Unity - Completed - Insexsity [v1.08 Uncen + Maxi] [Insexsity_team]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The main reason is it's different from everything else. The story, animation, and playstyle is unique to this game, and in a sea of copycats it stands out. Some things can be grindy at times, but it's no worse than many games out there, and it has so many surprises and scenes you wouldn't expect. If you are tired of the same thing over and over, give this a try.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Is it better to be born without talent, or to never be able to fulfil your potential? I ponder the question as I lay down the last bits of content in this game.

    I reckon that my attitude towards erotic game might be different from you, who reads these words of mine. I do not play them to be relief physically, I’m more interested in intricate working of the creator’s mind. At time, the surreal and bizarre elements of this game made me feel at home, strangely absorbing into the world it is trying to build. But, be warn O’reader, for this is yet another case of unfulfilled potential.

    The game starts by introducing the player to the player character, a young woman named Kate, who has just moved to the city, into a new apartment and about to start her job as a masseur. Surprisingly, the game quickly introduces the central conflict of the plot, how a young woman can rise above her financial status in a society structured to lead them to the dark path. The player character runs into sexual deviants at every turn, all of which tries to take advantage of her vulnerability, men, and women. In turn, there is a multitude of options for the player to do the same to other characters for her own financial benefits. The player will quickly realise that thanks to the stamina mechanic, the player character will not be able to earn enough tips from their customers to pay the rent at the end of the week, eventually driving the player character into other more dubious but less tedious options. I had a feeling of being plunged into an adventure game in the early parts of the game. While the masseur work was tedious, it was there to drive the plot and provide more motivation to the player to explore the world and the options to earn more cash. This sort of game design is sorely lacking in the world of erotic game, though I am aware that perhaps I am missing the point. I would argue that this motivates the player to play more and explore the options rather than just trying to get to the next erotic scene. It was very absorbing when I was able to unlock the gym and the bank through a series of event, just like the old adventure games.

    Unfortunately, as the game progresses, it reaches a sort of a halt. The more I play, the more I realise the game is more linear than I initially expected. There are many ways to earn money, but to open the next part, there is only one part. Though certain things can be done concurrently or any time, some are locked behind progression of another events. The progressions are entirely based around other characters. The game had to hand us a check list to ensure we do not miss events. I don’t consider this good design. If we had to be led by an in-game walkthrough, something hasn’t been done right. It took me a while to figure things out by myself because the clues are rather limited without resorting to the online walkthrough, the check list, and the hint. Unfortunately, even with those, the game has a significant number of bugs. The flags are sometime not set properly, and some events should have been locked behind others to ensure unity in story progression. This causes much frustration and by the end of the game, something horrible happen. I realised; the game was unfinished.

    I won’t go deeper into the latter parts, you can decide if it’s worth the trouble, but there’s a building that took you about 45 minutes of gameplay to unlock that’s completely empty except for a single floor that you have to unlock as well (though this was a plot device, but symbolism can be done better than this). That is just a symptom of the myriad of unfinished plot lines that I shall explain later, and features. Many other things that are not related to erotism and more plot heavy can be quite confusing and frustrating. The gym training is structured in quite a strange way but the worst feature in my opinion is combat. Combat is confusing and seriously underdeveloped. You can play through the entire game without having to win in combat. I found myself questioning the importance of its existence. The prison is also a nagging problem. The idea itself isn’t very bad, and while I was able to figure out the routes by myself through trial and error. I agree with the consensus that repetition in that part to convey the feeling of being imprison don’t make it interesting nor fun. It’s especially irritating when there’s no clear sign of progression being made. I think more colourful dialogues with spaced out would have changed the prison for the better, but it seems the team lost interest in improving it.

