Intermediate Content: Why and How


May 18, 2021
Yep, it's me again. Let's stay on topic this time, shall we?

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When showing sexual content, the most common method is to show an average-length sex scene after a milestone in order to ensure sexual content is completely seperate from gameplay. The idea is that you don't have to worry about both of those having competing for the player's attention as well as reducing the toll on the game's pacing that comes with showing sexual content. There's just one critical flaw with this whole plan, and it's that games.. are games.

80-95% of a video game is going to be gameplay, not story, and not cutscenes. If we restrict ourselves to only show sexual content outside of gameplay, we don't have much room to show porn (and ultimately arouse the player). What's really problematic is that long stretches of time without showing any sexual content can cause arousal to plumet, which is exactly what happens with the whole milestone thing. Simply just increasing the amount of sex scenes creates it's own issues; the game would have to be broken down so the pacing isn't a complete mess, and besides someone also needs to make all those scenes.

But what if we didn't seperate gameplay and sexual content..?

Intermediate Content
Let me introduce Intermediate Content, IC for short. To keep a player aroused, a game will give small pieces of sexual content between the normal sex scenes to keep a player's arousal up. Unlike traditional sex scenes though, Intermediate Content is shown during the active parts of gameplay instead of during an intermission. The smaller impact of the content is less arousing, but also means it doesn't stop gameplay dead in it's tracks when shown (more on that later). This results in a smooth fapping experience that doesn't require them to go against the natural flow of the game. At least, when it's all done right.

While I'm the first to call it by this term, this isn't a new concept by any means. Countless games already do this, but not always well or to the extent needed for optimal effect. This is post is about why to use it, how to use it, and common issues.

Now then, in terms of presenting the IC to the player, it needs to be more refined than just showing a pair of boobs at a 30 second interval. That's just crude. Instead, here's the two immersive ways to present IC:

Mechanical IC is about having certain player-controlled action(s) designated to show sexual content, though they also have other gameplay effects. We'll call those actions 'Sexual Actions' later on. You'd see this implemented as battle-fuck combat in a game or breeding in a breeding game. It's not just a button that shows sex, it's also something for the players to interact with mechanically. The downside is that these actions need to designed so they're frequently seen enough to have an effect on the player's arousal.

The second type is passive IC, which is simpler but not as viable. Similar to mechanical IC, certain actions will show the sexual content, though not all are player-controlled, if any. The main difference is that they have little to no impact on gameplay. To make up for their lack of gameplay purpose, they are made frequent and near-unavoidable. The most basic example I can think of is NSFW card art in a card game. If you want to see what's going on, you've got to look at the cards and subsequently, their card art. I wouldn't reccomend this type of IC honestly.

You don't have to use only one or both forms of IC. It just depends on the game you're making, though it's way more common to see mechanical IC over passive IC.

Constructing Intermediate Content
Before I go on about making IC, I want to mention that Intermediate Content is not a band-aid that can be applied at any time to any game. It must be at the very core of the game because it plays a role almost as important to arousing the player as the full sex scenes from before.

Impact and Weight
Impact is a rough measure of how arousing a piece of sexual content is. More impact, more arousal. We don't need to know exactly how much it arouses each player, just a good idea of whether it's high, medium, or low. You can tell this from three factors: art quality, user interest (fetishes), and weight. Weight is different than the other ones in the fact that higher isn't always better.

Basically, weight is how much the piece of content (negatively) impacts the pace of the game. An image that appears in the corner of the screen for a few frames will be almost unnoticed in gameplay, while a 30-second animation brings the game to a screeching halt. But while heavier pieces of content are more interruptive to gameplay, they also give more sexual impact than lighter ones, and may not need to be shown as often to keep the player aroused.

One of the most common issues I see is when games get their frequency wrong. Since showing sexual content damages the flow of gameplay, you need to be careful with how often you show them. Go overboard and there won't be much gameplay left. But if you show too little, well, then the player isn't being aroused. Adding a skip button isn't a solution either since that outright skips the sexual content you're trying to arouse the player with.

