's a happy fappy, you can make your girl a total slut who loves to get drunk & laid in public places. It's worth a try.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome game, the scenes are really well put together, loads of content, altough it's a shame that once you do one thing you cannot do other things on that day sometimes, sometimes too much content can be bad. other than that, realy hot and awesome game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Un jeu que je qualifierais d'excellent, il est intuitif, dynamique, les misssions sont intéressantes et de plus on se plonge vraiment facilement dans l'univers de "insexsity", pour moi ce jeu est un 20/20.
    Je l'ai déja fini 2 fois et le recommencer est toujours un plaisir, je le conseille vivement !
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game itself is...interesting. There's certainly a lot of "content," but a lot of what's in the game simply never comes together. The art style is the most obvious example. They clearly switched artists partway through development, and rather than either having their new artist emulate the old style, or committing fully to the new one, they just made new assets in the new style while keeping the old ones. This creates a huge stylistic clash between characters with simpler, anime-style faces versus the more realistically drawn characters. IMO, the latter ones are less visually appealing too since with the game's puppet animation, a simpler art style doesn't clash as hard with it as the more realistic characters do.

    The story never really gets very interesting. You just end up doing a lot of lewd stuff, which is fine, but then the player character's reactions to what she's doing often feels off. She'll be offput by something, even though you've done way more extreme stuff elsewhere. You can walk around naked and NPCs won't react any differently. It's quite shallow.

    I guess the real shame is that the core ideas could've been interesting. I rather like that type of game, where a character can fall into lust and depravity, but this one is really held back by clunky execution.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Personally I think it has a good premise, the female protagonist going into the city to discover all her inner lust but the grin is just boring, having to repeat the same thing over and over to raise lust very slowly, makes a lot of ludonarrative dissonance, like hope many times one would have to voluntarily go to a adult cinema to get molested before the protagonist takes some iniciative and not just "be a victim".

    The graphics are not the best but wasn't expecting much, body parts nocliping clothes and objects, most characters having overbite faces and with tits size 3 the nipples pointing apart like a bad plastic job from a unlicensed doctor.

    Another point but this is more personal, some may like it but I don't, The story is too weird, simple stuff is more realistic and believable maybe just adding that everyone is a horny fuck being acceptable because is a porn game but adding stuff likeimaginary friends andstuff like that, unnecessary drame for something that is just fap material.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had such potential at the start but it really threw all of it away. The weird twists were actually interesting at first but it becomes clear that the writer had no idea where they were going with it. I got as far as I could in it but I'm not even sure if what I finished on could even be considered an ending.

    The character designs occasionally look really ugly but I could forgive that because of the uniqueness of some of the gameplay but the game really ended up disappearing up its own ass. I wouldn't waste time on trying this one tbh.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Where should I start...
    This game reminds me of many different genres, that usually go hand in hand together, but not in this case. The game is not bad. But the constant tonal shifts make it quite unbearable for me.
    But, this is a hentai game. None comes on hentai for the writing. And this is true but as a game it needs to follow some rules that here often are broken for the sake of it, not for adding something interesting.
    Anyway, this isn't a problem in the end as as I said it's porn. No one comes to porn for the story. But for the art.
    Speaking of. The art is great. I love the art direction, the Spanish-like architecture of the city. The items, the shadows. The only thing that's a bit poor are the character design. But overall the art is great.
    What make it take the 3 star rating for me, is the mechanical side of the game. It's bad. Omg it's so bad. I had to abandon it, as couldn't continue playing it. It feels as you are walking in the bottom of the see. The game is extremely tidious as well with a lot of padding. Just for exploring some parts of the city you have to make mundane actions until your reach a specific date. I don't think this is good game design.
    But the gameplay, I hate it . It's just bad. It feels unfishied and untoptimised. On my laptop it runs with around 20 frames. While other way more demanding games like Doom with over 50.
    From what I can say this wasn't made by a game dev, but from someone that just learned an engine and didn't fully master it.
    I can't suggest it. Not out of spite, as I said the art is beautiful. But if you don't have a high end pc you can't enjoy it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I like kate .... a lot, it is fun to play as her. but I "hate" the dev. I tried my best to find reasons to give positive comments.

    It is evil for the dev doesn't let us save as many as we need ... in this confusing game. Thus players have to start over again if they miss something early on. Some mistakes made by players in this game would block the story many days later(the only saving file would be overwritten countless times by then already); players would have to start it from the beginning if they know when and where the mistake is. It is much worse than a "game over"; I would like to know why the dev "hates" us so much.