    Together with the unfinished features and levels, the plot has many missing parts. The surrealism starts to set in with some characters disappearing, merging, and appearing in strange ways. A good surrealism experience in my mind is something like The Holy Mountain or David Lynch works. Surrealism is very much about experience and interpretation. All of this sounds great in theory, but when gameplay is also affected by the surreal elements, it can cause frustration. One such thing is the barber shop being locked, preventing you from being to change your hairstyle. Still, there were moments when there is a bit of a spark of that in the plot with a previous event replayed with a different character. Though because of the unfinished state this is in, the surreal realm can be lacking. I really like that they were trying to tell a bit of story in that realm through simple and brief dialogue, as well as blending in some gameplay with it being used as a gateway to different parts of the game. There are so many good ideas cramped in, and the ending is quite an experience, albeit a little predictable to me. I can see the passion behind the writing and design, but the lack of interest to preserve and polish the rest of the elements, to me, made the ending quite a hassle to reach, albeit being quite satisfying for an erotic game. Compound that is part of the ending shows a missing piece in the story thus far, hinting that this part might have came to play at some point before being relegate to a small part of the ending experience.

    I won’t comment much on the visual, because the nature of erotism is subjectivity but also the lack of a budget will result in lacklustre visual. I do find that the art is serviceable, and the UI is simple and straight forward enough. Character animation deserves some praise to me. They are simple but don’t feel very stiff somehow. I didn’t mind it for some reason even though they don’t actually look good. They must have done something right to fool me. The rest of the art can be clever in parts, such as the room reflecting the state of the player character’s current mood and can be quite dull at others with the street being relatively boring and flat. Still, it is not the worst, but I do wish it can be a little moodier. The visual when it comes to surreal parts aren’t as impressive if I had to be honest. They are alright, but I don’t appreciate them as well as the dialogues and writing. I can tell, however, there was efforts. Commendable, as it may be, I do find the visual to be more serviceable than imaginative. I would have taken more radical designs like what the writing did over this rather mundane look. I do not consider that to be that vital to the experience.

    Having played through the game twice, I do think that subscribing to their Patreon is recommended. I was shocked at the game daringness and attention to gameplay design. This is becoming a rarity as walking simulator and mundane visual novel games becoming the norm. The passion is there to me, even if the latter part of the game fall short of expectation. This sort of effort should be treasured and nurtured. I hope that their next project will be better than this. If anything, I hope they can hire someone to exclusively map out the automaton or the flowchart and squash out all the bugs. As someone in com science I was itching to look and fix all the damn bugs.
    Sidenote: why is all the stranger and criminals white while the only decent romance is black ? Also why can't Don impregnate the player, and why is pregnancy treated rather strangely? What's Mark's deal? Why is the bus's stalker got so little limelight? Lucy also lacks a bit of limelight too. The monologue about women's in modern society kind of missing the point a little as well, and rather self-righteous.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    In this game you become a slut that can be banged by all.
    I like this game, it have a lot of contents, the animation are simple, but nice, when you are drunk pratically the game change completely (It's a superb idea). Sometime you need that to unlock the main plot.
    Now.. The game had a collapse around the prison expansion: lesser style of the animations (I really don't like them at all, better the first ones).
    The plot became completely surreal, you really need to pay a lot of attenction to undestand something.
    And became really really really repetitive.
    They said completed, but really the developers used half of the door open in the rush.
    If you like the genre, is a beautiful game (until the prison story).
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    plot goes from mundane to weird to "did I take drugs today?"
    much uncompleted or content that never got finished
    HEAVILY railroaded game claims player freedom but is total lie
    weird shit like hypnosis abortion post modern human interest segues
    ultimately a waste of time and the art isn't good enough to make decent slideshow
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style is so unique and it fits the game perfect the h scenes are good and get the job done the story of the game is simply but works just fine there is no grind to this game which is amazing give this a game a play to have some fun and support the creator if your able to
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's be clear here: This game could have been good, but it's not. The art is okay, but when it's all said and done, there are just too many glaring issues to ignore.

    The story is a mess. Events rarely coincide with one another, and even when they do, there's often no cohesion to the chain of events. The things you have to do to progress certain fragments of "story" are ambiguous, at best, and, more often, utterly frustrating. Using the game's hint system is really the only way to get any progress to the event chain.

    "But, Poynt!" I hear you say. "At least the hint system works, right?"

