Kind Nightmares.
I like your strong MC.
But I wonder if she could have a more equal relationship with someone?
For now she is purely dominant. But perhaps there could be a NPC (female I hope

) with whom she won't be dominant (nor dominated of course).
Also, in the developer notes, you state that Jade won't be cucked.
But, can she willingly share someone with someone else?
I'm thinking of Ivy. I would like an option where you can share her with Mia instead of steal her.
About other futanari.
They are rare, and for obvious reasons, tend to hide there condition (like Jade).
In the prologue, it's said that they are stronger and taller than men.
But I suppose that there are variations. Like men are generally taller and physically stronger than women, but there are short men and tall women, weak men and strong women...
Could a futanari have less muscles, be shorter, look less like an Amazon, than Jade?
So she will look like an ordinary woman, and you really can't guess she is a futa.
Because I wonder if we don't already meet another futa without knowing it.
I think Viv could be a more feminine futanari. We haven't see her naked yet. And it would reinforce the bound between her and Clarice. Not only they have similar family and social origins, they will have the same sexual condition and social stigma.
I understand if you can't/don't want to spoil anything.
(OK, you can wonder "What the hell are you asking questions you know I can't reply?", to which I would reply "Hey! I'm a frog with an amphibian brain, you can't expect me to ask smart questions, can't you?"