    I read the thread; I am not surprised, many players are asking for help: how, why, who, when......... and the walkthrough? It would mislead you badly sometimes; I can't guess why they give such a walkthrough.

    for the new players, there are some critical mistakes you could make; I would like to give you some tips:

    1, when Kate goes to the club toilet for the first time, she should only give a hand job in the stall(neither blowjob nor leaving). Otherwise, you would miss the event with Eva, and you would miss Lucy's event later on. Thus you would miss everything from the hospital. (hospital, prison. police station, library....). No hint provided to tell you the serious consequence of your choice, you would only find out when you are stuck at some points later on. it will be too late to recover it by then, the only choice is to start over again(hours' working).

    2, In the clothing shop, you need to show Suzi the fishnet socks WITHOUT BUYING IT, or you will miss all events with Suzi later on (and the quickest way to make money in this game, is serving the glory holes in the toilet with Suzi. I mean your time, not the time in the game. Just leave the cocks to Suzi, in this case, only 1 -2 animations will be displayed, which you can't skip at all ). again this time, you would never know that, because you don't get any hint.

    3, I was stuck in the prison story. There probably was another mistake I didn't notice, and I hate the idea of starting over again. I can only tell you, be careful here; according to that "walkthrough," you only need to get the third "exit" to keep the story on; well, after the third exit from prison, Anna didn't call me when I leave the clubhouse, or she called me, but I didn't wear my headset, so I missed the ring. Who knows Kate has a mobile phone? There was no tip at all.

    Anyway, I went back to prison through the massage parlor and tried other exits (apparently, I don't know where the problem is). One of them is the "punishment cell". I click the "remember the meditation " in the punishment cell. By doing that, I was teleported back to the gym but not able to meditate down back to prison(that never happens in the gym, I only get the option "throw the idea away" when I meditate there). Then I called it a day and tried to go back to prison the next day (Monday) through the massage parlor. Guess what? Anna was there; I was not able to go back to prison anymore. And I still don't get a call from Anna.....I can't verify what happens, I have to start over to do it...Nah.....

    I could still play it day by day, but nothing new; the story is blocked.

    I really want to argue, if there are critical, once-for-good decisions/activities for the players in this game, why does the dev refuses to give us a multiple-saving system? Why do they hate us players so much? "dev" for developer, not devil, ok?

    Furthermore, there are bugs in this game, sometimes, we can not tell we are stuck by mistakes we made, or by bugs they made.

    If you want to play, feel free to have a try, make sure: you have a lot of time to squander, and you must be very patient. Read other comments please, you would know how repetitive it is, and how time-consuming it is.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Almost not worth posting, since the other reviews have it right. This is a game of wasted potential.

    It starts out alright. Art is eh, but the situations and context add a lot to proceedings. For the first couple hours I was really into it, despite jankiness and numerous bugs.

    Unfortunately as the game progresses it becomes worse and worse. The bugs become more common, the writing starts to feel half assed, and by god does the story shit itself sideways.

    The dev was clearly trying to get "artsy" points by making it surreal, but this was just poorly executed. Surrealism has to still be interesting, otherwise it just makes it look like you wrote it while high on god knows what.

    Worst of all, the introduction of the possibility that it may not be real, and either a dream, hallucination, or some kind of simulation robs the events of what made them work - Context. The reason "It was all a dream" is considered a bullshit narrative device is because it robs the story of stakes. Seeing the main character taken advantage of, or slipping into corruption is meaningless if it might not actually be real at all.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I accidentally posted the review for another game here and I have no idea how to delete a view, just edit it, so ill leave this blank until I am able to get to this game. looks like a good game and I am looking forward to playing it and being able to revise this review
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great games, has a lot of fun playing it.
    The only thing that i think could be improved is
    The cum texture, (some of the texture look like a wet toilet paper), otherwise i think it's excellent games with a decent amount of content.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games. Lots of different characters, pretty fluent to play through. The story can be really weird and not so see through but all in all it's one of the best games imo.

    Would love more interaction between some characters and also for some characters throught the story to recure or have more depth in their relationship with the mc.
    Likes: gbcvg
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Starts out good but massively deteriorates trough the game. Gameplay becomes repetetive, overly confusing and the story gets worse as the game goes on. Would have been excellent to have a full game continuing how this one starts out.