The less frequent content is, the more weight in your content you can afford without turning gameplay into a slog. It's best to use either medium or low frequency since working with high frequency/low weight is difficult to build a game around. While not revolutionary, medium frequency/medium weight is easy to design and can fit most games well. For reference, a vast majority turn-based games w/ sex combat could be categorized as this, along with a couple of sidescrollers here and there.

Low frequency is more difficult to design, but isn't impractical. You may want to use it if the gameplay is fast-paced and can't afford many interruptions. However, while there's a lower frequency of content, there's still whiplash from the pacing going from normal to zero because of the high-weight content. To solve this, the conditions for the Intermediate Content to be shown should be met when the game's pacing is slowed, such as after most enemies in a wave have been defeated, reducing the pacing shock from before. However, depending on the genre of the game, it may be harder to come up with a way to pull this off.

Obviously, you can't just show the same pair of boobs over and over again, players are going to get bored of that. So you'll need more pictures to have a nice variety of content. The more you have, the more varied the content is, which is good. But it takes time/money to make these pieces of content and it's not practical to create a gigantic amount of them. How much should you make? 5 per hour of playtime? 4? 6? They'll be re-used, sure, but what's the comfortable limit?

There isn't a hard mathematical formula for that, but from what I've experienced, it's mostly about the variety of content the player can see without disrupting the natural flow of gameplay (that would be like quitting mid-level to visit the gallery). It also helps if the player is satisfied with the quality of the content, so spamming low quality content isn't the solution. I'd say having about 4-7 pieces of content 'naturally available' at a given time is ideal.

Don't be mistaken though, you'll still need to introduce new pieces of content over time. You can't only have 4-7 pieces of content throughout the entire game because players will still get bored of that content, just not as quickly as if there was only one at a time. Players will also be quick to choose favorites if way too much content is available at a time, so don't try the opposite.

Besides frequency, the other most common issue is the lack of relevancy when using mechanical IC. Because of the gameplay aspects tied to the sexual actions, you need to be precise about how often they show up. A player might avoid them completely or overuse them (causing them to burn out their interest in the content, lowering the impact). The solution is to constantly motivate the player to use the sexual actions while also limiting the opportunities they can be done in order to stay in control of the frequency of content.

Constant motivation requires the sexual action to be the optimal move whenever it can be taken successfully. When players avoid them, it's often because they don't find the rewards worth it, so make sure it remains powerful throughout the whole game. For the fine control over the frequency, the opportunities the sexual actions can be done are limited. There's plenty of ways to do this, from cooldowns and costs to having the player recognize the opportunity to do it.

Now, if you have multiple sources of mechanic IC (different causes), you only need one to be relevant and moderately frequent. This means that even if a majority of the sexual content is shown as a result of negative actions (things bad for the player), a perfect playthrough of the game would still see some sexual content. Maybe not at the frequency the game needs, but it works as a failsafe at the very least.

Before I move onto the next section, I want to be extra clear: Do not confuse mechanical IC with gameplay mechanics that occur DURING sex. There are often seen as 'struggle to escape' meters or the rythm bar in beatbanger. The difference is that the sexual action of mechanical IC leads to sexual content, while the other occurs DURING the sexual content. It can be difficult to enjoy the sexual content infront of you if you have the mash the keyboard to escape lest you get a game over.

About Main Sexual Content
As the player becomes more aroused, the lower impact of IC eventually isn't going to cut it anymore. This is where we can use sexual content with extra-high impact, our 'full sex scenes' from earlier, which I'll refer to them as Main Sexual Content (abbreviated to MSC) from now on. Anyways, because most players aren't going to be willing to cum to the lower-impact IC, the high impact that MSC has will finish the job.

Impact Improvement
So yes, it's important that your main sexual content is arousing. Now the question is how can we improve the arousal factor of our main content?

  • Focus on quality: Obviously, you'll want to put extra effort into the art quality of your MSC. That's the least you can do.
  • Stick to your guns: If your game has a focus on any fetish (it probably does), you should stick to those when making the main sexual content. Even if you're not the best artist, this will boost the sexual impact significantly.
  • Allow anticipation: The anticipation of main sexual content can carry a lot of impact as well. The only cost for building anticipation up is not showing your MSC back-to-back, which is pretty easy.
  • Allow expectation: Also, to allow anticipation to build up, players need to be able to expect it. Players aren't dumb, but they aren't able to expect random sex scenes that come out of nowhere.