    Hahaha, no. The hint system has this weird habit of shitting itself when you bring it up, either by throwing a random error code that means nothing to the player, or, by locking the current hint in place permanently, meaning that even if you clear the hint by following it (i.e. going to the bar on Sunday night) the hint itself won't change, leaving you stuck, unable to get another hint.

    Shit mechanics, a strange story, and sub-par animation on decent art come together and combine their powers into a 2 star adult gaming experience.

    My recommendation? Avoid it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool a while ago, not so much anymore.

    This game just overstayed its welcome and there is no reason to look for this kind of game in 2020 (or early 2019). I'd be more fond of it if the game had finished development a year or two before it did but the gameplay loop, the animations, the story, etc... is very lacking by today's standards. It does in no way deserve its 4-5 star reviews.

    It's just thoroughly outdated and the game was far better in the context of other games when it first started being released than it is today.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I usually finish the games even if I find them lacking but it just seemed like its not worth it for this one.

    It has completed status but I still found a bug on the first massage session when the guy gropes you and whole game freezes. Avoided it by playing from his point of view.

    Story is okay, probably the only good thing about it along with character customization.
    Dialog sometimes doesn't make much sense. I'm guessing it was translated to english from another language.
    Artwork is mediocre but the animations are the worst thing about this game. Imagine someone playing with barbie dolls because that's it, that's the animation pretty much. Even still images would've been better.

    Also the only way to save is to go to sleep, which sucks since you can't even rollback. The only way to see different outcomes is to replay the whole day.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I started playing this in June 2018, it was my first leap into these sorts of games that where more complex then click to cum and I was impressed., I even became a patrion.

    A year and a bit later am I still impressed? No so much.

    I tried to go back to play a new game before dropping a review but could not will myself to sit though the needless grinding that I had done so before but found an overlapping issue when I returned to my longest played game save. I had no idea where in the story line I was.

    The story line is where the game honestly falls apart, it is too railroading to allow for you to play Mava as your own version of her outside of your levels differing from one game to another but the game can feel too hands off to actually allow someone to return to a saved file and know what the hell they are meant to be doing at that part.

    The game itself seems to want to go in several directions from a prostitution sim to some deep mind melting exploration of whatever the rest of the game was meant to be. The storyline is jumpy, unsure of where it wants to and as a result? Neither does the player.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Calling this Completed is an insult to actual completed games. In reality it's Abandoned, the only difference here being the devs didn't just silently stop updating it. Doesn't make the game any more finished, though.

    Within the first hour you're likely to hit a dialog option that responds with *CURRENTLY BEING IMPLEMENTED*. There are also many ways of getting stuck because of bugs. For example, when I replayed the "complete" version I once again managed to get stuck in the nightclub. I had forgotten that was a thing, ages ago. Back then it was a game that had the potential to improve but now, I guess they never bothered going back and fix anything and this is the way it is now.. It's never going to get better.

    There are some good scenes and scenarios but the game plays in a clunky way, walking is too slow, things get repetitive and you'll get increasingly annoyed by the little things as the game progresses. I recommend skipping this as not worth the effort.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The Overview says "You'll choose what to do and what you don't." …but that's a lie!
    Instead, this is a fully railroaded game with occasional roadsides.
    In other words, you'll be forced to choose certain things, regardless you want or not--otherwise you are stuck in very small sandboxes. :(

    GAMEPLAY = 2
    STORY = 2
    BUGS = 1
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    At the start of development, the game with its mysterious background really had a great potential and was intriguing (despite buggy and grindy)… up to a certain cliffhanger when Anna called someone her mother. After that it tumbled into a sad sack of shit, unfortunately.
    Sorry, Developers :( Maybe everything is logical, clear and makes perfect sense in your brains… but for a player, the game is a mess! And it's related to writing, scene directing, animation, in-game moving, et al. Very sadly that none of the elements deserve "B" (at the very least) after such long development and good financing.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Started out as a decent game with potential but it only got worse with each update.
    - the story is all over the place and makes zero sense
    - bad writing with many mistakes in the dialogue
    - very complicated to get through it even with the guide's help
    - there are some out of place and weird scenes that makes you question if this even is a porn game
    - lots of bugs
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    great game but i need a video help with the prison, i dont know if is bugged or something, and i wish i could finish it, so please make a video with the steps, because im confuse at all i even tried to reset the prison part and try all again and i made just a single method in where i get a number phone from the girl of the same room with me after she finished getting fucked
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a corruption game so the protagonist get in cruel situations which was toxic for my spirit if I played hours without a break. Story is sometimes shady. Artwork is nice and you can customize MC's look. This game is unique because the 2d platform and smooth control. Give you a freedom to roam the city and places where you can choose what would like to do.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    i rate this game with 5 stars, this is easily one of my favorite lewd games of all time.