In a porn game, it's very difficult to arouse the player when you aren't using Intermediate Content, or at least some other kind of frequent showing of sexual content. However, the most important factor for applying Intermediate Content, is simply having that sexual content exist between the main ones. It might not be perfect, infact, it could be very flawed, but the benefit of having the player stay aroused outweighs any concerns that come with it's inclusion. Most games that use IC actually don't use it very well, but they remain some of the most popular games of their genre.

TLDR: Add smaller sexual content between your sex scenes. It'll keep the player aroused.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
That was a massive wall of text...
And reading all of that...
I don't regret doing that at all...
However... I prefer getting excited instead of being perma-semi-hard...
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Again, I'm gonna have to challenge your entire premise. Why would you be so insistent on the gameplay being fappable?

From what I remember, you say RPG/strategy/whatever gameplay with intermittent story mediated sex scenes are not real porn games (or at least not ideal ones). You need the actual gameplay aspects to be about arousal and sex. Battle fuck, brothel management, trainer, or something like that would be the most straightforward answer, although I understand you have other ideas for such sex focused gameplay as well. I've played my fair share of battle fuck and management type of games, and let me tell you, I never stay aroused during those. I'm not fapping with one hand while fighting with the other. And the arousal factor is almost non existent in the first place because these gameplay asepcts, while directly sexual in nature, are mechanical because they are not deliberately constructed scenes. You can't construct full scene with dialogues, build up, and unique composition for such routine gameplay sex elements. So these kinds of sexual content can hardly be called arousing, let alone fappable.

If you say they are your "intermittent sex content" and are not supposed to be fappable, well, what's the point? It can actually be less conductive to busting a nut later on when you are bombarded with meaningless sex all the time. Carefully constructed character arc and impactful sex scenes in a scenario that isn't all about sex can potentially be more arousing.

Your thesis might make perfect sense to you, but people derive arousal from different things. Some people want a deep connection, some people want fetish, some people want good writing, and some people like you want your porn gameplay. And now, you will probably say you are only talking about actual porn games, and we will be right back at square one. I can concede that VNs being classified as porn games is a bit of a misnomer, but it's just how most people talk about this niche of fapping material. But I will say that sex scenes and fetishes added to a great "normal game" gameplay are the best gameplay eroges out there. Anything that tries overly hard to make sex a part of all aspects of gameplay gets boring extremely fast or are interesting to play but not fappable.


Sep 7, 2022
Again, I'm gonna have to challenge your entire premise. Why would you be so insistent on the gameplay being fappable?
I'm not sure I agree with everything OP has to say, but I think your rebuttal misses the mark in a big way. Active fapping is not the goal of "intermittent content" because active fapping is not the only time someone is turned on.

One of the big things a lot of people seem to have a hard time recognizing and thinking about is that the actual fap is one small part of the larger build up of erotic tension. Games that do a good job of building erotic tension before the payoff do hit harder.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
generally in a story you want to create contrast between different modes and emotions, not a constant level of excitement. you want peaks and valleys, joy and desperation, climax and frustration taking turns and emphasizing each other. the most impactful sex scene doesn't follow from 'intermediate' sexual content filling up the uneventful times, it follows from frustration, blueballing, false starts, and THEN throwing in that big climax. writing is edging.

embrace the nonsexual parts to make that sex scene shine three times brighter.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I'm not sure I agree with everything OP has to say, but I think your rebuttal misses the mark in a big way. Active fapping is not the goal of "intermittent content" because active fapping is not the only time someone is turned on.

One of the big things a lot of people seem to have a hard time recognizing and thinking about is that the actual fap is one small part of the larger build up of erotic tension. Games that do a good job of building erotic tension before the payoff do hit harder.
I get that, but it's still just one direction you can take the game design in. Intermittent content could be as simple as a heroine that looks hot and some fan service along the way, although I'm not quite sure OP would count something like that. But having core gameplay that is intimately tied to sexual themes is not at all necessary, imo. That's just the preference of the OP and nothing else.

I have my own preferences and experiences while playing porn games. To me, the best gameplay eroges are fun traditional games first with added sex content. Venus Blood, Daibanchou, and some well designed RPGM stuff, for example. On the other hand, let's say there is some platformer and the core gameplay is the girl going around getting rape animations from monsters. Then I have to think, what's the point of this content (Personally. I know there are fans of this stuff)? It's not arousing and it's not fun gameplay. But if the platformer was designed like a fun with a hot girl and there are occasional full sex scenes? That looks great to me.

The thing with OP is that he tends to present his case as a guideline for porn game development when it's actually closer to his personal criteria and preferences.

Fundamentally, I fail to see the benefit of an idealogy that dictates that gameplay aspects must be related to sex or be designed to arouse the player.
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May 18, 2021
That was a massive wall of text...
And reading all of that...
I don't regret doing that at all...
However... I prefer getting excited instead of being perma-semi-hard...
Usually, one sex scene isn't enough to get me cumming, and given how long it can be between sex scenes, the next one might not be either. I had like, a graph somewhere but I'm too lazy to find it.

Imagine a graph with a line representing the player's arousal/willingness to cum, and hitting the top of the graph is when the player cums. When a sex scene is shown it spikes, but by the time another one occurs, it's back to where it was before. But if smaller sexual content was shown between the normal sex scenes, then we'd create an upward trend instead of just a pattern.

generally in a story you want to create contrast between different modes and emotions, not a constant level of excitement. you want peaks and valleys, joy and desperation, climax and frustration taking turns and emphasizing each other. the most impactful sex scene doesn't follow from 'intermediate' sexual content filling up the uneventful times, it follows from frustration, blueballing, false starts, and THEN throwing in that big climax. writing is edging.

embrace the nonsexual parts to make that sex scene shine three times brighter.
This doesn't make for a very good pornographic experience IMO. Maybe this is just me, but I don't start jerking off before I get onto the porn site, only once I find content I like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Usually, one sex scene isn't enough to get me cumming, and given how long it can be between sex scenes, the next one might not be either. I had like, a graph somewhere but I'm too lazy to find it.

Imagine a graph with a line representing the player's arousal/willingness to cum, and hitting the top of the graph is when the player cums. When a sex scene is shown it spikes, but by the time another one occurs, it's back to where it was before. But if smaller sexual content was shown between the normal sex scenes, then we'd create an upward trend instead of just a pattern.
Oh... I play games for the story... so that's the difference between us...


May 18, 2021
Oh... I play games for the story... so that's the difference between us...
Ah, the post is under the assumption that the player intends to masturbate to the game's sexual content. I believe I mentioned that in the prelude.

I mean, there are some games like Black Souls I play for the story and gameplay but not the sexual content. Then again you could also argue it's not really meant to be fapped to given the artstyle.
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May 18, 2021
Again, I'm gonna have to challenge your entire premise. Why would you be so insistent on the gameplay being fappable?
Because gameplay is usually 80-95% of a game, but those 80-90% are games that are especially story heavy for their genre and not everything outside of gameplay is sexual content. Fuck, I remember playing a popular VN that was like 95% non-sexual content and it was boring as hell. And yes, it was a porn game.

From what I remember, you say RPG/strategy/whatever gameplay with intermittent story mediated sex scenes are not real porn games (or at least not ideal ones). You need the actual gameplay aspects to be about arousal and sex. Battle fuck, brothel management, trainer, or something like that would be the most straightforward answer, although I understand you have other ideas for such sex focused gameplay as well. I've played my fair share of battle fuck and management type of games, and let me tell you, I never stay aroused during those. I'm not fapping with one hand while fighting with the other. And the arousal factor is almost non existent in the first place because these gameplay asepcts, while directly sexual in nature, are mechanical because they are not deliberately constructed scenes. You can't construct full scene with dialogues, build up, and unique composition for such routine gameplay sex elements. So these kinds of sexual content can hardly be called arousing, let alone fappable.
Under the assumption story is above all, of course. Actually, I believe there is a considerably higher amount of porn with no/little story than porn with. Is that large majority 'hardly able to be called arousing, let alone fappable'?

Oh, and by the way, while the general ideas of the old posts remain, these are the new fine details.