    -i think it has a good mix of non oversaturating the game with insane walls of texts.
    -fairly ambiguous objectives that allow for somewhat exploration to unlock interactions.
    - the animations are very simple but really good in the sense that, animations don't really disappoint the imagination(other games try to implement the (slower faster turbo speed which is like the most weak shit ever)
    - the alcohol allows you to make the actions way more promiscuous then you would expect from a simple girl that just try's to find footing in her little world bubble(doesn't brake the immersion that shes fully just whoring out)
    -the game size is not alos some insane clunk of data which most games of this genre are.
    Overall im super impressed by this game, i rarely would go out of my way to post a review but this is just really well executed.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 581764

    Bugged,terrible quests,lots of grinding,gets repetitive ,awful graphics,after some you get lost in quests and you have no idea what to do even with the walkthrough in your face.It's a complete and utter waste of time.Don't even bother to play this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything about this game. I have gotten so much play time out of it because its so fun and theres so much to do! Love the characters and the art style of the game. Other things I personally like are you different outfits and wide variety of options you have when it comes to playing the main character. You have so much freedom and can basically do what ever you want. Love love love
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like the look and feel of this game. However, alot of the quests and objects can be kind of difficult to figure out. I often found myself in a loop of doing the same thing many different times.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Was really interested in it until the Prison bit.
    The game itself is kinda your generic side-scroller point-and-click adventure game, there's a lot of scenes, a lot of options, and what I think is some kinda weird reality-bending magic plot thing in the works.
    The game's translation is really bad because it's likely machined from something difficult to turn into English but it's understandable enough, it has a walkthrough in-game now that usually helps and a fairly detailed one on the website in case you get stuck anyway.
    Like I said, fairly generic but there's a lot of content, the art is okay but breaks a bunch which is to be expected honestly since there's so many outfits and so many NPCs. The "questlines" themselves are pretty straightforward and you have a lot of choice in what happens most of the time, this choice is obviously taken away sometimes because rape tag lol. This is fine too though, that's supposed to be that way. A lot of the scenes do get repetitive and there's a few little niggles like one guy that's supposed to provide you scenes sometimes choosing not to because it's random when it really has no right being that way. Either way, for what it is and how allegedly early this is into progress it's fine, that is, until the Prison.
    Where the game turned around and ruined itself was during the Prison thing added in the latest update (v0.80.36 as of writing this). It's such a slog, there's very few scenes and even less interesting ones which is saying something, it's a hassle to get out of it and there's new ways to get back into it once you do get out that you're not explicitly told about so you're gonna waste time again for an inordinate amount of time. You also can't save in there since it doesn't use your bed, the game has no manual saving feature, and you're kinda stuck anyway. The Prison is such a terrible and obnoxious experience that it's legitimately turned me off the game, and off in general after playing it. I hope it's fixed or streamlined in the future, as it is now it easily knocked the rating from a tentative 4 to a 2 in spite of all the other content. :/
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Calle Dossi

    Insexsity is comfortable with its gameplay format, sliding along fine character designs and situations that don't linger too long to deliver the sexual corruption that is expected of it. Aesthetically, this may not be a visually stunning game, but every prop does come together when the realism of every sexual moment demands it. For the story there's nothing atypical than our wallflower girl having to discover her wild side. Occasionally we do get a few romantic moments between characters, but ultimately, they all get out of the way for what makes this game a masterpiece of its genre: unabashed sexual objectification.