If you say they are your "intermittent sex content" and are not supposed to be fappable, well, what's the point? It can actually be less conductive to busting a nut later on when you are bombarded with meaningless sex all the time. Carefully constructed character arc and impactful sex scenes in a scenario that isn't all about sex can potentially be more arousing.
The idea is they maintain the arousal of the player between the main sexual content. They don't "finish the job", but they don't let the boner vanish, which is the main problem with heavily restricting ourselves to how much sexual content can be shown.

..But I will say that sex scenes and fetishes added to a great "normal game" gameplay are the best gameplay eroges out there. Anything that tries overly hard to make sex a part of all aspects of gameplay gets boring extremely fast or are interesting to play but not fappable.
Best gameplay is different than best pornographic experience. Triumph in one area doesn't mean triumph in another.

I never said this had to be ALL OF THE GAMEPLAY too, just a factor with notable presence. Even then, there are fans of pure sex games, though I wouldn't call them all great games.


May 18, 2021
I get that, but it's still just one direction you can take the game design in. Intermittent content could be as simple as a heroine that looks hot and some fan service along the way, although I'm not quite sure OP would count something like that. But having core gameplay that is intimately tied to sexual themes is not at all necessary, imo. That's just the preference of the OP and nothing else.
That would probably count as passive content, but almost certainly not enough to really keep the player aroused.

I have my own preferences and experiences while playing porn games. To me, the best gameplay eroges are fun traditional games first with added sex content. Venus Blood, Daibanchou, and some well designed RPGM stuff, for example. On the other hand, let's say there is some platformer and the core gameplay is the girl going around getting rape animations from monsters. Then I have to think, what's the point of this content (Personally. I know there are fans of this stuff)? It's not arousing and it's not fun gameplay. But if the platformer was designed like a fun with a hot girl and there are occasional full sex scenes? That looks great to me.
Again, Intermediate Content is used in combination with full sex scenes. Not one or the other.

The thing with OP is that he tends to present his case as a guideline for porn game development when it's actually closer to his personal criteria and preferences.
I actually say that certain games don't fit the criteria for Intermediate Content to be useful, but you say "You can't construct full scene with dialogues, build up, and unique composition for such routine gameplay sex elements. So these kinds (sexual content without dialogue, buildup, or unique composition (sorry it's not a game of twister?)) of sexual content can hardly be called arousing, let alone fappable.". As if that applies to every game out there to every person.

Fundamentally, I fail to see the benefit of an idealogy that dictates that gameplay aspects must be related to sex or be designed to arouse the player.
I've already responded to this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Well, you mentioned edging before any sexual content is even shown, even after blueballs.
I'm talking about structuring the story, how to write it out in a way the maximizes the impact of your big moments. you NEED the downtime or the climax will feel meh. if you fill the downtime with 'intermediate sex' it will undermine the climax.


May 18, 2021
I'm talking about structuring the story, how to write it out in a way the maximizes the impact of your big moments. you NEED the downtime or the climax will feel meh. if you fill the downtime with 'intermediate sex' it will undermine the climax.
Yeah, maybe in like, a VN where there's only story, story, and more story. If I'm fighting aliens/orcs/zombies/bad guys between sex scenes, there's not going to be much building up unless we add sexual content in the gameplay.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Yeah, maybe in like, a VN where there's only story, story, and more story. If I'm fighting aliens/orcs/zombies/bad guys between sex scenes, there's not going to be much building up unless we add sexual content in the gameplay.
if your game is just a shooter with reward sex scenes it's never gonna have an arc anyway. it's a shooter. I guess if you insist on making that kind of game fappable you'll just have to extend the sex scenes. but it'll probably ruin the rest of the game.

but if it has a more complex structure like an RPG you're by definition dealing with a story structure. having a more complex game structure in itself is a story, and you'll want to treat it as storytelling.


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
Not sure which games do you actually refer to after remving:

  • Visual Novels. They do not feature gameplay and are essentially a digital book.
  • Sex Simulators. Similar to VN's, but they don't even have a story.
  • Adult games. Sexual content may be present, but it is not attended to arouse like pornography does.
  • Literal Sex Games.